News, politics, theories and speculation... everything a good podcast should have!
G'day Folks,
On today's show I'm rejoined by Mike Williams of Sage Of Quay to go a little bit deeper into The Beatles conspiracy.
Our first show in October 2023 is to this day one of my favourite shows where we broke down the narrative of The Beatles being an organically created music group that just so happened to create amazing music that steered a generation of youth around the world. The link for part one of this show is at the bottom and I urge you to go back and listen to this show first.
In this discussion we go into how a book that's classed as 'Historical Fiction' was so good at seemingly knowing too much about The Beatles and how Paul was replaced after his death by Billy Shears. The book is called 'The Memoirs of Billy Shears' by Thomas Uharriet an admitted Freemason. Mike discussed how the book has levels of encoding in the book of 666 pages! Seemingly random bolded words on each page, an acrostical code on every odd sentence and more.
Mike also elaborates on the esoteric elements of the creation of The Beatles and their occult ties to Aleister Crowley, Tavistock Institute, the Frankfurt School and the Freemasons. As mentioned above the Author of the book is a Freemason as is Billy Shears (the man who replaced Paul McCartney. The Freemasons are well known for their ability to keep secrets, Masterful speaking, and revelation of the method in terms of universal balance.
Mike discusses how there are a few examples of the fact that Paul is dead and Billy Shears has taken his place. On the member video version we show examples of this as well. Where it was let slip on camera and captured. Famous people letting it slip too.
Once again the 2nd half of the show goes even deeper into The Beatles Conspiracy and the Paul is Dead Conspiracy. Please do consider joining up to support the show and check out the full versions of these interviews with Mike.
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
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G'day Folks,
On this episode of the General Knowledge Podcast I'm joined by my brothers-in-arms for the first time this season Andy & Ethan to go over the latest.
We first go through some of the latest chaos happening in the United States. We're seeing a whole bunch of aerial disasters happening including a Black Hawk helicopter crashing into a United Airlines passenger plane over DC. Plus the small Lear Jet medical flight crashing in Philadelphia. From what we can discern these disaster are indeed real. Not staged or fake as unfortunately that crops up from time to time to muddy the waters.
Andy gives us his take on these scenes as an experienced pilot himself and Ethan raises the point that there are in fact many air disasters that occur in the U.S each year but we rarely heard of them. So why now? Now that Trump is in power we're seeing the newsfeeds in overload. People all of a sudden now care about politics, what the President says or thinks, DEI etc...Something to keep an eye on.
We switch gears soon after to discuss the recent moves in Australia to once again censor Australian's and remove our rights to free speech under the guise of a rise in Antisemitism. Ethan recently published the article (link below) 'Inquiry Calls for Establishment of a National Hate Crimes Database'.
This proposal raises concerns over the blurring of the lines between hate speech and hate crimes, potentially leading to a crackdown on free speech. The governments approach follows a familiar pattern of Problem - Reaction - Solution as a method of social control where a perceived rise in extremism is used to justify increased surveillance and regulation.
Without clear definitions, the database could be weaponized to silence dissenting opinions under the guise of combating "Hate".
This leads us into the next article by Ethan at 'Meta's Fact-Checking Services will Remain Active in Australia'. Again we see the Australian government going the opposite direction to the U.S in terms of allowing more open and free discussion on social media. Just like England we will begin to see citizens targeted for their own thoughts that they have shared online. Fact-checkers will crackdown on those diverting from the established narrative.
I'll say it again, grab the popcorn folks. 2025 is going to be a wild ride.
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
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G'day Folks,
On tonights episode of the General Knowledge Podcast i'm joined by Adam from the to go over what's been happening in Australia and the world of late.
Adam is based in Sydney so he's able to offer his perspective on goings-on south of the border from Queensland.
