Learning To Dad with Tyler Ross

Tyler Ross

Interviews about the overlap of business and family. Our guests are high achieving professionals, from Entrepreneurs to Priests to Congressmen, who've walked the path of hard charging professionals who were introduced to parenthood (and grand-parenthood) along the way. Through their experiences and lessons, we discover little nuggets of gold that might just influence our journey towards being great professionals AND great parents.

  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Donald Grothoff - LtD - Supporting Individuals with OCD: Understanding and Empathy

    Donald Grothoff is an EFT practitioner who helps individuals reduce anxiety and stress through tapping. He also works with parents and aging loved ones as part of the sandwich generation. Donald explains that tapping is an energy process that involves tapping on specific points of the body's meridians to bring down fight or flight response and reduce anxiety. He helps his clients identify negative thought patterns and work through them to lower anxiety levels. Donald shares his personal journey of transitioning from a web marketing business to becoming an EFT practitioner, driven by his passion for helping others. In this conversation, Donald Grothoff discusses his experience as a parent of children with OCD and the challenges they faced. He shares how the disorder affected his daughters and the impact it had on their lives. Donald also talks about the importance of understanding and compassion in dealing with OCD and how it can be managed. He emphasizes the need for effective communication and the role it played in his relationship with his wife. Donald reflects on the lessons he learned from his experiences and how they shaped him as a person and a parent.

    About Guest, Donald Grothoff:
    I’m Don Grothoff, a Dad, EFT Practitioner, and, Mindset Coach. When I had my second child, I had no idea she would have OCD and the tough journey she would take us through. Then to find my youngest suffering from it, we relived the whole journey again. This painful anxiety disorder crippled both kids, me, and my family.

    While their OCD never went away, the girls, my family, and I have learned to manage it. I became dedicated to learning methods that I could use to help them and the family cope, bring down anxiety, and eventually manage their OCD.

    I decided to use the skills I acquired as a Dad and from Emotional Freedom Techniques training to be a mindset coach for individuals and families to handle the curveballs that life throws their way. I use my skills in naturopathic and holistic doctors’ offices to help patients through their healing process, make them more efficient, healthy and satisfied patient.

    16 October 2024, 5:00 am
  • 55 minutes 3 seconds
    Jalisa Hardy - LtD - Embracing Fun and Ease in Life

    Jalisa Hardy, a holistic health practitioner and spiritual alchemist, shares her journey of self-discovery and the importance of embracing our authentic selves. She discusses human design and how it can help us understand our unique energy types and live a more aligned life. Jalisa also talks about the power of imagination and reconnecting with our inner child. She emphasizes the importance of deconditioning and unlearning societal beliefs that limit us. Through her work, Jalisa empowers others to tap into their supernatural potential and manifest the life they desire. Jalisa Hardy, HHP shares her insights on making tasks fun and easy, embracing inner child healing, and living authentically. She emphasizes the importance of play, meditation, and emotional freedom techniques in finding joy and peace in life. Jalisa also discusses her journey as a single mom, leaving an abusive relationship, and the support system that helped her thrive. She highlights the significance of self-care, selflessness, and patience in single motherhood. Jalisa's message to future generations is to remember that they are enough.

    About Guest, Jalisa Hardy:
    While I may not fit the typical profile of a "dad," as a single mother of three young children, I bring a unique perspective to the topic of parenting as an entrepreneur. With my diverse background as a licensed minister, self-published author, Human Design Expert, Spiritual Alchemist, Trauma of Money Certified Professional, and Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, I have valuable insights to share on balancing the demands of entrepreneurship with the responsibilities of parenthood. My journey as a single mother navigating the realms of spirituality, holistic health, and personal growth while raising my children could offer your audience a fresh perspective on parenting and entrepreneurship.

