Living In Stride | Married, Millennial, and Figuring Out Life

Darrell and Megan McTague

Darrell and Megan are 30-year-old married millennials figuring out life as best they can. Millennials face new and unique challenges - things previous generations didn't have to deal with. Despite these situations having become laughed-at stereotypes, they're very real, and can be tough to navigate. Join them each week as they explore these, and share the successes, challenges, joys and sorrows, that make up their lives.

  • 55 minutes 34 seconds
    #1 - Our Student Loan Crisis And The Last Seven Years
    We got screwed.

    Student loans can be a nightmare. Lemonade from lemons, though - ours helped create this podcast, and rediscover the last 7 years of our lives.

    (Disclosure - this post may contain affiliate links. Price is the same, & a portion of the sale supports this site & podcast. Yay! All opinions are our own, never bought or sold.)

    Who ARE you, even?

    Darrell and Megan are 30, married, and figuring out life. As part of the "millennial" generation, there are things they deal with that, perhaps, other generations don't experience. Student loans, the job hunt, buying a home and starting a family - it all works differently for this generation. After a nightmarish revelation about Megan's student loans - they took a moment and realized all this.

    And they thought - we can't be in this alone. Let's share our experiences.

    Before we really get into it and podcasting, you're probably going to need some context.

    SO, in this episode, we meet our hosts Darrell and Megan. We get to know them and what the last 7 years of their lives (since graduating college) have been like. We discover the journey that led them to where they are today, and find it's probably the same journey many other millennials have experienced. And finally - we hear the rough truth of Megan's student loans, how they're forging a path forward, and why we're all here.

    On This Episode:

    • Meet Darrell and Megan!
    • Discover the (probably) typical post-college millennial journey
      • From moving back in with parents to finding their first place (and second)
      • The job hunt, and finding purpose
      • Making a home
      • Dealing with some of life’s harsher realities
    • Learn what happened with Megan’s student loans, and why this podcast even exists.
    Episode Resources: Ready to improve your health & fitness with Coach Darrell via Virtual Coaching? Click here!

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    6 October 2018, 12:37 pm
  • 5 minutes 43 seconds
    #0 - Intro | We Are Living In Stride
    Millennials get a bad rap.

    Much of it is overblown, but there ARE unique challenges we face. Darrell & Megan are here to share them... by sharing their lives.

    (Disclosure - this post may contain affiliate links. Price is the same, & a portion of the sale supports this site & podcast. Yay! All opinions are our own, never bought or sold.)

    So what are we in for, here?

    If you're expecting a couple of millennials whining about how unfair the world is, you'll be sorely disappointed.

    Instead, you're getting Darrell and Megan - they're 30, married, and building a life together. They discovered something recently - while the world pokes fun at millennial stereotypes, some of them are real. And some of them... are very difficult to deal with. Yes, you can make a life together, but that life is very different from the one our parents' generation built, and it'll probably be different from what our kids will get, too. It can be a beautiful life, as long as you navigate it correctly.

    In this episode, you'll get a brief, concise idea of what exactly to expect from Living In Stride. It's that simple :)

    Stick around for our official launch -

    • In episode 1 - get to know Darrell and Megan. Hear their potentially familiar story of life from college graduation to today, and why they decided to do this podcast.
    • In episode 2 - learn about possibly the most major flaw Darrell and Megan each possess, and how those flaws go together like gasoline and a match. 

    On This Episode:

    • Learn what to expect from Living In Stride!
    Episode Resources: Ready to improve your health & fitness with Coach Darrell via Virtual Coaching? Click here!

    Connect with Living In Stride

    Listen to the Living In Stride Podcast

    To listen, you can either use the player below OR browse the following links:


    18 September 2018, 6:56 pm
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