With MQL5 and Metatrader5 you can start algorithmic trading today. The builtin Metaeditor for Expert Advisor Programming and the MQL5 programming language can help you to trade 24/7 with your own automated trading robot on up to 22 forex charts - without harming your trading plan or loosing trading capital because of emotional revenge trades. The biggest risk in trading is you!
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Getting good results is possible for each trading year. But a good or bad result is defined by the circumstances. For automated trading it is necessary to make decisions. The problem with most decisions is that you most often don’t know how your life would have been if you had decided otherwise.
Depending on the broker you use, a cent account can be traded with a lot less capital than you would need otherwise. We use moving averages and trading to find out if the price is above or below what we consider to be the average price. Building a system that can survive outstanding situations requires that you know that they exist and how bad it can get. Once a broker I used declared insolvency in January 2015. That was just two or three days after the financial earthquake that was caused by the Swiss franc. MetaTrader comes with predefined methods for a lot of useful things. One of these things is the ability to create an automated screenshot.
Trading automation is only the last missing puzzle piece you need if you want the valuable answer to the question: what if? You maybe don’t know if you should close a position? Or if it would be better to hope that everything finally will come to a good result? From time to time I get a question like why should I trade what you trade? Well, maybe you shouldn’t do that. Today, I am still very happy that I was smart enough to start with a demo account. So it was no real money.
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Some people survive because they know how to deal with risk. For any setting that you want to prove to be an advantage, do the opposite to also prove the disadvantage. How would it change or improve the end result on a yearly basis? If we change that take profit goal, you can find out with a simple strategy test. You might think that the market is going up or down and it does the exact opposite of what you expected.
What kind of trader are you? There are some people who are willing to trade whatever somebody recommends. I just do currency pair trading, also known as forex trading. I don’t trade stocks and I don’t trade options or cryptocurrencies. Traders get paid for risk. They buy and sell something to make a profit. Would you be satisfied with just two trades in a whole year? Or let’s use the opposite example and you do 1000 trades a day. I once did a research and I found out that some of the so called professionals are actually actors that you could hire for $5 on a website. We need to work. We drive around, buy stuff and spend our time with lawn mowing fixing things.
Or we are forced to do paperwork. Even if math is not your thing, maybe you wouldn’t expect to be lucky enough to survive when your strategy is too risky. Going with a low risk setting will also decrease the probability to make profits. But I think it is a better idea to protect the capital. Do you think this trading thing is too complicated for you? I know that there was a time when things like writing, reading or driving a car seemed to be a complicated thing. Errors are not avoidable. But I learned from my errors and now I avoid bad brokers.
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Have you ever heard why somebody at the other side of the world bought or sold something? Just because you add more indicators to your chart, you will not get a more dependable entry signal. All my systems are probability based and I have traded the Brexit voting in 2016, the Euro US dollar crisis and the Swiss Franc disaster in 2015. There are people who believe everything and there are also traders who need to analyze everything, even the smallest detail. That is the other end of the scale.
Unpleasant negative feelings can influence us strongly. To survive good and bad weather you need a good system to adjust your sail because you can’t adjust the wind. I have found one thing that is very significant and a great advantage. If you only do one thing, you should really do this process with position based stop losses. Because you will find that your stop loss settings have the biggest impact on your trading results. From time to time similar currency pairs behave similar. But that can also be a problem.
A data gap might cause your system to decide that it is time to close all your trades. Whenever I manually tried to do the opposite of what I thought was necessary, the price did the opposite of the opposite. Most people will lose all their money within six months or less. The reason is simple, they do exactly what does not work. It is easy to get started. You just need to decide to do it. In January 2015 the forex market went crazy. I have never seen bigger candles on my charts before. You might notice a change of the chart candle sizes. Those visual representations are not fixed.
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You might have heard that it is a good idea to let your profits run and keep your losses short. This is a very simple thing to understand, but in reality it is very hard to do. Moods are human, but I think moods are a big problem when it comes to trading.
