WINNETKA is a ten-episode memoir created and produced by award-winning actress Jessica Harper, with original music. The podcast features the voices of the Harper family, who share in the telling of their remarkable story. 

  • 18 minutes 39 seconds
    10. Corrections
    While going through our father’s files after the funeral, Sam finds stunning information about Dad’s ancestry that bounces crazily off of our mother’s. But Dad had altered his legacy. Also, his overt appreciation of my daughters has a healing effect.
    1 April 2019, 9:00 am
  • 11 minutes 23 seconds
    Bonus Episode: A Preface To Revelation
    Dad's presence would be more keenly felt after the revelations that followed his funeral...
    28 March 2019, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 32 seconds
    9. The Ice Storm
    I regret missing Woodstock, and resolve to tune in, turn on and drop out. Soon, all but one of us have left or been expelled from school. Dad melts down, then rebounds and moves his family to New York, marking the end of our childhood.
    25 March 2019, 9:00 am
  • 6 minutes 56 seconds
    Bonus Story: Drug Reboot
    You really want to smoke pot? It's strong as f**k these days!
    21 March 2019, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 9 seconds
    8. Strange Land
    Just as Papa Harper dies of alcoholism, Dad gets promoted and moves his reluctant family to the east coast. Billy and Diana and I go to college, seeking sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, while the younger three are miserable in their new home.Just as Papa Harper dies of alcoholism, Dad gets promoted and moves his reluctant family to the east coast. Billy and Diana and I go to college, seeking sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, while the younger three are miserable in their new home.
    18 March 2019, 12:59 pm
  • 5 minutes 15 seconds
    Bonus Story: What We Wore
    You could just hear their golf clubs rattle as their parents realized their daughters were sleeping with hippies.
    14 March 2019, 9:00 am
  • 30 minutes 22 seconds
    7. Faith
    JFK’s assassination in ‘62 marks a sea change. I lose faith, while big sister Diana finds it, and marches for civil rights. My brothers commit a string of petty crimes, and Billy becomes the first to push back against Dad’s anger.  
    11 March 2019, 9:00 am
  • 5 minutes 17 seconds
    Bonus Story: Dancing School
    I had crossed a threshold, and Mom was on the other side.
    7 March 2019, 10:00 am
  • 28 minutes 57 seconds
    6. Survival
    By 1962, my little brothers emulate their father’s work ethic while they fear his unpredictable rages. But the Cuban Missile Crisis makes us aware of greater dangers in the world outside our home.
    4 March 2019, 10:00 am
  • 6 minutes 49 seconds
    Bonus Story: Colorado
    As was customary in our family, I opted out of confrontation in favor of the harbor-resentment-for-life plan.
    28 February 2019, 10:00 am
  • 38 minutes 38 seconds
    5. The Grandfather Report
    Mom comes from a long line of ministers, and the goodness persists in the Emery family. The actions of Dad’s father, Papa Harper, also echo those of his forebears, but goodness has nothing to do with it.
    25 February 2019, 10:00 am
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