Denver Business Coach Podcast

Matt Aponte

Welcome to the Denver Business Coach podcast where the team of business coaches at DBC share with you business tips, strategies and actionable steps and advice for your business growth at many stages.

  • 31 minutes 17 seconds
    Denver Business Coach Ep 5: How To Fund Your Business
    Are you lost when it comes to getting the funds to start your business or expand and grow your business? Well in this podcast we bring the whole Denver Business Coach team together to give you different tips and suggestions for funding a business no matter at what stage of business you are at! For more info, shoot us an email at: [email protected] Visit our funding resources page as well at:
    18 September 2018, 3:02 pm
  • 26 minutes 5 seconds
    Denver Business Coach Ep 4: Are Company Meetings a Waste?
    How to make your company meetings an asset and not a dreaded requirement. In this episode we talk about Alignment and how to get into a good rhythm with your small business meetings. Also joining the conversation is our newest business coach Erika who brings a strong HR and team building background. For more info about Denver Business Coach and to grab your free Value Builder score, visit:
    3 September 2018, 6:02 am
  • 15 minutes 33 seconds
    Denver Business Coach Ep 3: Why Do You Need KPI's?
    What is a KPI and why are they essential for your business? In this Denver Business Coach podcast, the team at DBC talks about KPI's, what they are and how you can implement them in your business to help your business growth stay steady and on track. We also give you some actionable tips and advice that you can take away as well as a tool that we use that can help you see where your business is sitting and how it can get better. For more info and to get your free value builder score, visit:
    27 August 2018, 12:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 24 seconds
    Denver Business Coach Ep 2: How To Dominate Your Market
    A market dominating position. What is is, and how can you position your business so that you can attain one. In this short 30 minute installment of the Denver Business Coach Podcast Matt, Simon and Steven talk about a market dominating position, why it is important for your business and what are some ways you can attain one. They also provide some great examples of companies that have attained a market dominating position and how they did it. Then they go into some examples of how you as a small business owner could begin to put things in place so that you too can attain a market dominating position now matter how stiff your competition is. For more info on Denver Business Coach and how we can help you grow a business that you can be free from and enjoy running, visit or shoot us an email at, [email protected]. If you would like to be on our show as a guest, or if you have questions, email us, [email protected]
    31 July 2018, 11:04 pm
  • 40 minutes 41 seconds
    Denver Business Coach Ep 1: Time Management Is A Myth
    In this inaugural podcast from the Denver Business Coach team, Matt, Simon & Steven talk about the myth of time management as a business owner and what the reality is of why you never have enough time in your business and life. They also talk about and share actionable tips and strategies for different stages of business owners. Whether you are a solo-preneur, small business owner with a small team, or a larger business with multiple employees, there is something in this podcast for you to learn and implement.
    23 July 2018, 9:43 pm
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