Most people don’t even even have done a few hundred trades. They have an opinion that might be based on 17 trades or so. One of the main problems with trading that you will have is the fact that a strategy test needs to be defined with an end date. We have all certainly seen an optical illusion. A good example would be the heat flicker over the asphalt of a heated street on a hot day. Do you consider yourself to be a reasonable person? I do, at least most of the time. My current statistics solution is still not as good as it could be because from time to time the connection gets lost or the automated updates do not work. Trading should be about numbers and results, not about feelings.
Complex decisions can be made, but this is only possible if one is able to make such complex calculations. If I would show you a profit of $1,000, how much risk would you be willing to accept to make that profit? So what do you need to do to protect your trading system? Well, you need to build your trading ship in a way that you are able to face all weather conditions, not only the warm summer days with a light breeze. The strategy tester allows you to test your strategy with historical data to find out how your automated system would have performed in the past. Defined automated rules. That is why it is called a system. Emotional trading is what I call hope trading and that didn’t work very well for most of us. Or did it?
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My main goal is to keep my money. If that works, I would also like to make enough profit to justify the risk and cover the costs. It is not so important if your current result is good or bad. It is more important that you can repeat what you do and produce consistent results. My former broker simply decided to forbid to trade certain forex pairs and told his customers that this was a security restriction in their own interest.
Most people think that the right entry signal is the most important thing that will make the difference between losses and profit. If you are able to do the right things, you might like the results but you also need to use the system in the right context.
Do you think trading is exciting? For me, good trading is dead boring. I am not excited because I have learned something. Some people ask themselves should I use a pre coded system and learn how to improve that? What do you think? A two bold profit goal could ruin the whole system. How do I know? Because I have tested it. My first profitable bollinger bands system was the one thing that convinced me that all this algo trading stuff really is worth the time.
When I started to deal with automated trading, I had to spend lots of time with the classic fundamentals. Find out what works for you before you decide to risk all you money because somebody told you what to do. The risk setting for this system influences the number of positions that might be traded at the same time on the same chart. If something works exceptionally well, you notice the fact because you are used to what you consider to be average, some things just don’t work very well. Hope trading is one of these things.
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Your computer can do the trading for you without any emotional problems. A split test makes it possible to find out if something is really better than other solutions, because after a while you might get confused otherwise. Even when I did the the opposite of what I wanted to do, it also was a loss most of the time. So I started to learn automated trading. There is actually a way to gain real trading experience with thousands of trades, but in a fraction of the time you would need otherwise.
And trading errors can become very costly. But as a human, you get tired. You get a headache from time to time and sometimes you might get sick or bored. If you know how to use the two fundamental trading laws, you can greatly improve your odds for better trading results. Using several small accounts doesn’t mean that you can’t trade big accounts, but it means that my trading capital is not deposited on one broker account. Finding the right trading risk setting is the main challenge for your system. You don’t need to learn all the possible functions that our programming solution provides. In fact, it is only a tiny fraction necessary to get results. So that will save you a lot of time. Actually, there is nothing that will work all the time because no indicator is able to predict the future based on past events. I would suggest to start with forex trading.
You can always decide to try something else later at some point in time. I started to build some small and simple examples with just a few lines of code. Those examples could do only one thing, like calculating the profit or the loss for a trading account. If you improve weak things, you could probably expect mediocre results for a lot of work. But if you improve the things that already are good, you could expect excellent results with a lot less effort. Do you know how your trading system works? If not, you should probably stop trading it. I do know my own results. In real trading they are promising. But if you can expect the same results, that depends on your account type, leverage, trading costs and so on. I always encourage my course members to start with a demo account and trade that for at least three months afterwards. The next best thing would be to use a socalled cent account.
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From what I have learned, it is better to trade more, but smaller positions. But I am risk averse and I trade longterm systems. Every trader has his preferences and things he doesn’t like. Often these things are a result of past experiences. I often wish that trading capital would be a separate kind of money. But unfortunately money is actually the resource that is used to pay for almost everything. Do you think a cent account is helpful to improve your results? Yes.
