Megaphone Texas

Megaphone Texas

Uncensored opinions of everyday Texans on local and national politics, policies, and other major issues affecting their lives.

  • 17 minutes 42 seconds
    TX Groceries. Whole Foods CEO gave $20k to Greg Abbott in 2020.

    Where should I spend my money as a Texas consumer, taking into account the political donations of businesses?  After looking up news articles, as well as donation numbers from employees, executives, and political action committees (PACs), I come up with conclusions for Fall 2021. Today's episode is on groceries.

    11 September 2021, 5:19 pm
  • 11 minutes 22 seconds
    Chants on a March for Justice - Thousands of protesters in Austin

    These are 11 minutes of raw audio recorded among protest marchers on Sunday, June 7, in Austin, Texas, in support of Black Lives Matter, Mike Ramos, the Austin Justice Coalition, and against racism and police brutality.  This was during a march from Huston-Tillotson University in East Austin toward the closed and fortified Texas Capitol grounds downtown.

    9 June 2020, 11:59 pm
  • 3 minutes 22 seconds
    To Black Men, and To Everyone - Chas at the June 7 Austin protest

    This is an excerpt of Chas Moore's speech at the protest for Mike Ramos, Black Lives Matter, and against police brutality, in Austin on Sunday, June 7, starting at Huston-Tillotson University.  Chas is the founder of the Austin Justice Coalition.

    The cover art photo shows people holding signs saying, "I love you I'm sorry," "I stand with you", "Black lives matter," and more.

    9 June 2020, 11:49 pm
  • 14 minutes 45 seconds
    How do you win a local Texas election? A talk with Sheri Soltes, candidate for Travis County Commissioner

    Sheri Soltes is a nonprofit CEO in Austin, Texas, and she's running for Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 3, covering parts of Austin, Lakeway, Lago Vista, and other parts of this Central Texas county.  She talks about why this race matters to her, as well as the work it takes to win a local Texas election.  Her campaign site is:

    9 December 2019, 5:07 pm
  • 4 minutes 35 seconds
    How I Became a Prison Activist - Terri in Austin

    Dr. Terri LeClercq advocates for prisoners' civil rights.  Her past career as an English teacher at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law informs her current activism, along with a past arrest.

    4 October 2019, 10:11 pm
  • 3 minutes
    Be the Change You Want to See - Ellen in Austin

    "Write to the people who piss you off.  You don't have to just be angry all the time."  Ellen is a retired reporter in Austin who wants to change the current government administration in power.  She wants people to get motivated to act on their values instead of waiting for others.

    29 September 2019, 9:30 pm
  • 6 minutes 42 seconds
    I Talk to My Texas Representatives - Larry in Austin

    Larry is a self-described activist with a background as a software developer.  Now retired, today he is active in political causes largely to feel better about his own mental health. He knocks on doors, talks to his Congressional representatives with personal stories, talks to his neighbors, travels to Washington DC, and develops relationships.  Here he gives his practical thoughts on Senators Cornyn and Cruz and Representative Williams in the 25th District in Texas.

    27 September 2019, 5:34 pm
  • 3 minutes 22 seconds
    Why I'm an Activist - Stephanie in Austin

    Stephanie started standing up for what she believed in, through protest, when she was young.  Today, she continues pushing for social and political causes around Texas as an activist.  Some of her causes include reproductive rights, anti-racism, prison reform, environmentalism, and human rights.

    27 September 2019, 5:23 pm
  • 2 minutes 44 seconds
    Impeachment, Environment, Humor, and Hope - Bobbie from Austin

    75-year-old Bobbie in Austin is a very politically involved cartoonist and educator.  She advocates for many goals close to her, through art, rallies, postcarding, and voter registration.  She talks about why she does all this. 

    27 September 2019, 5:05 pm
  • 2 minutes 44 seconds
    Organize, Mobilize, and Strategize Truth - Reverend Chuck in Williamson County

    Reverend Chuck Freeman of Williamson County works with the Justice Ministry for Unitarian Universalist congregations in Texas. He is very focused on organizing people to do good and fight against dangers from those in power. 

    23 September 2019, 3:02 am
  • 18 minutes 59 seconds
    Immigration Case Management Instead of Detention - Lorri in Austin

    Retired lawyer Lorri in Austin volunteers to help immigration organizations and asylum seekers in Central Texas.  Lorri objects to how ICE and for-profit detention centers treat asylum seekers as criminals, and she pushes for case management systems instead.  She describes the hurdles asylum seekers face here to have their legal cases heard.

    11 September 2019, 8:17 pm
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