Both Sydney and Melbourne saw activists take to the streets on January 26th, Australia Day, in regards to protesting our national holiday celebrating our great nation and what it means to be an Aussie. These protestors, whilst I disagree with what they are protesting about on this occasion, deserve the right to protest and freedom of speech. Let that be clear.
Now what I would like to know is who is funding this movement and who is organizing this movement to cancel Australia Day and labeling it Invasion Day. Very disgraceful in my opinion. Adam and I shared our thoughts on this as well as how the government and corporations are NOT supporting the celebration of Australia Day but they'll celebrate every other day under the sun. The is intentional division being pushed on the public.
We also discuss the big push by Jewish interests in Australia to reinforce their so-called plight of antisemitism. Our government is now spending millions of dollars to build Jewish Holocaust museums in major cities in order to indoctrinate the youth and maintain the Holocaust story and continue to play the victim card.
So how do we get rid of the constant liberal labor opposames? We talked about the upcoming federal election and how it is actually possible to get freedom orientated parties and representatives into positions of power to hold the other major parties to account and perhaps block anything they try and do to strip freedoms from the people. Topher Field did a great video explaining this and it's IMPERATIVE to watch it and understand our preferential voting system we have in Australia. It must be shared to family and friends too. Link below!
We also re-capped on the LA Fires a bit more and chatted about the Trump administration and what's been happening in his first week of being President.
Grab the popcorn folks 2025 is going to be a wild ride.
Preferential Voting Video -
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
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G'day Folks,
Welcome to season 7 of the General Knowledge Podcast. Wow! What a ride so far folks.
2025 is here and already things are crazy. Right from the get go. Whilst it's hard not to jump on and do a show and chat about the weird events happening like drones hovering over parts of the USA, weird weather events like strange fogs around the world, Tesla Cyber Trucks exploding at Trump Tower, Terrorists driving trucks into crowds and of course California once again in flames.
Getting involved in chatting about these events too early without much information is not the best idea and leads to wild speculations. I do love to theorize and hypothesize but there's a risk of looking a bit silly without waiting a bit longer to see what else unfolds. We are in an age of information but sometimes its information overload and sometimes the right information takes time to come to light.
So for this episode I brought on one of my members. This was going to just be a member chat for the subscribers but I decided to release it for everyone as S7/E1. My guest was Hamish Chadwick and we had a very interest conversation. The main focus was the L.A fires and how it's very interesting that once again like so many cities before them it too is earmarked for a S.M.A.R.T City upgrade.
We also veer off on a few tangents and towards the end talked about the Cyber Truck explosion as well and what our thoughts are on that event.
Strap in for a wild 2025 folks.
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
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G'day Folks,
Merrry Christmas from all of us at the General Knowledge Podcast. We hope your 2024 has been great and all the best for a prosperous 2025.
The 3 of us got together at Andy's place to record this one in person. The audio isn't the best but it should be ok still to listen to.
We tackled various topics in our little Christmas catch-up. It was over 2 hours of some great chatting about current events such as:
Government corruption and how overseas in countries like PNG it's more of an open corruption unlike here where it's more underhanded and clandestine.
Invasive technology in our lives including in-car cameras watching us drive and senors that modern cars have almost taking control away from humans.
AI systems taking over industries and removing humans from the workforce.
Excessive immigration into Australia and the housing crisis which is hyper artificial/deliberate scarcity to drive the market up continually.
Homelessness on the rise as a result. With the Olympics coming will the "COVID camps" be used to house the homeless temporarily?
We raise the spectre of BitCoin again. Is it worth getting into that part of the crypto market? It is predicted to hit 1 million per coin by 2030.
Antisemitism on the rise in Australia? Or is it another false flag? While Israel is marching into neighbouring countries to expland their 'Plan for Greater Israel' anti Israel sentiments are growing and people are being critical of their middle east agenda. So is this a jewish plan to distract the public and control the narrative?
Plus much, much more!
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
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G'day Folks,
On tonight's episode i'm joined by Ethan Nash of to go over some major things happening here in Australia.