That will make it easy to avoid manipulations. Because now you are not a victim of your own fear. If you still want to pay for a solution that promises to make you rich, there are a few questions you could ask yourself. For example, is the vendor using the product? We all hope that we will not see another crisis in the near future. But it is always a good idea to backtest outstanding situations and learn from those results. Other people like to trade huge position sizes. They like to say that they have doubled their account in two weeks or so. Too risky for me. Think of a sailboat. What do you need to get to your destination? Harbor? Wind. For traders, the changing price is like that wind.
If you know that something works, but you only talk about that and want to do that, nothing will change. It is possible to find the things that do work if you do the necessary testing. In most cases you will find that common sense does not help. We humans have a problem with absolute and relative results. For trading, a price movement is like wind for sailboat. What does happen when a sailboat has no wind? The boat will not move. Correct. And what will happen in a hurricane? The boat might sink.
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If you have a huge amount of data and a computer that is able to define what average and common price movements look like, you can create a system that is able to significantly increase your probabilities.
Today all I have to do is to look at my statistics from time to time and I need to check if my systems are running about once or twice a week.
Most indicators have been invented when average people had to trade on a daily chart. But today your computer is able to do it in a few seconds. Humans decide based on emotions because we are not so good at calculating to make a rational decision. An expert advisor can get results without much human effort because your expert advisor will trade whatever you tell him without you sitting in front of the screen. Most people trade two big position sizes on two big accounts.
A small change like a floating type variable for risk settings can make such a big impact for the results.
Problems are unavoidable. No matter what you do, at some point you will make a mistake. For a micro lot trade, I allocate at least $200 of capital. So with an account size of $1,000, I would only allow five open positions. At the same time, demo accounts are free.
You can get one within the next five minutes and it is the most effective thing to avoid big losses in the future.
Are you happy with the profits on your account? Are you happy when one or two trades are better than expected for discretionary traders, it will take them years to come up with a significant number like say 5000 to 10,000 trades.
Today I can build better algo trading systems. Actually, it is not that hard to do if you know what works and why it works.
I think that nonautomated trading goes against human nature. You might to start to do it because of the excitement.
When I started out with algorithmic trading, my biggest problem was to create a system that could produce profits on a consistent basis. Computers have been used to create the market. They send you the price data and that data is recalculated to draw it on your own computer screen. So why do you think you should trade it manually? Sadly, most traders want to go all in and that is one of the reasons why most people fail.
Do you know your expectancy? In Germany you can expect to wear just a T shirt in the summer, but in the winter you would expect to wear warm clothes.
Trading manually mistakes seem to be unavoidable. I simply was unable to improve my results. Charts are drawn to represent numbers and they do it on a relative, not on an absolute basis. If you look at a MetaTrader chart, you will see that the price never reaches the upper or lower border of the chart. I think most people would be able to come up with a good trading recipe if they decided to invest the time, money and effort it takes to achieve the desired result.
One of my systems went out of business on January 16, 2015, the same day when my former British broker declared bankruptcy.
A loss hurts, so people close a position and watch the price move into their direction immediately afterwards. Has that happened to you?
In January 2015, the Swiss National Bank decided to give up the fixed exchange rate with the euro. That caused one of the biggest forex earthquakes in history.
The post ★ ROBOT TRADING SYSTEM ★ CCI OSCILLATOR ★ RESULTS FOR 2012 ✔ appeared first on Robot Trading System.
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We have seen the Brexit votum in 2016. That was when I had to learn that brokers can simply change their rules in the middle of the game and forbid to trade certain currency pairs. From time to time things simply do not work as desired. There are some common insights that should work, but forex charts don’t care about common sense.
I remember how it felt to be a discretionary trader when I made my first trading experiences. I was constantly in doubt and fear to lose money by making stupid mistakes. When you are trading on your live account, you would probably not close your account just because it is December. Your broker can change the rules in the middle of the game at any given time.
I would like to trade with certainty. I would love to be sure that progress is made. In MetaTrader5 historical data does not need to be imported. It is automatically downloaded when you start a back test for the first time.
