In a world ravaged by an ancient monster race-war, a group of young tween supernatural friends from different backgrounds, codenamed “Spooky Troop”, come together to try and restore peace and harmony between monster kind.
With the fate of the Pitifuls hanging in the balance on Halloween night, the Spooky Troop rally together to stop the Demon King and destroy the Jewel of Gorgon! Includes the song “Halloween” featuring The Demon King.
When the Spooky Troop finally come together at the old Haunted House, an unwelcome visitor might mean the end of their plan to save the Pitifuls on Halloween!
It’s a race against time as Stewart The Sorcerer and Valerie The Vampire try to round up the Spooky Troop before the Demon King can find them! Includes the brand new song “We’re A Little Different” featuring Stewart The Sorcerer and Valerie The Vampire.
When the Demon King reveals his secret weapon to Mayor Tullabub, Valerie The Vampire and Stewart The Sorcerer make a powerful decision to save the Pitifuls and Halloween!
After being blamed for ruining his family’s vacation in the United Netherworld, Stewart The Sorcerer visits Valerie the Vampire at the Van Vleet Hotel where they stumble upon the Demon King’s wicked plot.
Listen to the spooktacular teaser trailer for Spooky Troop: The Last Halloween, the special holiday adventure featuring the monster tweens as they face off against the Demon King to save mankind!
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