All In

LDS Living

  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Tyler Johnson: Belief—A Wager Worth Making

    As a former Young Single Adult ward bishop and institute teacher, Tyler Johnson has worked with many young adults who have questions and concerns regarding their faith and/or their belief in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has observed that many of these concerns stem not from rebellious desires but rather from a place of integrity and that often where there is a question, there is often an underlying emotion. On today’s episode, Tyler shares his insights into how to approach seasons of life “when church is hard” and how to help others in those seasons. 

    1:24- The Questions at the Base of the Iceberg 6:19- A Generation Seeking to Have High Integrity 12:52- Addressing Emotion Before Cognitive Gaps 18:40- Doubt: Good or Bad?  25:23- Wagering Everything on a Belief that the Gospel is True 33:43- People Not Statistics  41:50- Mary Magdalene  50:41- Certainty is Not the Point 57:42- What Does It Mean to Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    “To some degree, we have to choose to commit and then make the thing to which we commit beautiful and true by virtue of the way that we are committed to it.”

    Links: “When Church is Hard”-

    President Ballard talk mentioned: › ...By Study and by Faith - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    11 September 2024, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Marjorie Lowder and Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Celebrating a Father and a Prophet's 100th Birthday

    On September 9th, President Russell M. Nelson will turn 100 years old, becoming the first prophet of this dispensation to become a centenarian. In celebration of this remarkable milestone, on this week's episode, we visited with President Nelson's two youngest children who offer a rare and intimate look into the life, legacy, and personal moments of a leader who continues to shape the Church in our day. 

    “It’s been beautiful to see…he’s himself but just more.”

    3:20- A Church Led Like a Home 5:36- A Change in Job Location 9:54- Consistency 15:24- Respect for Women 18:53- Making the Mundane Special and Understanding the Why 23:31- Invitations 27:46- Approaching Grief 33:09- Good at Following Instructions 37:41- Maximizing the Time Given 40:47- A Dynamic and Multifaceted Man 52:07- What’s In a Name? 59:23- What Does It Mean to Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?


    Join us for Magnify's Lift Up Your Heart coming this fall! First event is on September 24th in Plano, TX. Registration is open now by heading to Remember to use code PODCAST10 at checkout (not as the access code). This discount excludes the already discounted group pricing.

    4 September 2024, 10:00 am
  • 44 minutes 37 seconds
    Sharley Funk: Slowly Losing a Husband to Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

    Lance Funk was just 51-years-old when he was diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Over the past few years, his wife, Sharley, has watched as her once strong, vivacious husband has all but disappeared from before her eyes and yet, for now, he is still with her physically and she is determined to cherish the time they have left together. On this week’s episode, Sharley explains why she has tried to be open and honest in documenting her family’s experience with Alzheimer’s.

    2:03- Signs and the Release of a Diagnosis 8:05- Falling in Love with Lance 11:29- Open and Honest 14:13- Receiving Service 17:11- Disappearing 20:26- Still There 22:45- The Honor of Caregiving 26:00- Going to Work 29:30- Anxiety and the Darkest Parts of Alzheimers 32:19- Anticipatory Grief and Fatigue 37:28- Preparing to Let Go 42:24- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    "I’m going to take this time...and just enjoy this and just lay my head on his shoulder and just remember what it feels like to sit next to him and to hear him breathe."


    Sharley's Instagram account:

    3 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 36 minutes 25 seconds
    Emily Inouye Huey: The Generational Impact of Belief in Humanity

    Emily Inouye Huey’s father was born in a prison camp during World War II. His parents were imprisoned simply for the color of their skin and suffered terrible injustices. Still, Huey’s father and other ancestors chose to move forward following the war, refusing to harbor resentment or bitterness—passing on to their children and grandchildren the hope of a much brighter future. Today, Emily is an author who wants to make sure their victory over the atrocities of war is known and that their legacy lives on.

    1:40- Family’s Experience During World War II 3:55- Dorothea Lange 11:28- Wat Misaka 13:28- Why Representation Matter 17:29- A Need To Create 20:36- Rid of Resentment 25:52- Belief in People 29:07- Finding the Gospel 33:24- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    “The way that they survived, the way that they came out of it still able to love this country and this world, all those things to me are a victory.”


    Wat Kept Playing

    Beneath the Wide Silk Sky

    Emily discussing literature and representation: Celebrating Canyons Culture Through Picture Books and Young Adult BooksCSDtv Canyons District•42 views•1 month ago

    Dorothea Lange Photo-

    26 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Abe Mills and Stephen Jones: Love Thy Neighbor

    The complexities surrounding conversations of racism today are numberless but the root of the solution is the two great commandments: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. On this week’s episode, we talk with Abe Mills and Stephen Jones, two black Latter-day Saints, about their experiences with racism within Church culture, the faith of those who came before them, and why they don’t hesitate to share their faith in Jesus Christ.

