
Tia Moore

Tia Moore is the host of NextView Podcast and a real estate agent with the NextView Home Professionals Team at eXp Realty. Tia is passionate about working with local businesses and uses NextView Podcast as an opportunity to show support by introducing those business owners to her podcast audience. Interested in being a guest? Send us a message and tell us about your business, non profit, event, etc- we would love to hear from you. In the meantime, be sure to like our page, subscribe to our youtube channel and leave a comment, so we’ll know you’re here!

  • 57 minutes 25 seconds
    Systemic Discrimination in Real Estate

    In this episode of #NextViewPodcast Tia Moore of #NextViewHomeProfessionals discusses the historical timeline of discrimination in real estate and how it effects minority communities today.    From Redlining, racial discrimination, income discrimination,  gender discrimination in both real estate sales and lending.   Tia also brings on a mortgage underwriter to discuss what she sees from an underwriter perspective.

    2 July 2020, 2:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 20 seconds
    COVID-19:Create Family Bonding Through Cultural Exploration

    During these times of social distancing due to Coronavirus we're forced to spend more time indoors and hopefully we're lucky enough to do with with our families.   Preston Battles joined us on NextView Podcast to discuss the benefits of connecting with our cultures to strengthen our family, legacies, and our overall peace of mind.  

    Preston previously graduated from Arizona State University with his master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling.  He is currently a Ridgel Fellow and Ph.D. student at the University of Missouri in Counseling Psychology – where he researches the psychological effects of racism as well as post-secondary education in prison settings.  He also teaches undergraduate courses at Mizzou and provides clinical services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. 

    27 March 2020, 8:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 32 seconds
    Why is the Buyer's Appraisal Important to a Home Seller?

    In this episode Tia Moore of the NextView Home Professionals, discusses the details of the appraisal process from the perspective of a home seller and listing agent.  

    Why it's the key component to ensuring a successful closing. 
    The responsibilities of the listing agent during the appraisal process. 
    The responsibility of the sellers in hiring a listing agent that is experienced navigating the appraisal process.  

    Listen and leave us your feedback- we always want to know how you apply this information.  

    Tia Moore is the business owner and team leader of the NextView Home Professionals at eXp Realty.  Tia's team is a high producing real estate group out of the Greater Phoenix area.  Whether you're buying a home in Queen Creek or Buckeye, we're here to help you. Visit our website at or by phone at 480-281-3078. 

    12 March 2020, 7:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 52 seconds
    March 2020 Market Update: Is The Phoenix Market Going to Crash?

    In this episode Tia Moore is discussing the Phoenix Real Estate Market.  The number one question we're hearing from buyer's and sellers is whether or not the market is going to crash?   In this episode I provide facts and statistics, so you can understand why.   

    To contact NextView Home Professionals visit or call/text at 

    5 March 2020, 5:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 32 seconds
    Closing Day with NextView Home Professionals

    Tia was recently interview by Kyle Pucko of Closing Day podast.  In this interview, Kyle asks Tia: 

    What resources are available for first time home buyers? 
    What mistakes should people avoid when purchasing their first home. 
    What is Escrow? 
    What does a typical day look like with NextView Home Professionals.  

    Tune in to this short episode and leave your questions in the comments or contact us directly by visiting 

    27 February 2020, 5:00 pm
  • 24 minutes 56 seconds
    Your Offer was Accepted_NOW WHAT?

    Purchasing your first home can certainly be scary and most people are afraid to take the step because they want to have a clear map of the home buying process.  If you have been keeping up with our home buyer series, you're ready to find out what happens when you write an offer and the seller accepts your term?    Well, in this episode we talk about the home inspection process, the required seller disclosures, home owners insurance quotes, appraisals, and MORE!    

    Tune into this episode of NextView Podcast to hear about the steps you need to take to be home ready now or in the future.   As always, we're here to answer your questions at 480-281-3078 or 

    6 February 2020, 7:00 am
  • 19 minutes 13 seconds
    Making An Offer

    You've been searching for homes and you finally found THE ONE! The perfect home that will be the backdrop of your best memories.  Listen to this episode to learn how you can negotiate price, closing date, inspection, closing cost concessions, appliances, and MORE! 