    9 October 2024, 5:00 am
  • 43 minutes 58 seconds
    Jason Jablonski - LtD - Being a Positive Role Model for Your Children

    Jason Jablonski, owner of a plumbing, heating, and electrical company, shares his experience of running a business in a small town in Canada. He discusses the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur, including the importance of hiring the right people and maintaining a positive company culture. Jason also talks about the transition from being an employee to a business owner, the role of family in the business, and the impact of having children on taking risks. He emphasizes the value of communication and the need to prioritize time for oneself and one's spouse. In this conversation, Jason Jablonski shares his insights on effective communication, raising kids, and being a role model. He emphasizes the importance of taking time to calm down before engaging in difficult conversations and highlights the value of daily family prayer time. Jason discusses the differences among his children and offers advice on navigating the preteen phase. He also talks about the role of the community in raising kids and the advantages and disadvantages of technology. Jason shares his aspirations for his children, including independence and faith, and discusses the balance between his role as a father and his wife's role as a mother. He reflects on the milestones of parenthood and the skills he hopes to teach his kids. Jason concludes by encouraging future generations to be the person they needed in their darkest days and to use their experiences to help others.

    About Guest, Jason Jablonksi:
    Jason Jablonski is a multi million dollar business owner. He owns and founded an electric company 12 years ago. Over these 12 years he got married, had 5 kids, and underwent many struggles all while running a successful Electric, Plumbing and Heating company. Jason is involved and is learning from many coaches as he continues to grow his business. 

    2 October 2024, 5:00 am
  • 56 minutes 46 seconds
    Kyle Jetsel - LtD - The Power of Small Actions: Creating a Positive World

    Kyle Jetsel shares his journey of parenting six kids, including an autistic child, and overcoming challenges such as defiance and suicidal thoughts. He discusses his evolution from ruling with an iron fist to adopting a more loving and patient approach. Kyle emphasizes the importance of showing love even in difficult moments and shares a transformative experience with his autistic son. He also highlights the need for self-discovery, setting goals, and working as a team with his wife to create a happy and thriving family. Kyle Jetsel shares his approach to accountability and self-forgiveness, emphasizing the importance of giving oneself grace and continuously striving for improvement. He also discusses how he managed the sudden loss of his wife and the process of supporting his family through grief. Kyle highlights the significance of taking action and not waiting to make positive changes in life. He encourages fathers to prioritize emotional control, set aside their egos, and model love for their wives. Kyle believes that the gift of a strong and loving marital relationship would have a profound impact on individuals and society as a whole. He finds the most love in prayer, where he feels a deep connection to divinity and a sense of purpose.

    About Guest, Kyle Jetsel:
    My name is Kyle Jetsel and For years I (and My now deceased wife, Shelly) struggled raising our 6 “strong-willed” kids. Nothing seemed to be off-limits for this “seemingly feral” crew. From biting, kicking and screaming... to defiance, arguments, fights and threats... to then... even physical confrontation with us. As the challenges mounted (oppositional defiance, suicidal thoughts and ideation, autism spectrum, etc., etc...) we spared no expense. When the books and training and specialists and therapists failed to help us with our "AT HOME" challenges, we made it our business to better understand how we could parent our kiddos in a spirit of love. Through the "secrets" we learned, we dramatically LOWERED STRESS for everyone and TRANSFORMED our family... even AS we raised our “spirited” kids. Now, WE TEACH that same framework and recipe to other families so they can become what our family has become. A top 1% happy family.

    25 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 48 minutes 33 seconds
    Riana Milne - LtD - The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adults: Breaking the Cycle

    Coach Riana Milne is a global life, love, trauma recovery, and mindset coach who specializes in helping parents raise successful and emotionally happy kids. She has worked with kids of all ages, from kindergarten to college, and has experience in mental health counseling in schools. Coach Riana emphasizes the importance of teaching mindset for success from a young age and instilling confidence and belief in children's dreams. She also discusses the impact of childhood trauma on adults and the top 10 traumas that children commonly experience. Coach Riana Milne discusses the top 10 traumas that can impact adults and how they can affect parenting. She emphasizes the importance of identifying and healing childhood trauma to create a happy and successful life. Riana shares her personal journey of finding her mission in life after experiencing childhood trauma and the lack of healing she received. She also highlights the significance of mindset work and cultivating talents in children. Riana encourages parents to teach their children the value of money, the importance of working early, and the power of behavior modification. She concludes by expressing her love for her family and her passion for helping children in schools.

