Navigating Parenthood


THE PODCAST PARENTS NEED Being a parent can be the greatest and the hardest thing you’ll ever do. In Navigating Parenthood, brought to you by HCF, parents and experts share their stories – the joys and stress, the advice and the insight. In the first 3 seasons of our podcast series, we explore the most challenging periods of any parent’s life: from taking those first baby steps in season 1, Baby Steps, to staying in step with our teens in season 2, Talking to Teens, to the juggles and struggles of raising healthy happy kids in season 3, Imperfect Parents. In season 4, Growing Great Tweens, our host Dylan Lewis chats to parents about those years between 8 and 12, when our kids are navigating the journey from childhood to teenage-hood, providing tips on how to talk to and connect with our tweens along the way. With special guests like Pia Miranda, Susie Maroney, Robbie Buck, Meshel Laurie, Sean Szeps, Andy Saunders, and David McCormack (who you might know as the voice of Bluey’s Dad), we explore topics like identity, resilience, technology and the online universe, friendships, and more. Listen to the episodes below.   This podcast contains general health information and shouldn't be relied on as medical advice. If you have any health concerns, speak to your doctor. HCF doesn't endorse any statements or opinions made during the podcast. If the podcast makes you feel depressed or anxious and you need to talk to someone straight away, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

  • 34 minutes 52 seconds
    We are family

    In a day and age when we’re so connected it sometimes feels like we’re moving further apart. And if you think your tweens are growing at an alarming rate, it’s probably because they are! But there are plenty of ways to stay connected to your kids and make sure that family time is quality time.

    Join Dylan Lewis once more as he chats with Dave McCormack and Robbie Buck about the pressure to spend one-on-one time with your kids in a large family and what they do to maintain and strengthen family connections.

    In this final episode of Navigating Parenthood: Growing Great Tweens, brought to you by HCF we find out what it takes to make lasting memories and connect as a family.

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    15 June 2022, 7:30 pm
  • 35 minutes 14 seconds
    Parenting past pink and blue

    As much as we tell our kids they can be or do anything, external messages may slip in. Gender stereotypes we thought we’d retired long ago are still reinforced in popular culture, online or even the playground and teaching our tweens to recognise these gendered norms is the first step. How can we raise this next generation differently and how do we teach our tweens that no one is built for any one box?

    Join host, Dylan Lewis, for an insightful chat with Meshel Laurie and Sean Szeps, who are each raising fraternal twins. They talk role models, toys and how to have those tricky gender-identity discussions with your kids.

    On this episode of Navigating Parenthood: Growing Great Tweens, brought to you by HCF we look at the gender stereotypes still impacting our kids.

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    8 June 2022, 7:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 38 seconds
    The friendship formula

    Making friends isn’t always an easy thing. Throw in transitioning from primary school to high school, social media and external pressures and those friendships become more important than ever. But how do we teach kids to not only be good friends but what to expect from their peers in return. When does peer influence become peer pressure?

    Join host Dylan Lewis as he speaks to Pia Miranda and George Georgievski, two parents of tweens who know navigating young friendships all too well, to find out when to respect your child’s friendship choices and if it’s ever okay to meddle.

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood: Growing Great Tweens, brought to you by HCF, we discuss the difference between primary school and high school friends as well as friendship advice for your tween at home.

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    1 June 2022, 7:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 57 seconds
    Are you game? Tweens and gaming – rewrite the story

    With so much learning, socialising and gaming done online, there is a fine line both parents and their tweens walk when navigating the world of tech and kids. Technology is an integral part of their lives and with that comes a lot of benefits. But how do we keep our kids safe online and protect their privacy, while allowing them to prosper both scholarly and socially?

    Listen to Dylan Lewis chat through tweens, gaming and technology with Dr Catriona Wallace and Mark Serrels, 2 experts (and parents) in the field, to find out what tech rules are worth ditching and how to raise savvy children in a very connected world.

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood: Growing Great Tweens, brought to you by HCF, we discuss the benefits of kids gaming online and how parents can get in on the action too.

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    25 May 2022, 7:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 25 seconds
    Made with strength, love and resilience

    The tween years are such a transformative time for kids. As they begin to find their place in the world, they’re also navigating that jump from primary school to high school and all the challenges that come with it. So how do we prepare children for the future? Is it as simple as raising resilient kids and letting them tackle these next stages head on? 

    Host and tween-dad Dylan Lewis chats with Lauren Patterson and Susie Maroney about building mental strength in their tweens, resilience and when it’s best to let your little ones tackle tricky situations on their own.  

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood: Growing Great Tweens, brought to you by HCF, we find out what it takes to be mentally strong not only as a tween, but as a parent of tweens too! 

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    18 May 2022, 7:30 pm
  • 33 minutes 28 seconds
    Discovering me

    Navigating preadolescence is scary enough but when questions arise around cultural identity or gender identity, things can get pretty overwhelming for our tweens. How do you parent a child who doesn’t feel at home in their own body? Or a kid dealing with prejudices and peer pressure on the playground? And how do we arm tweens with the self-confidence to find or even change their identity. 

    Dylan Lewis chats with Carolyn Tate, a mum of 3, whose eldest son started their transitioning journey when he was 12 years old after experiencing gender dysphoria. We also hear from Andy Saunders, a father of 2 and foster father of 2, whose relationship with his grandfather shaped the way he’s shared his Aboriginal heritage with his own kids. 

