Wild Business Growth Podcast

Wild Business Growth Podcast Presented by Hippo Direct

How entrepreneurs and innovators unleash creativity to grow bigger and better businesses. Hear from an exciting new guest every single week who's turning wild ideas into wild growth. Guests include startup founders, product inventors, social media influencers, and much more. Presented by Hippo Direct - Let your business Run Wild! Hosted by digital marketing dude Max Branstetter. Theme Song: Freestyle Percussion Magik - Jungle Tribe - provided by Jamendo

  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    #321: Anne Candido & April Martini – ForthRight People, Strategic Counsel by ForthRight Business

    Anne Candido & April Martini, the Co-Founders of ForthRight People and Co-Hosts of Strategic Counsel by ForthRight Business, join the show to share their journey from P&G and the agency world to helping businesses grow through strategy & brand building. Hear how to find your business partner, how to know when it’s time to pivot your business, how to use your podcast as your primary marketing strategy, how to batch your podcast recordings, and the song Anne can’t stand. Connect with Anne & April on LinkedIn, ForthRight-People.com, and check out Strategic Counsel by ForthRight Business. Stay tuned at the end of this episode for a special announcement about the Wild Business Growth podcast

    29 January 2025, 8:00 am
  • 44 minutes 27 seconds
    #320: Greg Fisher – Kelley Entrepreneurship Professor, The Principles of Entrepreneurial Progress

    Greg Fisher, the Kelley Professor of Entrepreneurship and Author of The Principles of Entrepreneurial Progress, joins the show to share his journey from accountant in South Africa to teaching the next generation of entrepreneurs at Indiana University (IU). Hear how to become a college professor, the mistakes many new entrepreneurs make, how to keep things simple as an entrepreneur, how to maintain a sense of urgency, and the moment Greg felt truly at home in Bloomington. Connect with Greg on LinkedIn and check out his book on Amazon

    22 January 2025, 5:45 am
  • 43 minutes 58 seconds
    #319: Alan Kraft & Jim Kabakow – Media Horizons, Bin 113, Wine Across America

    Alan Kraft & Jim Kabakow, the Co-Founders & Managing Partners of Bin 113, join the show to share their journey from starting, growing, and selling Media Horizons to building the wine marketing company for wineries in all 50 states. Hear how to start a marketing agency, how to add more services to your business, how to sell your business, the marketing opportunity for wineries in the US, and Alan & Jim’s favorite wine regions outside the US. Connect with Alan & Jim on LinkedIn, Bin113.com, and check out Wine Across America

    15 January 2025, 5:23 am
  • 46 minutes 33 seconds
    #318: Ashley Lynn Priore – Chess for NFL Teams, Queens Gambit & Queenside Ventures

    Ashley Lynn Priore, the Founder & CEO of Queens Gambit and Queenside Ventures, joins the show to share her journey from 4-year-old chess prodigy to teaching girls and NFL teams chess, life, and entrepreneurship skills. Hear how to start a business while you’re in school, start multiple businesses, take risks, work with professional sports teams, and Ashley’s top chess tips. Connect with Ashley at QGChess.org, QueensideVentures.com, and on LinkedIn

    8 January 2025, 6:38 am
  • 40 minutes 2 seconds
    #317: Sasha Siddhartha – Thrive Market Co-Founder, Healthy & Sustainable Online Groceries

    Sasha Siddhartha, the Co-Founder & CTO of Thrive Market, joins the show to share his journey from growing up in several countries to building the healthy & sustainable online grocery store with over 1.6 million members. Hear how to immerse yourself in a new culture, create a company mission that attracts a strong team, use a membership model, invent new recipes, and the longest coding sprint Sasha’s ever done. Connect with Sasha at ThriveMarket.com and on LinkedIn

    31 December 2024, 8:22 pm
  • 39 minutes 20 seconds
    #316: Tom Kubiniec – SecureIt Tactical Founder, Military Weapon Storage

    Tom Kubiniec, the President & CEO of SecureIt Tactical, joins the show to share his journey from heavy metal guitarist to creating the global leader in military weapon storage & armory design. Hear how to become the authority in your space, focus on simplicity & innovation, work with the military, the hardest song Tom’s ever played on guitar, and what kept him going on a 2,000-foot ice climb. Connect with Tom at SecureItTactical.com and on LinkedIn

    18 December 2024, 6:10 am
  • 52 minutes 50 seconds
    #315: Dr. Steven Pritzker – Encyclopedia of Creativity, Creativity for Entrepreneurs

    Dr. Steven Pritzker, the Creativity Professor, TV Writer, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Creativity, joins the show to share his journey from writing for The Mary Tyler Moore Show to teaching college students how to stay creative. Hear what makes a great writers’ room, why creativity is important for entrepreneurs, how to think outside-the-box, how to create a long creative work, and how creativity has changed over the years

    12 December 2024, 2:43 am
  • 54 minutes 49 seconds
    #314: Gary Arndt – Everything Everywhere Daily, Traveling Polymath

    Gary Arndt, the Host of Everything Everywhere Daily and Award-Winning Travel Blogger & Photographer, joins the show to share his journey from selling his house to travel the world in 2007 to starting the daily podcast that gets over 1.5 million downloads per month. Hear what you need to know before traveling the world, how to create a daily podcast, how to stay curious, the most fascinating stories Gary’s covered, and the era he’d love to time travel to. Connect with Gary at Everything-Everywhere.com and check out his podcast

    Sign up for Podcaster’s Kit 6: https://bloggingconcentrated.com/members/aff/go/max/?i=91

    4 December 2024, 6:24 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #313: Dr. Andrew Branstetter – ER Doctor, My Brother

    Dr. Andrew Branstetter, the ER Doctor and best brother in the world, joins the show for a very special family edition during Thanksgiving week to be interviewed by his brother, Max Branstetter. Hear his journey to becoming an ER Doctor, how to switch between being nocturnal and daytime, how to handle when patients die, infamous stories of butterflies & birds, and the best lesson he’s learned from Mom & Dad. Connect with Andrew on Instagram @AndrewBranstetter

    27 November 2024, 6:31 am
  • 38 minutes 28 seconds
    #312: Nadia Neytcheva – International Urgent Care, Doctorsa Co-Founder

    Nadia Neytcheva, the Co-Founder & CEO of Doctorsa, joins the show to share her journey from starting an in-person clinic in Rome to curating English-speaking doctors for no-stress urgent care across over 30 countries. Hear how to start a business in the medical space, how to pivot to an online business, how to optimize your processes, how to expand your business to new countries, and the most confusing English word. Connect with Nadia at Doctorsa.com and on LinkedIn

    20 November 2024, 5:04 am
  • 52 minutes 58 seconds
    #311: Jake Peters – The Modern Travel Agency, Fora Co-Founder

    Jake Peters, the Co-Founder and Chief Product & Technology Officer of Fora, joins the show to share his journey from studying computer science to building The Modern Travel Agency. Hear why the travel industry is ripe for disruption, the tools & flexibility Fora offers travel advisors, how to stand out with your tech, how to write bedtime stories with ChatGPT & AI, and the best travel perks. Connect with Jake at ForaTravel.com and on LinkedIn

    13 November 2024, 3:03 am
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