Fight For Your Marriage Podcast

Rejoice Marriage Ministries

Restoring Lives & Healing Hearts

  • 43 minutes 48 seconds
    Ep 185 - Faith Journey – Personal Stories of God’s Goodness

    During our 30th ministry anniversary celebration, we had the opportunity to sit down with several people and hear their testimonies.


    In this episode, we share some of those stories. You will be inspired as you hear the faithfulness of these people, even in hard circumstances. Please make sure you listen until the end for a precious testimony from one of our youngest contributors.

    17 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Ep 184 - 30 Year Celebration

    We are so thankful for the opportunity the Lord gave us to celebrate 30 years of ministry! We want to thank those who took time out of their schedules to come to South Florida and celebrate with us.


    For those who didn’t make it, we didn’t want you to feel left out. In this episode, we will share the recording of this wonderful milestone evening. You will hear testimonies from Jennifer & John Wesley, an update from Greg & Missy, and encouragement from Charlyne and Lori. Keep fighting for your marriage!

    3 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 16 minutes 32 seconds
    Ep 183 - A Message to A Prodigal

    In this episode, we share a message from Bob Steinkamp, a returned prodigal. He encourages people who have walked away from their families to reconsider their position.


    Sometimes, it can feel like there is no hope. It may seem the damage is too great. This message, given many years ago in a church, will still resonate with you today. There is hope for every prodigal!

    19 June 2024, 4:00 am
  • 41 minutes 53 seconds
    Ep 182 - Faith in Action: Seeing Others in Our Trials

    Have your circumstances landed you in a place where you have turned inward instead of seeing others around you? Every person was created by God, and they are special.


    In this episode, we talk about how we can be ambassadors for Christ even when we are facing hardships in our own lives. You will walk away with practical tips for making a difference in someone else's life. 


    Guests: Rick and Donna Fernandez from Ambassadors for Christ

    5 June 2024, 4:00 am
  • 53 minutes 48 seconds
    Ep 181 - Are You Willing to Wait for God’s Timing in Your Life?

    Mary has been fighting for marriage restoration for a long time. We know how weary a person can become in a season of waiting, but you won’t see that in Mary right now. While there have been seasons that have been challenging, Mary tells us how the Lord has sustained her in the waiting. In this episode, Mary will share her story and testimony of God’s faithfulness in her life.


    Whether you have been waiting for restoration for a long time or are new to the journey, Mary’s words and her profound dependence on the Lord will resonate with you. Her story is not just about her, it's about all of us who have experienced the pain of waiting and the hope of restoration.


    How To Keep Your In-Law Relationships Strong After Separation or Divorce

    22 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Ep 180 - Beauty from Ashes – Update with Brad and Anne

    You may remember the testimony we shared from Brad and Anne. Their situation looked impossible. Brad was in prison both spiritually and physically. He surrendered his life to God and saw his life and marriage restored.


    Since their restoration, Anne wrote a book sharing the work God did in their lives. We sat down with Brad and Anne and got an update on life since we last spoke. Stay tuned after our talk, and you will hear their original testimony.


    Beauty from Ashes Book


    8 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Ep 179 - From a Messed up to Meaningful Life with Comedian Jeff Allen

    Comedian Jeff Allen joins us to talk about overcoming alcoholism, drug addiction, and a failing marriage. Jeff was once filled with anger and trying all the world had to offer to find peace.


    God’s perfect timing led Jeff to surrender his life to Christ. Jeff finally experienced the peace he had been searching for. Hear what made Jeff and his wife Tammy tear up their divorce papers and what is happening in their marriage.


    Are We There Yet?: My Journey from a Messed Up to Meaningful Life

    24 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 20 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep 178 - Should I Forgive My Spouse

    We have been focusing on forgiveness lately in recent episodes and want to continue that topic. Have you ever wondered if your spouse is worthy of your forgiveness? “If God can forgive me for the things I have done, I can forgive my husband and fight for my marriage.” Lori, a woman who is standing for the healing of her marriage, spoke those powerful words.


    As Lori, a stander in Georgia, shared her testimony publicly, she reminded herself of why she decided to fight for her marriage. We can forgive just as we have been forgiven. This flashback episode will strengthen your resolve to forgive your spouse and encourage you to pray for your marriage to be all God wants.

    10 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 53 minutes 8 seconds
    Ep 177 - Testimony of a Restored Marriage – Chris & Steph

    Chris and Steph thought they were living a fairytale romance. They both grew up in church, met as teenagers, married, and started their lives together, serving God. Everything seemed to be going well, until it wasn’t.

    Chris was struggling with his faith and decided a divorce and walking away from God would help answer the many questions he had. Through the mercy of Christ, He had other plans for Chris and Steph. Plans to bring a miracle out of the dust. 

    Learn more about Chris & Steph

    Out of the Dust Music

    27 March 2024, 4:00 am
  • 44 minutes 1 second
    Ep 176 - Learning How to Forgive with Dr. Bruce and Toni Hebel

    Forgiving each other is talked about very clearly in the Bible, yet we often make it difficult. Dr. Bruce Hebel and his wife Toni are our guests on this episode. They share their journey to finding healing through forgiving forward. They will discuss why it is important to forgive, share Biblical truth behind the power of forgiving and give you practical steps to find freedom in forgiveness.


    You will better understand why Jesus is the only one who can pay the full debt of sin, uncover obstacles to forgiveness, and learn how to apply their protocols to your own life so you can find healing.


    Forgiving Forward Ministries

    13 March 2024, 4:00 am
  • 28 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep 175 - Thirty Years Strong! Celebrating Miracles and a Fun Announcement

    Rejoice Marriage Ministries is celebrating our 30th anniversary! We have been walking down memory lane and remembering all the ways God has grown our faith as we watch Him change lives and transform marriages.


    You will hear how Rejoice Marriage Ministries began and some of the struggles and triumphs along the way. Stick around until the end and listen to a special announcement.


    Get on the 30th Anniversary Celebration waitlist here:

    28 February 2024, 5:00 am
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