    The All In team is honoring Juneteenth with this special episode from our archives. We will be back with new episodes next week. (originally aired 17 June 2020)

    3:40- Who Is Your Neighbor? 9:15- Mourn with Those That Mourn 14:33- Personal Experiences with Racism 30:14- The Body of Christ 41:06- Being a Diverse Voice in the Church 48:27- Pioneers 56:20- Peace and Hope in Troubled Times 1:02:16- What Does it Mean to be “All In” the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    "Understanding what He did for us, it gives us hope, which we live in a world with a lot of people that have no hope or they’ve lost their hope—whether it’s hope in equality, hope in fairness, hope in whatever—they’ve lost their hope, but the gospel has taught us hope because we know what Jesus Christ did for us. It has taught us understanding because we know Christ was the example of understanding, and on top of that, it has taught us forgiveness, or how to forgive, in a time where forgiveness is needed greatly." -Abe Mills


    Article: Medium Op-ed from President Nelson and NAACP leaders: "Locking Arms for Racial Harmony in America."

    Video: Stephen's BYU Library Commercial "New Spice | Study like a Scholar, Scholar"

    Video: Abe’s family’s YouTube channel: "Sunshine Mafia"

    Video: Hope Works: "Answer the Call | Abe Mills"

    Video: Hope Works: "One Question That Puts Life in Perspective | Stephen Jones"

    Music: Jericho Road Music - Digital Album

    Article: Deseret News Op-ed by J. Spencer Fluhman, "Harmony won't come until we recognize Racism as the problem"

    19 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 59 minutes 29 seconds
    Shane Reese: Leading a Prophetically-Directed University

    Since becoming president of Brigham Young University last year, Shane Reese has often referenced a number of talks given by prophets and apostles. This is not a mistake. He has expressed determination to follow prophets, seers and revelators as he leads BYU. On this week’s episode, President Reese shares what he believes are the most pressing issues of this time and why he thinks BYU students truly have potential to change the world.

    2:31- Raised By a Single Mom 7:28- The BYU Education That Almost Never Was 13:47- Advice to Homesick College Freshmen 17:33- An Unmatched Love for Statistics 20:07- Becoming Bilingual 24:44- Why Care About BYU? 32:13- Faculty in the World of Academia 38:00- Influential Talks 42:40- A Covenant Community of Belonging 46:52- Why the Investment in Athletics? 52:53- Consumed with Conviction 57:22- What Does It Mean to Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    “If we’re not unique, if we’re not different, if we don’t provide value other than just a great educational opportunity, then I can imagine that the Church could feel like they could give students scholarships to go to any other school for about the same return.”


    President Reese’s previous talks at BYU:

    President Kimball talk referenced:

    Elder Christofferson talk referenced:

    President Holland talk referenced:

    Andy Reid on All In:

    12 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 54 minutes 45 seconds
    Rebecca Connolly: Believing in Happily Ever After

    Rebecca Connolly is an author of stories but she is well aware of who the Author of the best stories is and it is in Him that she has placed her trust. From choosing to quit her job in order to write full-time to writing love stories and continuing to believe in them despite having yet to find a love story of her own, Rebecca has placed her pen firmly in the hand of God. On this week’s episode, we talk with Rebecca about discovering her own story as she tells the stories of others, some fictional but some real heroes whose stories are worth telling.

    1:53- From Hobby to Published Author 7:25- Receiving Negative Feedback 12:46- Jump to Full-time Writing 17:36- Finding Little-known Heroes 23:35- A Remarkable Discovery 33:00- The Author of the Best Stories 39:01- Unseen Wounds 46:24- Temple Covenants For Every One 52:23- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    “Walking the path of discipleship and following in His way is going to give us blisters and it is going to tear up our sandals and it’s going to put a lot of travel dust on our feet. But the Savior is the One who washes our feet and our blisters will become calluses.”


    Hidden Yellow Stars:

    Rebecca’s Titanic historical fiction:

    Rebecca’s website:

    Rebecca on Jason Wright’s Book Drop Mic:

    5 June 2024, 10:00 am
  • 55 minutes 19 seconds
    Bonnie H. Cordon: Letting Him Direct Thy Paths

    There have been seasons when Sister Bonnie H. Cordon was a working mom and other seasons where she was able to choose to stay home. Today, she is a working grandmother who feels that the Lord has given her a miracle she didn’t know she needed in the form of an opportunity to lead Southern Virginia University. On this week’s episode, we discuss with President Cordon, the former Young Women general president, the Lord’s ability to direct us from season to season if we’ll just say yes.