    For your real estate needs, be sure to contact NextView Home professionals at
     480-281-3078 or 

    16 January 2020, 10:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 52 seconds
    Ring and Nest Security Cameras: How secure are you?

    Home Security Hacking 

    You may know, we started providing our video content to our subscribers only,but there's a story that’s been creeping me out and I felt as many people as possible should be warned.  Be sure to checkout our video on Youtube at:

    Have you all heard about men hacking into baby monitors, security cameras, and home alarms such as Ring, Nest, etc?  

    Well, I recently read a story about a mom that setup a ring camera in her 8 year old daughters bedroom for peace of mind. A man hacked into the camera and started harassing the child.  Based on the video playback from the camera, he would try to convince the child to misbehave,  using racial slurs, calling himself Santa Claus-just overall disturbing behavior.  

    In another instance, a man hacked into a family's home alarm and tripped the siren and then threatened the family repeatedly by speaking to them through the intercom and made ransom demands. 

    Is it safe anywhere and how much of our privacy have we given up? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself for a while and now I’m thinking twice about camera’s inside my home.  

    How can you keep your Camera’s and try to hack proof it.  Here are a few tips. 

    1. Keep your firmware up to date
    2. Change your password to something long, complicated. Be sure it’s not something identifiable like your birthday. 
    3. Setup a password manager 
    4.  Setup two factor authentication on your camera.  Not all cameras offer 2 factor authentication, but a few that do are Ring, Amazon, and Nest. 
    20 December 2019, 1:00 am
  • 10 minutes 37 seconds
    What You Should Know Before Viewing Homes

    This episode has been transcribed for your benefit. Please see below. 

    Hello. Hello friends. It's Tia Moore your host of NextView podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. Before we get into this very short nine minute episode of the podcast, I wanted to give you a quick heads up about what I'll be discussing today. I know that there are homes that are on the market that you can access without a realtor. And so I want to talk to you about safety protocols and also in that same breath, talking about the benefits and the reasons why you want to have your hired representative with you, even though you can't access the home by yourself. I'll talk about what location should mean for you. Everybody says when you buy a home location, location, location is the most important, but most people, most times you don't hear people explain what does that mean? So I'll go over that and explain what that means to you and for your lifestyle.

    I'm also going to be talking about what to think about if you decide to purchase a house that's near a school. Floor plan functionality when you're viewing homes and things like that. I want to make sure that once you go out and you're looking at houses, the information in is in this podcast can help you make a decision that's going to prevent you from being beat out in the market with somebody else. Because here in Phoenix and maybe different in some other markets, but here in the Phoenix Metro area, inventory is extremely low. And when we have such a tight market with low inventory and high buyer demand, that means you have to be able to make a decision quickly. So if you're equipped with enough information to help you make a good and smart decision, then I feel like you'll, you'll get the home that you need and you'll be really competitive in today's market.

    So give it a listen. Like I said, it's a short nine minutes and after you listen, be sure to leave me a review and let me know what you think. I'll see you guys next week. Okay guys, so viewing homes, the last episode we talked about what you should expect when you do a consultation with a realtor. Well, this episode we're talking about what to expect when you're viewing homes. So you probably have seen the open door signs and the offer pad signs and then you can text and they'll give you a code to go right into the house. Okay. Completely okay to do that. That's no problem in doing that. However, I recommend that you do not make that move without your real estate agent. A couple of reasons why. One, for safety purposes, you don't want to go into a vacant property by yourself.

    There has been more than one occasion where there have been, you know, people in those homes that should not be in those homes and it's put people in unsafe situations. So I w I don't want any of you guys to have a situation where you're, you're putting to a situation and you get hurt. So that's one reason you shouldn't do that. The other reason for that is because if you are currently working with a real estate agent and you want to make sure that they, that you do get representation, and sometimes if you go into a property without them, then that can affect your ability to use them as a realtor. So have a conversation with your preferred realtor about that so they can go detail with you about it, but just don't go alone. But safety and plus because you want and you want to keep and you want to have representation.

