Good Girls Talk About Sex

Leah Carey

  • 39 minutes 50 seconds
    The Goodbye Episode

    In the final episode of Good Girls Talk About Sex, I talk about why I've decided to end the podcast and what's coming next.

    For those wishing to keep the podcast legacy alive, the archives are available for download at Safeguard this invaluable content before any legal restrictions come into play.

    A heartfelt thank you for your unwavering support through the years. Though the podcast is ending, our conversation is not. Join me on YouTube, and let's keep working to make a more positive world.

    With love and gratitude, Leah 💕



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    Leeja Miller's Project 2025 video -

    NBC News THINK op-ed -

    12 December 2024, 8:00 am
  • 53 minutes 12 seconds
    The Widow's Guide to Dead Bastards - Coaching Jessica

    Jessica's world was turned upside down when her husband died suddenly and she uncovered evidence of his endless lies and a second life that she'd known nothing about.

    Had she been blind to the red flags her husband was waving? Or did she know more than she allowed herself to admit?

    In this special (mid-hiatus!) episode, Leah talks with Jessica Waite whose book "The Widow's Guide To Dead Bastards" is available today from Atria. 

    They focus on a pivotal chapter from the book, exploring the questions that still linger for Jessica: What did she know? What was she intentionally blind to? And what could she have noticed if she had known what to look for?

      Get "The Widow's Guide To Dead Bastards" today here:   Book a free consultation with Leah here:
    30 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 28 minutes 59 seconds
    Never go to bed angry & other terrible advice

    Some people swear by Dear Abby, others swear at Dear Abby. Today we look at some of Dear Abby's terrible advice.

    PLUS: Stay until the end to hear an important announcement about the podcast going on hiatus so Leah can take a well-deserved rest.


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    Full episode show notes: 

    2 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 49 minutes 49 seconds
    Road Trips and Sex Without Shame

    In this Pop Culture Pillow Talk, I talk with pop culture critic Kristen Meinzer about two great movies:

    • Joy Ride
    • Plan B

    You can find Kristen at:


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    18 April 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 11 seconds
    Bonus quickie
    11 April 2024, 7:00 am
  • 51 minutes 28 seconds
    Find the red flags! - Coaching Sophilia

    In this coaching episode, Sophilia asks: why does she keep ending up in relationships where things don’t feel right, and the entire weight of making it better falls on her?

    Leah works with Sophilia to:

    • understand the red flags for this type of relationship,
    • the communication skills that will help screen them out,
    • rethink her own experience of being turned on.

    Sophilia is a 39-year-old, cisgender woman. She describes herself as queer, single, and multi-racial with a white mother and Black father. In the past she’s been in monogamous relationships, but currently prefers the idea of being in open relationships. She describes her body as curvy and muscular.

    Leah offers valuable insights and tools to help Sophilia and all listeners to screen potential partners.

    Find the turn-on cycle explanation here:


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    28 March 2024, 7:00 am
  • 52 minutes 39 seconds
    When the man teaching consent is the one violating you

    Last year I found myself in the middle of a shitstorm for daring to expose a community leader's abusive behavior. Today I tell the whole story.

    The backlash was immediate and intense, with DARVO (Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender) tactics used to paint me as the problem. Suddenly, I was not just standing as a representative of this man’s abuse, but also receiving harassment and ostracization from those I once considered my community. Sharing this story isn't just about telling you what’s going on; it's about shining a light on the dark corners of abuse and systemic failure. It's a call to action for change, support, and understanding for those who have had their voices silenced.

    ALSO: I clarify my pricing structure for coaching and how I serve people with financial challenges.



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    29 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 52 minutes 56 seconds
    Pop Culture Pillow Talk: Starstruck on HBO

    What happens when your brain is so busy it can't slow down to enjoy having sexy time with the cute guy who's totally into you? 

    In today's episode, we break down the first two episodes of the HBO show Starstruck with teen sex and relationship educator Julia Sheldon (who also happens to be Leah's dear friend.) We focus on lead character Jessie and how overthinking gets in the way of being present.

    Upcoming Beyond Permission class schedule:

    • Thursday, Feb. 22 - Embracing your inner MILF with Danielle
    • Tuesday, Feb. 27 - Dating at midlife with Leah
    • Tuesday, March 5 - Sex toys show & tell with Leah
    • Thursday, March 7 - Ask a couple with Danielle & Adam
    • Tuesday, March 12 - What’s wrong with my libido? with Leah



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    15 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 43 minutes 45 seconds
    Having the best sex of my life at 63 - Debbie

    In this coaching/storytelling episode, Debbie talks about having the best sex of her life at age 63. Her question: Is that usual?

    While Debbie has always been multi-orgasmic, now she's having dozens of orgasms in a single sex session. And the connection with her new husband is a big part of the reason.

    Debbie is a 63 year old cisgender woman. She describes herself as white, heterosexual, monogamous, married. She describes her body as slender and athletic.

    And don't forget: the BEYOND PERMISSION workshop starts next week! Use coupon code "beyond20" to join us!


    BEYOND PERMISSION workshop (use code "beyond20" for $20 off your registration):

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    18 January 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 seconds
    Why don't you want to have sex with me?

    Togetherness is an HBO show that explores the challenges of maintaining a healthy and active sex life in a long-term relationship with small children. In today's episode, Danielle Silverstein from the popular Marriage and Martinis podcast joins Leah to discuss the first two episodes of the show. They dive into the complexities of sexual fulfillment, gender roles, expectations and resentments. Join us for a deep, thought-provoking, and insightful conversation about challenges of maintaining intimacy in a long-term relationship.


    BEYOND PERMISSION workshop (use code "beyond20" for $20 off your registration):

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    Forbidden Fantasies Unleashed:

    4 January 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Navigating the sex talk demons

    Leah joins Danielle of Marriage & Martinis to talk about why Danielle's conversation with her husband  about intimacy and pleasure was explosive and chaotic.

    Leah breaks down what we need to remember during these very tough conversations: we’ve been conditioned differently from the time we’re very young, and are often simply adhering to the roles we’ve been instructed to fulfill. They talk about why we can’t always trust our bodies’ physical responses during intimacy, games that can be played in lieu of telling our partner, “we’re not satisfied” as means to get a similar message across, and so much more.

    Join the Beyond Permission workshop at

    Early bird pricing through Jan. 4, 2024. Use the code "beyond20" for $20 off your registration.


    Listen to the original "Awakening the sex talk demons" episode of Marriage & Martinis -



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    30 December 2023, 7:00 am
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