    3:26- Raised on a Farm 9:53- A Miraculous Mission Call 17:36- The Wrong Major? 20:15- Courage and Patience 23:57- Decisions Surrounding Work and Motherhood 32:20- Many Ways to Contribute 35:01- Advice to Young Working Mother 38:03- Advice to Stay-At-Home Mother 41:26- Prepared for Service in the Church 45:16- The Road to SVU 53:42- What Does it Mean To Be All In?

    “We say ‘What is leadership? What is power?’ And it’s really influence.” -Bonnie H. Cordon


    Bonnie Cordon Announced as President of SVU:

    Elder Perry Helps a Young Bonnie Cordon Feed Chickens:,Perry%2C”%20President%20Cordon%20recalled.

    “In the absence of experiences with God, one can doubt the existence of God. So, put yourself in a position to begin having experiences with Him.” -President Russell M. Nelson, “Come, Follow Me.”

    See for privacy information.

    29 May 2024, 11:00 am
  • 52 minutes 24 seconds
    Jill Geigle: Preparing Pornography-Resistant Families

    Jill Geigle has dedicated a great deal of time throughout her life to preparing children and families to face the challenges of a modern world. Specifically, she is passionate that, because all of us will come into contact with pornography at some point, we should prepare our families to be pornography-resistant rather than seeking to protect them from pornography. On this week’s episode, Jill shares with us four principles that will help you implement this preparation in your own home.

    2:20- Prepared To Help Others Prepare 7:01- Talking to Children About Sex 10:32- Mistletoe Analogy/Protecting Vs. Preparing 20:30- Four Principles 23:54- Nurture Relationships 28:00- Relationship With Technology 32:05- Creating Open Communication and Eliminating Shame 37:57- Establishing Places of Security 45:05- Teach the Doctrine of Jesus Christ 51:22- What Does It Mean To Be All In?

    “The Doctrine of Christ is an attachment cycle that Heavenly Father has given to us. He wants us to attach to Him. We have a problem, we cry out to Him in faith and repentance and He answers us with covenants and with the Holy Ghost.”


    Jill’s Workbook-

    Spencer W. Kimball, “God Will Not Be Mocked” -

    See for privacy information.

    22 May 2024, 11:00 am
  • 59 minutes 55 seconds
    Clayton and Ashley Young: Chasing Paris 2024 Olympic Dreams Together

    Although Ashley Young wasn't competing in the US Olympic Trials, her pride was evident as she stood with their daughters at the finish line ready to greet her husband, Clayton, and celebrate his qualification for the 2024 Olympic Games. On this week’s episode, the couple shares the highs and lows of their path to the Olympics, highlighting the sacrifices and moments of discouragement they've faced in pursuit of a shared dream.

    1:54- The Beginning of a Dream 3:31- Man on a Mission 9:11- Meeting 10:50- A Shared Dream 17:43- The Unseen Work Required 23:18- Married as a Runner 26:31- The Mundanity of Excellence 32:24- Sharing Faith 36:40- Setbacks and Heartbreak 46:48- A Shared Faith While Training 49:43- Preparations for Paris 55:14- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    “Sometimes you have to do the mundane things just for mundanity’s sake but as they slowly shift from a checklist in your head to your heart, that’s when you really start to see the excellent outcome.” -Clayton Young

    Ashley's FeedYourRunner Instagram Account-

    Clayton's Instagram-

    Wall Street Journal article on Clayton-

    New York Times article on Clayton-

    Clayton's new docuseries-

    See for privacy information.

    15 May 2024, 11:00 am
  • 49 minutes 31 seconds
    Stephanie and Claire Nielson: The Resilient Bond of a Mother and Daughter

    When Claire Nielson was 8 years old, her parents were involved in a small plane accident that left both her mom and dad badly injured, including burns that covered 80 percent of her mother’s body. Immediately following the accident, Claire’s mother, Stephanie, was barely recognizable but then Claire saw something she knew completely: Her mother’s eyes. On this week’s episode, Stephanie and Claire Nielson testify of God’s goodness even amidst the unthinkable and love’s power to conquer all things.

    2:46- Growing Up Quickly 6:32- The Power of Eyes 11:40- Meant To Be Their Mom 15:31- Pulling Out the Box 20:17- Finding Healing Through Burns 24:28- The Process 28:21- Looking Away From the Mirror and Out the Window 32:57- Intentional Parenting 36:35- Bittersweet 46:12- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    “It’s the bitter and the sweet, the happy and the sad, the helping and the healing and we do both at the same time and we become more because of it.” -Claire Nielson


    Stephanie’s book, “Heaven Is Here”

    “God Needs Mothers of All Kinds” (Previous All In Mother’s Day episode):

    Show notes and audio


    See for privacy information.

    8 May 2024, 11:00 am
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