    When you go into a house, what should you be looking at? Well, I'm going to tell you it is, I don't want you to forget, be in the heat of the moment. You need to be looking at where is this house located at? And some of these things you can look at even before you get there, you can just pull it up on Google maps. But do you want to back up to a main street? Let's say for example, it's a busy, busy road and there's lots of traffic on it. Do you want your house to backup to that road? Is the house on a corner? Is it a corner

    5 December 2019, 7:00 am
  • 10 minutes 28 seconds
    What to Expect When You Hire a REALTOR

    In this short episode Tia Moore breaks down the responsibilities of a Realtor when you hire them.   Most people have an uninformed idea of the responsibilities of their real estate agent and that's mostly because some agents may not take the time to explain.    Tia walks you through the process that NextView Home Professionals team follow in order to ensure they have some of the most informed clients in the market.  When you are interviewing real estate agents, be sure to contact Tia Moore at 480-281-3078 and if you're out of state, we are happy to provide you with a real estate referral. 

    Feel free to reference the transcript below.  

    On last episode we talked about choosing your real estate agent. We talked about finding down payment options, down payment assistance, We talked about choosing your loan officer. So because we told you how important it was to find a realtor, I want to make sure I spend some time with you and explain to you what you should expect from your realtor because that's going to be important. Cause if you don't know, you don't know what to expect, you might think great service is always a given or you might still think bad service is likely to continue as well. So let me help you understand that. And then what I'll explain to you is pretty much what our client's experiences have been. So that way you know you can compare. Alright, so your real estate agent should be honest and trustworthy. They should be obedient, meaning you know they're listening to your needs and they're taking your direction because ultimately you are the one that's making the decision to hire the real estate agent.

    And if you're doing that, then they shouldn't be acting opposite of what you're asking them to do, right? So they should be loyal to you. So that means you know, if they're assisting you, they can't let that get in the way of anything they're doing. They can't put their needs in front of yours. They should make sure they're disclosing everything they know about a property or anything related to the market directly to you. If it's going to affect your purchase. They also should, they have a responsibility of keeping any information that you share with them confidential and they cannot act outside the lines of their licensing, right? So you don't want to work with somebody that tells you things that may not necessarily be true. So what we do with our clients, we get a new client. The first thing we do is we invite them into our office.

    Um, the reason we invite you into our office is because we want to make sure that we walk through what you should expect when you purchase a home from start to finish. The market is always changing. Some of our real estate contracts change some of the things that are happening in the financial industry and requirements. Those things change. So we want to make sure that you have the most up to date information so that you feel confident by the time you walk into a house. And I'll give you an example. So let's say we sit down with you, we go with your consultation and we go through everything we walk you through what to expect from when you see a house, what you expect. Once you get a contract, what everything that's in the contract and you go and start looking at houses, you're going to feel a lot more confident in your decision making.

    Whether you look at a house two weeks from the day we first meet or a month or a day, you're going to feel a lot more confident because you have as much information as possible. And that's what we like for our clients. We like for our clients to have significant education about the home buying process and we like for them to feel confident about the purchase for us. A bad purchase for you, the buyer is a bad purchase for us. The realtor, we want to make sure that you are happy in your home and you feel really confident in your decision both before you make the decision during the decisio

    21 November 2019, 4:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 29 seconds
    November 2019 Market Update

    Tia Moore discusses the November 2019 Market update. 

    Overall Market Overview
    What Current Market Means If You're a Buyer in Today's Market
    What the Current Market Means if You're a Seller in Today's Market 
    How New Construction Effects Phoenix Real Estate Market 
    Fun Facts: Courtesy of the Oliver Whalen Team at Nova Home Loans 

    Be sure to visit our website for past episode and full blog. 
    NextView Home Professionals can be reached at for all of your real estate questions. 

    The Oliver Whalen team can be reached at www.oliverwhalenteamcom for all of your home loan questions.  Tell them Tia sent you. 😀

    13 November 2019, 3:00 pm
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