    In this first episode of Navigating Parenthood: Growing Great Tweens, brought to you by HCF, we talk about gender identity and diversity, as well as the importance of culture in shaping our young people.  

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    11 May 2022, 7:30 pm
  • 1 minute 36 seconds
    Season 4 - Growing Great Tweens

    Coming soon, our fourth and most recent season, Growing Great Tweens, where dad and host Dylan Lewis discusses the experience of raising today’s tweens with other parents. Speaking with familiar voices, like Susie Maroney, Robbie Buck and Pia Miranda, he tackles issues faced by many families, from raising mentally strong kids and navigating the online universe, to how to foster family connection and recognise the identity biases faced by children in preadolescence.

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    11 May 2022, 6:45 am
  • 49 minutes 46 seconds
    Parenting advice: looking back

    Life teaches us many things along the way, leaving us with valuable advice we can pass on to our kids, as well as other parents around us. Parenting is never easy, but looking back helps us celebrate successes and unpack how we’d do things differently.

    Jessica Rowe chats with parents at the top end of their parenting journey, with grown-up kids who have left the nest. She talks to a working mum juggling her career and now-adult kids, as well as two dads who became long-term foster parents. They reflect how they’ve done their best working through all of life’s surprises and what they know for sure about parenting.

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood – Imperfect Parents, brought to you by HCF, we hear the insights and tips from parents who’ve faced unique challenges of their own.

    Hosted by Jessica Rowe
    Featured expert: Lydia Black from PSYCH2U

    For more help with your and your family’s mental health, head to HCF’s mental health support resources.

    Need help?
    If you’re interested in becoming a foster parent, visit the government’s information about foster care.

    If you feel depressed or anxious, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. For health concerns, speak to your doctor. HCF doesn't endorse any statements or opinions made during the podcast. This podcast contains general health information and shouldn't be relied on as medical advice.

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    16 March 2021, 3:15 am
  • 33 minutes 36 seconds
    Single mum by choice: why I chose a sperm donor

    For some, the first parenting challenge is actually having children – maybe it hasn’t been a possibility till later in life. Many women are delaying having a family well into their 30s and beyond so they can focus on other areas of their lives. And some might not find their life partner before their ideal fertility years. So, what happens when a woman decides to go it alone? 

    Jessica Rowe chats with a woman who always wanted children but at the age of almost 40, her relationship fell apart. She was faced with a life-changing decision: to have a baby alone, or face the possibility that she may never have children. Fast forward to the present day and she’s now a happy and thriving single mum running her own business.

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood – Imperfect Parents, brought to you by HCF, we learn about the challenges women face when going it alone on the parenting front and how to find support to carry the mental load.

    Hosted by Jessica Rowe
    Featured expert: Lydia Black from PSYCH2U

    For more help with your and your family’s mental health, head to HCF’s mental health support resources.

    Need help?
    If you’re considering becoming a single mum through a donor, visit advocacy group Solo Mums By Choice, and’s information for single parents.

    If you feel depressed or anxious, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. For health concerns, speak to your doctor. HCF doesn't endorse any statements or opinions made during the podcast. This podcast contains general health information and shouldn't be relied on as medical advice.

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    16 March 2021, 3:15 am
  • 32 minutes 16 seconds
    How to stay positive while co-parenting

    Single-parent and blended families are just some of the many types of modern families. Raising a child can be difficult under any circumstance, but even more so if you’re going it alone. It can be hard and lonely. And how do you reach a place with your ex-partner that’s positive for your whole crew?

    Jessica Rowe chats with a parent who’s found a great co-parenting balance with her ex-partner, but their path has not been without its challenges.

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood – Imperfect Parents, brought to you by HCF, we learn about the struggles parents go through after separation, how to protect your kids from the break-up shrapnel and go on to thrive.

    Hosted by Jessica Rowe
    Featured expert: Lydia Black from PSYCH2U

    For more help with your and your family’s mental health, head to HCF’s mental health support resources.

    Need help?
    If you need help after a relationship breakdown, visit on helping children adjust after separation or divorce, co-parenting and blended families.

    If you feel depressed or anxious, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. For health concerns, speak to your doctor. HCF doesn't endorse any statements or opinions made during the podcast. This podcast contains general health information and shouldn't be relied on as medical advice.

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    16 March 2021, 3:14 am
  • 35 minutes 22 seconds
    Coping with stress and change in parenthood

    When you embark on family life, you hope to head down the safe and predictable road – healthy kids and partner, a job with enough income to live comfortably, and good mental health. But sometimes life can catch you unaware with a thunderbolt from the blue.

    Jessica Rowe chats with a mum about how her life took a very different turn to the one she had imagined. After a tough pregnancy with her first child, she was put on bed rest for the second half of her next pregnancy with twins. But not long after they were born, her partner was diagnosed with a brain tumour and she had to develop self-care strategies to cope. Life would never be the same.

    In this episode of Navigating Parenthood – Imperfect Parents, brought to you by HCF, we learn how to parent in times of unforeseen change, stress and upheaval.

    Hosted by Jessica Rowe
    Featured expert: Lydia Black from PSYCH2U

    For more help with your and your family’s mental health, head to HCF’s mental health support resources.

    Need help?
    If you need to create your own self-care strategies, read’s article on looking after yourself.

    If you feel depressed or anxious, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. For health concerns, speak to your doctor. HCF doesn't endorse any statements or opinions made during the podcast. This podcast contains general health information and shouldn't be relied on as medical advice.

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    16 March 2021, 3:14 am
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