Starting off with a bit of good news, the MAD Bill (Misinformation and Disinformation) like we talked about in the previous episode was defeated! Yes, after a major influx of submissions and petitions to the Australian Senate they have seen that their jobs were on the line and decided to cede to the whim of the public and not vote the MAD Bill into law. That was a major victory for the likes of is in the independent media circles.
We then discuss the next piece of draconian legislation that's heading to the senate or should I say rushed through the senate for a vote with minimal time for discussion or amendments. The government clearly wants this legislation passed. It is the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024. They are trying to ban children under the age of 16 from using social media including YouTube. But kids using PornHub, another video platform albeit explicit, is acceptable and not covered in this legislation. So we can clearly see that this is NOT about protecting children. The government knows that in order to verify that you're not a child under 16 and can use the social media platforms you need a digital ID of some sort. ALL Australians will be susceptible to this scrutiny and bio-metric tracking and data basing. This legislation is a Trojan Horse to allow this to happen.
So we can see that Digital ID and your bio-metric data is wanted federally. All that information in one place. This is yet another piece of the puzzle the government wants and is now getting. There are major concerns about privacy, data security and the potential for the misuse of our personal information. The government says 'Trust Us' to keep your data safe and secure. But we've seen time and time again the level of incompetence of government bureaucrats and departments as well as infrastructure.
We're moving closer and closer to CBDC's and a social credit system that all of these laws are setting us up for. Rough days ahead folks if we can't defeat these Bills.
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
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G'day Folks,
On this latest episode Adam from the joins me to discuss the US elections and subsequent Donald Trump win.
By all accounts leading up to the election Harris was going to be the clear winner according to the legacy media. However, the American people showed up in droves to push Trump over the 270 minimum electoral college votes to secure a Republican win.
Will we see the usual back and forth? Democrats (left) are in power. People get sick of it. People vote Republican (right). People get sick of it. People vote Democrat (left) and on and on it goes.
Left, Right, Left, Right marching towards tyranny with each step no matter who's in charge. As per usual Trump is saying all the things we want to hear. Draining the swamp again etc... Like i have said before, judge a man by his actions not his words. Time will tell i guess.
Then we move on towards highlighting the homegrown tyranny right here with the push for Digital I.D and the Misinformation & Disinformation (MAD) Bill. Censorship with a dash of mass surveillance thrown in for good measure. One cannot work without the other and Labor is promising Digital I.D won't be mandatory and its safe. Where have we heard that before I wonder?
Big Daddy government wants to make sure you and your children are safe under their watchful eyes and rules. Of course this is the guise under which they want to sell you their new Bill on. We all know it's not about our safety. It never is. It's about control. They seek to remove our freedom to speak our minds and criticize those who govern us. Our attempt to hold them accountable for their tyrannical ways will be squashed. That is what this Bill is about. Censorship. The legacy media is dead and social media are how you reach the people. They don't control that. Yet...
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
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G'day Folks,
On this episode I catch up with our friend of the show and brother in arms Adam from the
On this episode we discuss Australia's declining birth rate according to "official" statistics. However Adam is skeptical of this pronouncement and enlightens me to the possibility of this being a psy-op by our government. This leads into the current housing crisis and how it may tie in together.
We then switch gears to discuss the Council of Port Headland in Western Australia passing a motion for COVID vaccines to be suspended. This is a positive sign that if the right people can get into the right places shit can get done. Let's hope it gains momentum.
New evidence shows that nanobots are indeed inside the blood samples of the vaccinated and even the deceased blood samples still show activity on the nano scale.
We touch on the new technology being rolled out in Japan courtesy of CSL in Australia. Self-Replicating mRNA vaccines! This indeed changes the rules of the game.
Also, a new study came out recently showing that Myocarditis and Pericarditis ONLY occurs in the children that were COVID jabbed. None of those conditions were discovered in the unvaxxed group of over 1.7 million children surveyed.