    About Guest, Riana Milne:
    For over 24 years, I specialized as a Trauma Recovery Mental Health Counselor & Life, Love & Mindset Coach in healing adults with Unconscious Childhood & Relationship Trauma. I help them to Create the Life They Desire & Have the Love They Deserve - AND to be GREAT Parents! Research shows in 2021 that 100% of us have Childhood Trauma; and is a HUGE Influence on our Success in Life, Love & Business, and it can be healed! It shows up as anxiety, depression, domestic violence, addiction, perfectionism, people-pleasing, codependency, love addiction, jealousy, control, anger, fear of success, constant firings, workaholism, bullying, or reaching success but suffering in love. My own Childhood & Love Traumas led me to my research and create my Mission to Help Change the Way the World Loves. I'm a #1 Bestseller of LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve and LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success. My work resulted in being featured in Forbes, NY Weekly Magazine, Disrupt Magazine, Influencer Daily, and Spotlight On Business; as well as being selected by Wealth Insider Magazine as "One of The Top 10 Coaches to Follow in 2022" and in 2021 I was selected as One of “Top 100 Successful Women Around the World."

    18 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 45 minutes 13 seconds
    Roy Dekel - LtD - The Entrepreneurial Journey of Roy Dekel: Mindset, Maintenance, and Coping Mechanisms

    Roy Dekel, a serial entrepreneur, discusses his journey in building multiple companies and his focus on solving problems for small business owners through technology, particularly in the real estate industry. He emphasizes the importance of finding complementary partners and building a strong team. Roy also shares insights on hiring and the significance of hiring slow and firing fast. He highlights the need for a clear definition of the perfect job and the importance of prioritizing family and communication while starting a new venture. In this conversation, Roy Dekel discusses the importance of time management and prioritizing family. He emphasizes the need to address regrets and make adjustments to spend more quality time with loved ones. Roy also shares his strategies for maintaining a positive mindset, including avoiding negative coping mechanisms and engaging in mind exercises. He highlights the importance of intentional thinking and not caring about things that don't truly impact one's life. Roy discusses his approach to parenting, focusing on love, freedom, and support, and allowing his children to make mistakes. He also reflects on the contrast between his own upbringing in Israel and his children's upbringing in California. Roy emphasizes the importance of building character and preparing children for the world. He shares his role as a father to a five-year-old versus his role with his older children, and the need for balance and boundaries. Lastly, Roy discusses the characteristics of a super dad, the skill of entrepreneurship he enjoys teaching his kids, and the importance of love and support in raising good children.

    About Guest, Roy Dekel:
    Roy Dekel, is an America-Israeli businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He co-founded and invested in numerous successful businesses, including SetSchedule, Rentastic, and Taskable. With an unwavering commitment to driving innovation in enterprise and consumer tech, Roy has consistently pushed the boundaries of what's possible in the business world.
    As a devoted father to two boys and one girl, Roy adeptly navigates the busy schedule of driving between sports practices, dance recitals, school events, and occasionally bringing his children to the office. Amidst the demands of being a full-time entrepreneur, Roy has mastered the art of balancing his professional responsibilities with his role as a dedicated father. Through strategic time management and a nurturing approach, he has created a supportive environment for his children to thrive while pursuing his entrepreneurial endeavors. Roy's ability to successfully juggle the challenges of entrepreneurship and parenthood serves as an inspiring example for fellow entrepreneurs navigating similar paths.

