Your Podcast Consultant

Dave Jackson

Small Podcast lessons (less than 9 minutes) with big value to help you plan, launch, and grow your podcast from Hall of Fame Podcaster Dave Jackson

  • 9 minutes 24 seconds
    Avoiding Middlemen: Directly Monetizing Your Podcast

    Why would you put a limit on how much someone in your audience would give to you as a way of saying "Thanks" for doing your show? When someone creates a product, they need to ask, "Who is this for, and what problem does this product solve." Today I share my confusion over a tool that is supposed to make it easy to donate to you (it's not hard), and they take 10%

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Buy Me a Coffee

    The School of Podcasting

    Schedule a Coaching Call

    Episode on Best Tools For Premium Content

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    Come to Podindy! A Great One Day Event

    I will be speaking at where we will combine the power of podcasting to maximize your business and combine it with the magic of AI. This is an person and virtual (if you can't make it).

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    13 September 2024, 3:11 pm
  • 7 minutes 16 seconds
    Should I release my entire podcast seasons at once?

    I saw this question from Stanley Adoyi in a Facebook group and thought I'd use it today. If you have a question you can leave it at

    Seasons makes sense in two situations:

    1. You have a team of 19 flying around the world to do interviews and they are tried.

    2. You are having so much mental stress that your health and family are affected (and maybe should have thought a little more about your podcast schedule before launch).

    If you're not in the above two situations, what you are doing is taking your slot in someone's routine and hoping the show they put in YOUR SLOT isn't better than yours. Cause when you come back, if your show isn't better, you're not getting that slot in their routine back.

    It's not like they get in the car to go to work and say, "Oh Stanley doesn't have a show today. I'll guess I'll drive to work in silence."

    When I travel, I plan ahead, record two episodes instead of one, and time release. For me (again, not having those two situations above) I've never missed a Monday in 19 years.

    But I Do Have Seasons For My Podcast

    In that situation, I would not recommend releasing them all at once. When you do, sure your audience can binge, but they can't talk about it with anyone because of spoilers.

    Google likes it when you release quality content on are regular basis. So this is another reason not to release your podcast season all at once.

    If you're audience is all listening to the latest episode, they can talk about it with each other and ask the most important question, "I wonder what is going to happen next."

    Avoid Podcast Burnout

    So many people put themselves on track to burnout because they didn't plan their podcast accordingly. I can help you with that, and make sure your show stays consistent in schedule but also in content. I'd love to see what we can do together.

    Sign up today at

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    9 August 2024, 10:30 am
  • 6 minutes 24 seconds
    How to Become the McDonald's of Your Podcast Genre

    Today we're diving into a topic that might not seem connected to podcasting at first glance—McDonald's. When you think of McDonald's, you might picture those golden arches and maybe even crave an Egg McMuffin or those unforgettable fries.

    But what does McDonald’s have to do with your podcast?

    Well, today I will break it down for you and show you why McDonald’s consistent success holds valuable lessons for podcasters. So, stick around as we uncover how you can become the McDonald’s of your podcasting niche.

    Need Help With Your Podcast

    Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know where to begin? Look no further than the School of Podcasting. Our comprehensive online courses and one-on-one coaching will teach you everything you need to know, from equipment and editing to marketing and monetization. With our proven methods and expert instructors, you'll create high-quality, engaging content in no time. Say goodbye to the frustration and uncertainty and hello to a successful podcasting career with the School of Podcasting.


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    2 August 2024, 10:30 am
  • 7 minutes 50 seconds
    Remote Interviews Part 2

    Last week talked about gear. This week we are talking about being a good guests and finding a good guest.

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    26 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 8 minutes 48 seconds
    Tips for Successful Remote Podcast Interviews Part 1

    Have you ever struggled with remote recording tools for your podcast interviews, feeling like they all just seem to fail you? In today's episode, Dave delves into how using the right browser—specifically Chrome—can make all the difference.

    He also shares insights on popular remote recording platforms like SquadCast and Riverside, explaining why people's opinions on these tools can swing from love to hate in no time flat.

    Plus, Dave highlights the importance of always having a backup recording to save your interview from potential technical glitches. Tune in for some invaluable tips and discover how Dave’s personal coaching service can help you address your podcasting headaches. If you know someone battling remote recording woes, this episode is a must-share!

    The Software Crazy Cycle

    It seems people either love or HATE software. There is a thing I call the software crazy cycle.

    1. A company releases software people love it.
    2. People want the software to do more.
    3. The developers add new features and test
    4. The customers/users find bugs and screams "WE HATE THIS"
    5. The company's developers squash the bugs. The listeners say "THIS IS THE BEST."
    6. Go to step 2.

    This is why you will hear people in Facebook groups say they it's the best while others say it's the worst.

    Ready to Plan Launch and Grow Your Show?

    Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know where to begin? Look no further than the School of Podcasting. Our comprehensive online courses and one-on-one coaching will teach you everything you need to know, from equipment and editing to marketing and monetization. With our proven methods and expert instructors, you'll create high-quality, engaging content in no time. Say goodbye to the frustration and uncertainty and hello to a successful podcasting career with the School of Podcasting.

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    19 July 2024, 10:00 am
  • 9 minutes 48 seconds
    Inflated Download Numbers - The Hidden Cost of Podcast Fraud

    Fraud is a broad legal term that refers to situations where someone is intentionally dishonest in order to receive some kind of benefit from a person, business, or entity. 