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
As always make sure you subscribe and give us a 5 star rating on iTunes with a nice little review to help us out! Please consider sharing on social media to ensure we reach a bigger audience!
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G'day Folks,
Rabbits is a member of mine who has been keeping in touch with me over the years and regularly shares tidbits of information that he has come across with me.
He eventually decided to start cataloguing this information and began writing a book about it all. But don't think that this 3 part series is an attempt to sell you this compendium of information. No. Rabbits has compiled his information into a book, one that is constantly being updated, for his own understanding of the world we live in and how we got to where we are today.
I for one completely understand this way of thinking as there's such a mountain of information and knowledge to try and piece together to try and make sense of it all. So instead of keeping it all in his brain and slowly going mad trying to figure it all out he has begun writing it all down.
I suggested he come on for a chat to let us know where he is with his research and lead us down the rabbit hole one step at a time.
Good news is my microphone isn't playing up anymore so no audio edits because of me. There was one edit as some of Rabbit's slides seemed to be missing.
Jack Kruse Talk -
Don't forget i've got a bunch of new stickers for sale too!
Click here to see them:
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
As always make sure you subscribe and give us a 5 star rating on iTunes with a nice little review to help us out! Please consider sharing on social media to ensure we reach a bigger audience!
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G'day Folks,
Rabbits is a member of mine who has been keeping in touch with me over the years and regularly shares tidbits of information that he has come across with me.
He eventually decided to start cataloguing this information and began writing a book about it all. But don't think that this 3 part series is an attempt to sell you this compendium of information. No. Rabbits has compiled his information into a book, one that is constantly being updated, for his own understanding of the world we live in and how we got to where we are today.
I for one completely understand this way of thinking as there's such a mountain of information and knowledge to try and piece together to try and make sense of it all. So instead of keeping it all in his brain and slowly going mad trying to figure it all out he has begun writing it all down.
I suggested he come on for a chat to let us know where he is with his research and lead us down the rabbit hole one step at a time.
Don't forget i've got a bunch of new stickers for sale too!
Click here to see them:
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
As always make sure you subscribe and give us a 5 star rating on iTunes with a nice little review to help us out! Please consider sharing on social media to ensure we reach a bigger audience!
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G'day Folks,
Rabbits is a member of mine who has been keeping in touch with me over the years and regularly shares tidbits of information that he has come across with me.
He eventually decided to start cataloguing this information and began writing a book about it all. But don't think that this 3 part series is an attempt to sell you this compendium of information. No. Rabbits has compiled his information into a book, one that is constantly being updated, for his own understanding of the world we live in and how we got to where we are today.
I for one completely understand this way of thinking as there's such a mountain of information and knowledge to try and piece together to try and make sense of it all. So instead of keeping it all in his brain and slowly going mad trying to figure it all out he has begun writing it all down.
I suggested he come on for a chat to let us know where he is with his research and lead us down the rabbit hole one step at a time.
Don't forget i've got a bunch of new stickers for sale too!
Click here to see them:
Remember the Bonus Content shows are available now to all Patreon supporters for just AU$8 a month! Now 44 Bonus shows are available just for those who see value in what we do. Including a 5 part series on the Port Arthur Massacre, The Electric Universe with Physicist Wal Thornhill, The Moon Landing Hoax & The Titanic Conspiracy!
PLUS!!!... every Patreon member gets a video version of every episode of the regular show too!
Instead of donating money to a charity that most likely won't pass on your full donation to whomever needs it, why not sign up as a patron over at our Patreon account for all the bonus content and extra podcasts!
PayPal donations can be made me here at to help pay for costs associated with bringing you this show if you don't want any extra bonus content for your support.
As always make sure you subscribe and give us a 5 star rating on iTunes with a nice little review to help us out! Please consider sharing on social media to ensure we reach a bigger audience!
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