FrequencyCast UK Tech Radio Show

FrequencyCast covers Digital TV and Technology in the UK. Our shows are driven by listener feedback, and thanks to our loyal audience, we have won two European awards. FrequencyCast is presented by tech lovers Pete and Kelly, and shows cover digital TV services such as Freeview, Sky, BT Vision, Freesat and Virgin Media, as well hands-on reviews of gadgets and online gadgets. Each show starts with a UK tech news roundup, followed by an in-depth focus on a topic chosen by our listeners. We then get interactive with emails, texts, tweets and podline calls. Join us for a lighthearted tantalising take on technology. More details at

  • 30 minutes 13 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 126: Return of Kelly and Pete, Offshore Radio and the ISS
    FrequencyCast is back, with an all-new sound. Join Pete and Kelly for Show 126, where we catch up with what we have been up to since the last show, and find out why Kelly glows in the dark. We take a boat trip to take a look at the history of offshore radio, talk about streaming video and listen in to the International Space Station. Details at
    27 October 2019, 9:36 pm
  • 2 minutes 30 seconds
    FrequencyCast - Hello from 2019! Remember us?
    Greetings from FrequencyCast - Remember us? Kelly and Pete met up in a lonely carpark in June 2019 to send a message to anyone still subscribing to this feed. It's been a long time, the microphone is covered in cobwebs, and we have forgotten how it all works - but we wanted to say hello and send you a message. Want to tell us you are there too? Send us a hello here -
    27 June 2019, 9:36 am
  • 30 minutes 4 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 125: Alexa, the Birth of Broadcasting, Canine Calories and BT
    FrequencyCast returns after a short break - thanks for bearing with us. In Show 125, we look at Amazon Alexa, the birth of British broadcasting with 2MT, fitness tracking for pets and contactless payment jewelery. In the news, revival of a Nokia classic, Nintendo Switch and the MakeAirFair campaign, plus your comments on 4G interference, and Sky boxes. Details at
    6 March 2017, 5:41 pm
  • 4 minutes 32 seconds
    FrequencyCast Update - 95 Years of Two Emma Toc
    The 14th of February 2017 marks the 95th anniversary of a piece of radio history. In the county of Essex, the first "radio station" took to the air. It was on-air for 30 minutes a week, and was the birth of British broadcasting. This update discusses the launch of an online radio station to cover the historic anniversary. More details at
    10 February 2017, 2:33 pm
  • 30 minutes 18 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 124: Google Cardboard, Radio Caroline, Pokemon Go, exploding Galaxies and HDMI
    FrequencyCast returns after a short break - thanks for bearing with us. In Show 124, we look at Pokemon Go, Google Cardboard, Virtual Reality, Radio Caroline, and the BBC Microbit. In the news, exploding Galaxies, phone roaming and the new Amazon Alexa virtual assistant, plus your comments on HDMI, Ofcom and TV licensing. Details at
    30 October 2016, 10:16 pm
  • 30 minutes 4 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 123: End of the first social network, smart dog security and a smart watchstrap
    FrequencyCast Show 123 is here, after a short break. In this show, Pete and Kelly look at a new smart watchstrap, monitoring your home with a smart dog, sweat tracking and a high-tech way not to lose your keys. We also talk about the end of the first social network, and help with questions on Sky Q, Discovery and SCART sockets. Details at
    1 July 2016, 10:42 pm
  • 30 minutes 52 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 122: Wearable Tech in London and the future of the sociable network
    For FrequencyCast Show 122, Pete and Kelly trek boldly to the 2016 Wearable Technology Show in London, where they try out a fitness tracking ring, a kids wearable mobile and the future of the sociable mobile network. Plus the latest tech news and answers to listeners questions. Details at
    16 April 2016, 7:30 pm
  • 30 minutes 13 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 121: Facebook changes, girls in tech, eyewear and more DAB
    In FrequencyCast Show 121, Pete and Kelly discuss the changes to Facebook, talk about girls in tech and spend some time at an electronics fair. We also look at paper-thin lenses and some tech reading glasses, plus talk about snapchat. In the news, new DAB stations, a new Raspberry Pi and the end of Nook in the UK. Details at
    5 March 2016, 4:57 pm
  • 30 minutes 13 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 120: Tim Peake Radio Contact, De-stressing and a 10 hour movie
    For FrequencyCast Show 120, Pete and Kelly take a look behind the scenes as Tim Peake makes radio contact with a UK school. Also, news of a 10 hour crowd-funded film, an update on the Riut backpack and details of the upcoming Sci-fi Ball. Plus your questions on the demise of TVPlayer on Freeview, and rights issues for BBC radio sport. Details at
    1 February 2016, 6:04 pm
  • 30 minutes 30 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 119: Review of 2015, weather prediction and power cuts
    For FrequencyCast Show 119, Pete and Kelly take a look back at the last year of tech news headlines, review some of what they got up to, and make some predictions. We also talk to weatherman Jim Bacon about 2016 and hyper-local weather tech. In the news, the BBC hack, AVG issues and old TVs, plus your questions on power cuts and Raspberry Pi VPNs. Details at
    6 January 2016, 10:33 pm
  • 30 minutes 44 seconds
    FrequencyCast UK Show 118: Raspberry Pi Zero, end of BBC Three, kids toys and time-wasting videos
    In FrequencyCast Show 118, Pete challenges Kelly to set up a Raspberry Pi Zero, and both complain about Black Friday. We also look at Facebook security and the sad demise of BBC Three. Also, a look at some new products from TomTom, surround sound from Orbitsound, and some kids birds and scorpions from Character Options. In Feedback: Sky phone lines, Windows 10 startup problems and blind dating apps. Details at
    4 December 2015, 9:00 pm
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