    11 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 50 minutes 40 seconds
    James Gebhardt - LtD - Balancing Work and Family: A Father's Perspective

    Noah, the founder of MyArkit.com, discusses his unique business that helps people preserve and digitize their memories. He shares his motivation for starting the business, which stemmed from wanting to capture and pass down memories of his parents. Noah emphasizes the importance of digitizing memories to prevent them from being lost over time. He also talks about the challenges of being an entrepreneur while parenting his children and offers advice for being a good father. Noah reflects on the differences between being a dad and a grandfather, highlighting the joy and indulgence that comes with being a grandparent. He also discusses the balance between being a dad, a husband, and a provider, acknowledging the challenges of finding the right balance. Noah shares his experiences as a father and offers insights on maintaining a work-life balance, fostering a love for reading and learning in children, and the importance of community. He emphasizes the value of patience, a sense of humor, and curiosity in being a good father. Noah also discusses the transitions he made in his career and the importance of having a positive mindset. He highlights the significance of communication and empathy in relationships and encourages future generations to live by the golden rule.

    About Guest, James Gebhardt:
    MyArkit.com is an online digital archival company preserving the legacy of loved ones and friends. We live our lives digitally, cradle too grave, and we save them to devices or clouds or social media sites that will either delete you, censor you, or you’ll get lost due to faulty equipment or careless handling. We have thousands of pictures and videos on our devices that get clicked away with no story behind the images that give them real meaning and emotion. Imagine you’re great great grandkids being able to bring up your life in your words and thoughts. People want to be remembered.

    4 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 58 minutes 7 seconds
    Naresh Vissa - LtD - Instilling Confidence and Independence in Children

    Naresh Vissa discusses his move from Baltimore to Tampa and his reasons for choosing Tampa as his new home. He also talks about his career in digital media and marketing, as well as his venture into real estate investing. Naresh shares his perspective on the Florida housing market and the opportunities it presents. He also discusses his experience as a parent and the challenges and joys of raising two young children. Naresh Vissa discusses the importance of early childhood development and the impact it has on raising confident and independent adults. He shares his own parenting philosophy and the activities he exposes his children to in order to instill passion, values, and principles. Naresh emphasizes the significance of sociability, self-sufficiency, and efficiency in raising adults. He also highlights the importance of confidence and likability in navigating through life. Naresh encourages fathers to be actively involved in their children's lives from a young age and to cherish every moment.

    About Guest, Naresh Vissa:
    Naresh Vissa is Founder and CEO of Krish Media & Marketing – a full service online and digital media and marketing agency. He has worked with leading publishers, media firms and institutions such as CNN Radio, JP Morgan Chase, EverBank, The Institute for Energy Research, Houston Rockets, Houston Astros, the American Junior Golf Association, Agora Publishing, and Stansberry Research.

    Naresh helped launch an online radio network generating six-figures in monthly revenue.  He managed the production and marketing for the first online retail physical precious metals trading platform. He’s a #1 bestselling author of PODCASTNOMICS: The Book Of Podcasting… To Make You Millions and has been featured on USA Today, Yahoo!, Bloomberg, MSNBC, Huffington Post, Business Week, MSN Money, Business Insider, India Today, and the Hindustan Times. He was also the Director of Media Strategy at the largest private and independent financial publisher in the world.

    In 2009, Naresh co-hosted the top-rated financial talk show in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolis, The Wall Street Shuffle. He has booked more than 1,500 experts in the fields of finance, economics, business management & consulting, self-help, leadership, sales and marketing.

    Naresh aided the Houston Rockets’ staff in selecting draft picks Aaron Brooks, Carl Landry and Donte Greene in the 2007 and 2008 NBA Drafts.

    Naresh took as many as 27 credit hours a semester while at Syracuse University, and he graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Renée Crown University Honors Program, triple majoring in broadcast and digital journalism, finance, and accounting at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and Martin J. Whitman School of Management. Morgan Stanley nominated him as an Emerging Student Leader. During his junior and senior years, he served as an analyst for the Orange Value Fund, where he managed an investment portfolio in excess of $1.2 million of private investor money. Upon graduation, he was awarded as a high-achieving student in his class.

    Naresh earned a Master’s Degree from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, concurrently working as an admissions recruitment coordinator, marketing and communications blogger, and strategy research assistant to Executive in Residence Professor Bill Sax. A former academic tutor, counselor to underrepresented students, and middle school assistant basketball coach at the nationally renowned Village School in Houston, Naresh frequently donates his time to community service and social advocacy. He holds a first-degree Black Belt in Taekwondo.

