Come Fly With Me

Jon Lapidese - storyteller & travel podcaster

Welcome to my personal travel stories of adventure, mayhem, foolishness... and swinging through the jungle of life. Come join the shenanigans as I take you around the world and around the block.

  • 15 minutes 1 second
    On the Road with Lovey (Part 1)

    Traveling with small children is the ultimate adventure.   The bags. The bottles. The bedding.   What won't we do for our kids?   Like that time I jumped off a plane.... 

    7 May 2019, 1:30 am
  • 14 minutes 54 seconds
    Me and Jesus at the Rodeo

    So what do you know about the rodeo?   Do you think it's just a place to watch cowboys go flying into the dirt? Would it surprise you to learn the rodeo has a spiritual side as well? Trust me Pardner, it does. I saw that spirit at work, just inches away from a raging bull.  

    18 April 2019, 12:28 am
  • 20 minutes 13 seconds
    Our Own Private Portlandia

    Aren't we all looking for that perfect place to settle down? Where the grass is literally greener? Well what could be greener than Portland, Oregon So Kris and I decided to take a vacation.  Come along for the ride - it'll just be the three of us!

    21 March 2019, 7:24 pm
  • 15 minutes 12 seconds
    Riding, Flying and Pumping Gas with The First Lady

    Is this really happening? Have I lost my grip on reality?

    I can't find my cameraman. And there's a helicopter waiting... hovering 100 feet above us.

    And Maria Shriver sits nearby, 

    in a low-rider, putting on her makeup. But the craziest part is, this isn't a dream. Unfortunately. 

    7 March 2019, 11:12 pm
  • 15 minutes 48 seconds
    Engine Trouble Plus Vomit

    Scotch coolers, PF Flyers, plastic fishing rods and Brownie cameras. This can only mean one thing: Mid-century family vacation!   Were you there? Or would you like a peek? Come on, let’s take a drive back in time. That is, until the car breaks down.

    12 February 2019, 2:05 am
  • 17 minutes 31 seconds
    Up to 50% Off at the Third Tunnel of Aggression

    Korea is one crazy place. Where else can you find insane, clown dictators and Gangnam Style only about an hour away from each other?   Our mission was to explore one of the famous invasion tunnels there, but we somehow landed in the DMZ… gift shop.

    Join us in Neverland, for a trip down a real commie rabbit hole.  

    31 January 2019, 5:21 am
  • 16 minutes 27 seconds
    Paris On $1 A Day

    Mes Amis – My friends

    We’re off to Paris where I get into a bit of difficulté. 

    I’m young.

    I’m stupid.

    And I manage to get myself stuck inside a cemetery.

    With literally a million others.

    But they’re dead.

    What’s my excuse?

    5 January 2019, 10:39 pm
  • 15 minutes 7 seconds
    Edinburgh: You Must Think We Are Barbarians

    Edinburgh for the holidays is kinda special. Beautiful, cold, dark and twinkly. With a just touch of the looney. We got there after a crazy flight. It was all castles, caverns and peaty drams in festive pubs. Join us down these merry lanes.   Season’s greetings and a Happy New Year!  

    Now here's a wee tale for ya. 

    24 December 2018, 2:25 am
  • 15 minutes 51 seconds
    Planes, Trains & Automobiles... Also Choppers & Butterflies

    Hola! Today we’re flying with the President of Mexico to one of the wonders of our world. No, it's not a Mayan temple or a smoldering volcano.    No one was sacrificed or conquered there. It's crazier than that. It took the imagination of a universe to divine a place this... startling. And to think it was just discovered some thirty years ago. Hop on board as we adventure to Wonderland... 

    9 December 2018, 12:23 am
  • 13 minutes 20 seconds
    Hey Redhead Boy!

    We're traveling to Jamaica! Shooting video in Kingston. Jammin' with the First Lady. Things are cool. When suddenly the First Lady has some Second thoughts about this party. But it’s my job to keep it going. Will she stay or will she go? 

    22 November 2018, 10:29 pm
  • 14 minutes 20 seconds
    Giving Thanks in Aguas Calientes

    This is a story about disaster in Peru. 

    But also recovery, adventure and thanks.

    We were just happy to make it out of that place alive.

    So of course we celebrated by eating.

    A big, festive meal, straight from the earth.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    10 November 2018, 1:12 am
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