
Zoo Podcast

  • 30 seconds
    The Devil Hates Mondays

    Here's a promo from a new show coming soon, from the great Amanda Hall, voice of Dahlia Riddle. 

    29 February 2020, 12:52 am
  • 8 minutes 44 seconds
    February 14, 2002

    My scary valentine. 

    Written by Coni Kitts

    Zoo created by C.J. Housh, Coni Kitts, and Codi Phillips

    Directed by Codi Phillips 

    Sound Design by C.J. Housh

    Original Music by Nathan Gandy

    Mandy Hall as Dahlia Riddle  C.J. Housh as Ithaqua 

    14 February 2020, 5:01 am
  • 27 minutes 21 seconds
    Episode 24: Yuletide Shenanigans

    Amos tells the story of a holiday visit from some friends from afar. 

    Written by C.J. Housh

    Zoo created by C.J. Housh, Coni Kitts, and Codi Phillips

    Directed by Codi Phillips 

    Sound Design by C.J. Housh

    Original Music by Nathan Gandy


    23 December 2019, 11:00 am
  • 3 minutes 46 seconds
    Azalea Hollow-How's It Gonna End?

    Please join us for the first episode of Coni's new show! You will see this and 2 other exciting new projects pop up on our feed in the coming weeks. Enjoy and have a happy Halloween!


    Beau prepares for his first day of work, Prudence reminisces.


    Written and created by Coni Kitts

    Twitter: @urbancryptid

    Beau is played by Vyn Vox

    Twitter: @VynVoxVa

    Prudence is played by Mandy Hall

    Twitter: @hiptomyjive1


    The show twitter is @azaleahollow

    Episode 1 releases this November.

    30 October 2019, 12:34 am
  • 1 minute 48 seconds
    Podtales 2019

    Zoo peeps at podtales

    15 October 2019, 12:52 am
  • 36 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode 23 - The Ocean is a Harsh Mistress

    McKayla is given special access to the Aquarium with the permission of the Administrator. What she finds there will set the course of the relationship between the Aquarium and the Zoo for good. 

    Zoo is created by C.J. Housh, Coni Kitts, and Codi Phillips. 

    This episode is written by C.J. Housh

    The voice of McKayla Kespar is Coni Kitts

    The Voice of the Mothman is C.J. Housh

    The Voice of Siobhan Wollstonecraft is Jade Smith

    The Voice of the Administrator is Andy Gaidry

    The Voice of Phineas Seagate is Robert Chauncey 

    The Voice of Courtney Barnes is Chris Meier 

    The Voice of Agent Cold is Shelby Heger

    The Voice of Agent Alexander Beckett is Nathan Gandy

    Directed by Codi Phillips 

    All original music composed by Nathan Gandy

    Sound Design by CJ Housh

    You can find us on twitter @Zoopodcast

    19 September 2019, 8:02 pm
  • 42 minutes 8 seconds
    Episode 22 - Nor Iron Bars a Cage

    An unwelcome visitor forces McKayla to take them to the Zoo, and an unholy creature makes an offer the Zoo can’t refuse.

    Zoo is created by C.J. Housh, Coni Kitts, and Codi Phillips. 

    This episode is written by C.J. Housh

    The voice of McKayla Kespar is Coni Kitts

    The Voices of the Mothman, Amos, and the Gay Deer are C.J. Housh

    The Voice of Normandy Hart is Fox Cooper

    The Voice of the Administrator is Andy Gaidry 

    The voice of Alexander Beckett is Nathan Gandy

    A special thank you to Jamie Lindeman of Nerdhaus Games. Follow Jamie on twitter at jaylinde and find nerdhausgames at nerdhausgames.com

    Directed by Codi Phillips. 

    Sound Design by C.J. Housh

    Original Music by Nathan Gandy 

    Follow us on twitter @zoopodcast. 

    Please donate to patreon.com/zoopodcast

    26 August 2019, 3:37 pm
  • 30 minutes 9 seconds
    Episode 21 - Another Kind of Silence

    Zoo is created by C.J. Housh, Coni Kitts, and Codi Phillips. 

    This episode is written by Coni Kitts

    The voice of McKayla Kespar is Coni Kitts

    The Voice of the Mothman is C.J. Housh

    The Voice of Springheeled Jack is Jamie Lindeman 

    The Voice of Dahlia Riddle is Amanda Hall

    The voice of Alexander Beckett is Nathan Gandy

    A special thank you to Robert Chauncey of Tunnels podcast for reading this week’s opening. You can find Tunnels on twitter @TunnelsPodcast or wherever fine podcasts are distributed 

    Directed by Codi Phillips. 

    Sound Design by C.J. Housh

    Original Music by Nathan Gandy 

    Follow us on twitter @zoopodcast.

    12 August 2019, 2:00 pm
  • 58 minutes 48 seconds
    Episode 20 - Sailor to a Siren

    Attention Zoo Visitors: there is an escaped cryptid in the Ogopogo Boardwalk. Cover your ears. 

    Written by C.J. Housh

    Coni Kitts as McKayla Kespar

    C.J. Housh as Amos and The Mothman

    Jack Pevyhouse as Assistant Director Dalton

    Maria Micklasavage as Zookeeper Rafferty Ackerman 

    Jade Smith as Siobhan Wollstonecraft 

    Sarah van Loenen as the singing voice of the Siren 

    Nathan Gandy as Beckett

    Wooly as Popcorn 

    Chris Meier as Barnes 

    Original music by Nathan Gandy 

    29 July 2019, 2:00 pm
  • 1 minute 33 seconds

    Here's a little teaser of what's to come. 

    26 July 2019, 10:52 pm
  • 30 minutes 37 seconds
    Episode 19 - Nessie’s Girl

    When the circumstances of previous events force the Zoo staff onto the wrong boat in the middle of Loch Ness, they come head to head with a mysterious new group in a yellow submarine. 

    Zoo is created by C.J. Housh, Coni Kitts, and Codi Phillips. 

    This episode is written by Coni Kitts

    The voice of McKayla Kespar is Coni Kitts

    The voices of the Mothman and Amos provided by C.J. Housh

    The voice of Alexander Beckett is Nathan Gandy

    The voice of Barnes is Chris Meier

    The voice of Titanium Violet is Lucille Valentine 

    The voice of Phineas Seagate is Robert Chauncey 

    The voice of Normandy is Fox Cooper 

    Opening narration by Jack Pevyhouse of Forest Guide. Follow him @aSpecificJack or @ForestGuideAD

    Directed by Codi Phillips. 

    Sound Design by C.J. Housh

    Original Music by Nathan Gandy 

    The Aquarium track in this episode is The Crypt of Boone Helm Remastered by TechnoAxe 

    Follow us on twitter @zoopodcast.

    15 July 2019, 3:00 pm
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