    28 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 48 minutes 39 seconds
    Jeff Glauser - LtD - Moments of Love and Reflection

    Jeff Glauser shares his personal journey of growth and transformation over the past five years. He discusses the challenges he faced during his divorce and the importance of open communication with his children. Jeff emphasizes the significance of creating daily habits and routines to improve mental and physical well-being. He also highlights the power of storytelling in connecting with others and conveying messages effectively. Jeff's evolution in his career has been driven by finding his ikigai, the intersection of passion, purpose, and vocation. Jeff Glauser emphasizes the importance of staying focused on finding your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA) and leading by example. He discusses the value of journaling and setting daily prompts to align with your ICA. Jeff also shares his perspective on discomfort and how he has learned to identify and address it proactively. He highlights the importance of acceptance and not suffering unnecessarily. Jeff talks about the challenges and blessings of working from home as a father, emphasizing the need for boundaries and balance. He also discusses the role of a father and the characteristics he wants to cultivate in his children. Jeff's favorite movies include 'It's a Wonderful Life,' 'Network,' and 'Airplane.' He believes that every father should have a supportive community and encourages vulnerability and leaning on others. Jeff can be found on LinkedIn and his website, Brandscribed.com.

    About Guest, Jeff Glauser:
    I'm a dad of two kids two years into a work-from-home entrepreneurial journey.

    21 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Mark Aylward - LtD - Life Lessons and Personal Growth: Insights from a Single Father

    In this conversation, Mark and Tyler discuss mentorship, finding one's passion, and the importance of authenticity and resilience. Mark shares his experiences as a mentor and how it has impacted his life. They also touch on the challenges of divorce and raising children. Mark emphasizes the value of team sports in teaching resilience and the importance of self-reflection and personal accountability. He offers advice on finding one's path in life and the power of storytelling. Mark reflects on his role as a father and the challenges he faced as a single parent. He emphasizes the importance of being present, listening, and providing support and love to his children. Mark also discusses the evolution of his own perspective on relationships and the qualities he believes every father should have, including patience, authenticity, and the ability to listen. He shares his admiration for his own father and the impact he had on his life. Mark concludes by expressing his gratitude and love for his family and the importance of living in the present moment.

    About Guest, Mark Aylward:
    I have been an entrepreneur my whole life and raised three kids solo while navigating a contentious divorce where I got sole custody as my own attorney (I'm not an attorney). My kids are young adults now.
    I have 35 years experience in the technical staffing space as an owner/operator.  I've generated over $75 million in revenue and have created 4 millionaires that I am aware of.  I built and sold 2 multimillion dollar companies and have hired and trained hundreds of salespeople.  I found work for my young adult children out of school and then helped them all start their own companies online.  More recently I have transitioned into leadership coaching in the career transition field.  I am transparent about my wins and losses and all the struggles.

    14 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 53 minutes 45 seconds
    Aaron Alex Ryan - LtD - Hopes and Aspirations for Children and Future Generations

    In this conversation, Tyler interviews Aaron Alex Ryan, a voiceover artist and author, about his career and parenting. Aaron Alex Ryan shares his experience in voiceover work and self-publishing books. He discusses the importance of consistency and marketing in achieving success. They also talk about the challenges of balancing work and family life, particularly with young children at home. Aaron Alex Ryan emphasizes the role of fathers in providing fun and building confidence in their children. He also highlights the importance of love and being heard as key characteristics to cultivate in kids. Lastly, they touch on the significance of community in raising a family. Aaron Alex Ryan, a father of two, discusses the importance of family and community in his life. He emphasizes the values and good friendships that he wants for his family. Aaron shares how his family has found a strong sense of community in their neighborhood, where their best friends live across the street. He also talks about the creative skills he has passed on to his children and the importance of patience in parenting. Aaron hopes that his children will remember him as a loving and present father.

    7 August 2024, 5:00 am
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