    If you sell cookies for a charity that doesn’t exist, that’s fraud.

    If you use a handicap sticker in your car so you can park up front, but you don’t have a disability. That is fraud 

    When a sponsor pays to get in front of your actual audience and you pay a company to artificially inflate your stats, that is fraud.

    This Hurts Everyone

    Now the sponsor who thinks their product is getting in front of 20,000 people is only getting in front of 5000. So the reaction to the ad campaign is dismal. They don't renew their ad and tell all their other business owner friends how podcast advertising is a waste of money.

    Legal Stealing

    I had a high school teacher say, "Don't you think if there was a way to steal and not get caught, someone would've discovered it by now?"

    There is a saying, "Success leaves clues." So does fraud, so when your sponsors show that a large amount of your downloads are coming from browsers, and all of a sudden, you have an audience in a country you can't pronounce, that's a red flag.

    I've heard of advertising agencies refusing to pay for the campaign after you use a company that promises you to be at the top of the charts. You can't guarantee success in podcasting. There are best practices, but there are no guarantees.

    Join the School of Podcasting Worry Free

    You can join worry-free and get access to the courses, the community, and unlimited coaching with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Join Today!

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    5 July 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 58 seconds
    How Many Downloads Do I Need to Monetize My Podcast?

    In today's episode, I talk about the realities of podcast monetization and answer a question that many aspiring podcasters have:

    "How many downloads do I need to monetize my podcast?" 

    I'll delve into the sobering truth about audience size and its impact on making money, sharing real-world examples and industry insights. From the challenges of starting with only 100 downloads to the practical benchmarks you should aim for, I'll guide you on setting realistic expectations and focusing on what truly matters—creating compelling content.

    Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, join me as I unfold the secrets to growing your audience and eventually turning your passion into profit. Let's jump right in!


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

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    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

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    21 June 2024, 8:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 3 seconds
    Looking To Get Rich Quick With Podcasting? Think Again

    Today, I want to tackle a common misconception about podcasting—as a quick money maker. Recently, I came across a Reddit post from someone working two jobs, buried in debt, and considering starting a podcast to generate quick cash. Drawing from my own experience with compassion, I explain why podcasting isn't the ideal solution for immediate income.

    In this episode, I'll explore the realities of podcast monetization, the time and effort needed to build an audience, and offer practical advice for those in financial need. If you're considering starting a podcast hoping to make fast money, you might want to hit pause and reassess. While podcasting can eventually be profitable, it requires significant time, dedication, and strategy. 


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

    Join today at

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Profit From Your Podcast - Turn Listeners Into a Livelihood (now available as an audiobook)

    Follow the Show and Never Miss an Episode

    Apple - Spotify - Pocket Casts - Amazon Music


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    8 June 2024, 7:45 am
  • 7 minutes 25 seconds
    Why One Size Doesn't Fit All in Podcasting

    If your goal is to record a video and then export the audio, that most likely won't work without some tweaking. I explain why in this episode.

    Video and Audio Have Different Audiences 

    When I do video today, I know longer introduce myself and explain what I do on YouTube. If they want to learn more about me they can click the name of my channel. 

    However, in audio we want to let the listener know what the show is about and what the episode is about (typically in around 60 seconds or less). 

    This means you will have two versions of your show. One for video and another for audio.

    When You Said, "Let's Add Video"

    If you were cooking dinner and making burgers and then said, "Oh, let's make fries too," you would add more work to the food prep. Duh, right?

    Well if you started in audio and then said, "Let's add video" you are also adding additional work (more equipment, more time, more money). 

    YouTube has an algorithm that must be obeyed if you want major success on YouTube. Podcasting growth is 78% based on word of mouth marketing (per Jacobs Media). 

    Consequently, you need two different strategies if you don't want to waste your time. 

    With video, people are measuring STV (seconds to value). In other words, get to the point.


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

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    Power of Podcasting Network

    This podcast is part of the Power of Podcasting Network.

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    17 May 2024, 6:28 pm
  • 7 minutes 20 seconds
    Steps for Properly Shutting Down Your Podcast and Moving Forward

    In this episode, I explore the process of shutting down a podcast. Drawing from my own experience with ending a long-running show, and what happens when you quit paying your media host. I discuss options for keeping your podcast files accessible and share strategies for smoothly transitioning to a new show if you decide to start fresh. Join me as I offer practical advice on handling the decision to shut down your podcast and ways to retain your audience's support during this transition.

    • What happens if you quit paying your podcast host?
    • How to shut down one show and move to another
    • How to rebrand your show
    • How to archive your files for free.


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

    Join today at

    Follow the Show and Never Miss an Episode

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    4 May 2024, 2:21 am
  • 9 minutes 4 seconds
    Leveraging Your True Fans for Podcast Revenue Growth

    I want to explore why you don't need a massive audience to find success with your podcast. I'll share a personal story about attending a Pure Prairie League concert—a band you might recognize for their hit song "Aimee" (but probably don't). Despite performing to a crowd of just 500 in a 600-seat venue, this band exemplifies how a smaller but dedicated audience and multiple streams of income can lead to a financially sustainable career. From ticket sales to merchandise and personal interactions at their merch booth, Pure Prairie League makes a living and has done so for 50 years.

    I'll highlight the importance of passionate fans and the idea that even 1,000 true fans can make a significant difference. 


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

    Join today at

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Pure Prairie League Aimee

    1000 True Fans

    Profit From Your Podcast


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    19 April 2024, 5:15 pm
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