

A podcast by two friends who love storytelling, video games, and romancing aliens!

  • 48 minutes 14 seconds
    Episode #6.13: Enemies Among Us - Questionable Things

    While your hosts are strong advocates for mage rights, it’s hard to ignore a woman worried about her brother–especially if she’s destitute without him. Macha informs us that her brother, a templar recruit has gone missing and Knight Commander Meredith is keeping the situation hushed up. A visit to the Gallows reveals that Keran isn’t the only missing recruit–but one of them has returned, only to be followed out to the Wounded Coast by Knight Captain Cullen. Cullen exposes the recruit and then hands over the investigation to us since we can move freely throughout the city of Kirkwall. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

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    19 December 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Episode #6.12: Blackpowder Promise - Wealth Not Worth w/ Troytlepower

    Remember our pal Javaris? He offered us money if we went out of our way to kill some Tal Vashoth, qunari who abandoned the qun to kill for their own glory. According to him, if we, including our guest Troytlepower, kill the Tal Vashoth, the Arishok who leads the qunari who have been stranded in Kirkwall will share the ultra sacred super secret formula to create gatlock powder, an explosive material that only the Qunari know how to make. Whether we agree or not, we do need to make 50 gold to buy into an expedition and advance the plot, so… I’m sure the Arishok will give Javaris what he wants. Right? Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: Witch Hunt

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    21 November 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 53 seconds
    Episode #6.11: The Unbidden Rescue - So Very Worth Trying

    There’s a bounty out to find the missing son of Kirkwall’s viscount. What a better way to earn some gold and rise in the estimation of the nobility Hawke should have been part of? Too bad Hawke isn’t first to the party. The Winters already have a lead, but they don’t seem the type of people to talk things out. With the blessing of the Seneschal, Hawke can intervene and try to bring Saemus home safely. Upon arrival, it’s too late to prevent the murder of the Qunari blamed for Saemus’s disappearance, but it’s not too late to protect Seamus from the people who killed his friend. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: Haunt Your House

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    7 November 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 18 seconds
    Episode #6.10: The First Sacrifice - The White Lily Murders Pt. 1

    This is Reignite, Kirkwall’s only true crime podcast. Today we bring you the first part of a gruesome string of murders spanning over 3 years. From tracking a missing noble woman who possibly ran away from her dreadful husband, to uncovering a conspiracy of missing women, our investigator scours Kirkwall from High Town to Low following the trail of a killer. Not even blood magic can stop our investigator in their hunt. This is part one of The White Lily Murders. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    In lieu of Fandom Corner, please visit and to learn more about the ongoing crisis of missing black and indigenous women in the USA.

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    10 October 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 53 minutes 24 seconds
    Episode #6.09: Magistrate’s Orders - Getting It Done On The Sly

    There are many people for us to speak to while we wander around Hightown, one of which is a magistrate who has a mission for us. He has heard that we are able to get things done on the sly and wants us to battle our way through ancient ruins to collect an escaped convict and bring him back for justice, the ancient ruins are filled with beasts that normal guards are not equipped to handle, but who cares if we throw our lives away right once we arrive at the ruins we learn that there is more to this convict than we were initially told, because of course there is this convict has a history of abducting and murdering elvin children, and nothing has been done about it. An elf whose daughter was most recently abducted and presumed dead requests that we put the murderer down instead of bringing him back alive as ordered. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: Conor Carroll Art

    Also check out Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance here!

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    12 September 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode #6.08: The Bone Pit - You Look Unseasoned

    We have a complete party and a mission– earn 50 big ones so Bartrand will let us tag along on his expedition. Our first cash grab is to help out Hubert, a salesman based in High Town. He owns a mine ominously named “The Bone Pit” where something mysterious has disrupted production. Miners aren’t reporting in and no one will check it out because of the mine’s spooky history. In walks Hawke who ain’t afraid of no bone pit. Can we solve the mystery in the mine? Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: The Goblin Emporium

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    29 August 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 34 seconds
    Episode #6.07: Long Way Home - Fly In The Ointment

    Now that we’re fresh out of indentured servitude, maybe it’s time we keep our promise to the scary lady who rescued us from darkspawn. Off to Sundermount we go to present Marethari with an amulet. The Dalish are, understandably, wary of our approach, but we are expected so we get something of a free pass to at least keep breathing until they decide otherwise. Marethari asks Hawke and co to bring the amulet to the top of the mountain, let her apprentice do some magic over it, then bring it back. Once that’s done then we’re done! Oh but also can we adopt Merrill?  Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: Lil Shop of Husbands

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    15 August 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 28 seconds
    Episode #6.06: Fools Rush In - Ahh… Balls. w/ Andrew McMahon

    With this week's guest Andrew McMahon in tow we head back to the Hanged Man where we see a beautiful lady beat the shit out of a bunch of gross men. Of COURSE we want to talk to her. She immediately decides we can help her by having her back on a duel. When we go to support her, we learn that her opponent plays dirty (shocking) and is waiting to hear news of her death in the Chantry. We fight our way through more raiders and discover that our new stabby friend has a lot more going on than we thought. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: Prince Puca

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    1 August 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 37 minutes 18 seconds
    Episode #6.05: Bait & Switch - I Do Not Fear Death

    Our former employer points us to a dwarf named Anso who needs someone to reclaim cargo that was…not not stolen from him by some very reasonable smugglers. A few dead bodies later and it seems like the crew has been had. What’s really going on here? Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: OctoBabe

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    18 July 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode #6.04: Birthright - We’re Going To Make This Our Home

    With Hawke’s sibling, we break into the Amell estate and clean out the slavers that purchased it from Gamlen all those years ago. Once they’re gone, Hawke has the opportunity to explore, pick up a gift, and then return to Leandra with news of what the will really said. We also catch up on the latest Dragon Age: The Veilguard news! Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    Check out this week's Fandom Corner: Seventy Percent Cocoa

    You can find the show on TwitterInstagramTumblrBluesky and Facebook!

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    4 July 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 31 seconds
    Episode #6.03: The Way It Should Be - You’re A Beautiful Sight

    With Aveline in our party our next stop is to visit Sundermount to clear up that ambush. Once all of the well equipped bandits are dead, it’s a job well done! Right? Apparently not in Captain Jeven’s eyes–instead he accuses Aveline of showboating and threatens to throw both Aveline and Hawke in jail if they disobey orders again. Aveline refuses to let it end there, so with some investigating she learns that the ambush was meant for the lone patrol of Brennan, a guard who was carrying pay and orders from one location to another. She has passed this off to Donnic who is now in the same danger Brennan was. Hawke and Aveline must rescue Donnic and discover what Captain Jeven has been hiding. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

    You can find the show on TwitterInstagramTumblrBluesky and Facebook!

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    20 June 2024, 1:00 pm
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