It is possible to set up a back test for eight to ten years or so and then leave the room and have lunch with my wife.
It is easy to test an entry signal with an automated system and you wouldn’t even need to invest five minutes to create a reverse entry.
My computer can calculate and trade entry signals in a split second. If I would try to do all the calculation in my head, I wouldn’t even be able to do a back test for a single year or a single currency pair.
Let’s pretend you need brain surgery. Would you accept somebody who watched a few YouTube videos about that topic as your doctor? No, of course not. I would look for a real doctor who is a specialist.
It is possible to trade very small accounts with currencies. Most brokers support currency trading and you don’t have to watch any financial news for something. So I would recommend to get started with that.
There are people who expect to make steady and regular profits on a monthly basis, like a paycheck. And I used to think that way too. But actually most things do not work that way.
We see what works. We are adults and we are smart enough, right? Wrong. Trading is something that is made to especially work against human nature.
I don’t believe that any currency will produce a 200% raise because of an innovative management like some people do with Tesla stocks.
Navigation is the ability to keep the course of your ship even when it gets difficult, even when the wind blows against you.
The post ★ ROBOT TRADING SYSTEM ★ CCI OSCILLATOR ★ RESULTS FOR 2013 ✔ appeared first on Robot Trading System.
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I know that power outages occur in real trading. I have also network problems from time to time. A lot of people think that the right entry would already be a system, but that is not true. The only way to do a few thousand trades is to use automated trading. I have certain rules and I have found that there are some fundamental laws of successful trading that work all of the time. Learning how to code your own trading system is the most difficult way to do it, as it takes time, money and effort to learn it. But I think it is worth it.
You cannot do proper backtesting as a discretionary trader. There is no way. Only automated trading will give you this new opportunity to gain a lot of real trading knowledge in a fraction of the time. Most people are looking for something that is easy and simple. Well, an automated trading system is what I consider the next best thing to that. We all know that trading is a speculative thing, no matter if you use automated or discretionary trading. How do doctors become doctors? They go to school for years and years and they need to pass exams afterwards.
They need to practice to get better. All indicators are calculated based on the past and they cannot predict the future. The ability to trade ten years in a row is one more reason to use automation, because I never could do that without automated trading. Only if you trust your algorithmic trading system, you will be able to let it run when the next drawdown appears on your chart.
Look at your account balance and your account equity are both going into the right direction. Yes or no? Most people think that backtesting is a tool to find the right kind of entry signal. But actually the more valuable thing is that it will help you to find out how to scale your system to survive financial earthquakes.
The post ★ ROBOT TRADING SYSTEM ★ CCI OSCILLATOR ★ RESULTS FOR 2014 ✔ appeared first on Robot Trading System.
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Actually, I have never seen any entry signal that would not produce false buy and sell signals from time to time.
In my opinion, the risk is much smaller with a good automated system because the system will always follow the rules.
I don’t understand why some people people are raving fans for stock A or B. Stocks are something that I wouldn’t trade because stocks belong to companies and companies can declare insolvency.
The good thing is that it is almost no effort to test an idea in a back test.
Actually, I think that learning how to code your own trading system is the best way to do it because it will give you the ability to change and improve your system at any time.
Average weather does not mean that we don’t have cold summer days or warm winter days. But on average a winter day is cold and a summer day is warm.
You can get the necessary experience in a fraction of the time that will be required for discretionary traders.
You can measure results, change one thing and measure the new results again. If your results are better, you might have found an improvement. What do you do when you think that you have found a market advantage? I will go through my testing process to prove or disprove it. The idea is to stick to the trading rules and not to do something stupid.
The idea is to minimize the risk and make a profit.
I am willing to grow with my system and every day without manipulations is a good day in my eyes.
The risk setting is something like the gas pedal in your car. If you drive too fast, you will probably not be able to stay on the road.
Trading data is very valuable because it will make it possible to trust your trading system based on your own results.
Why are you interested in trading? Most people say that it is about the money, but I think excitement is the real motivator for a lot of them. A strategy test is when you compare results for a system set up. For example, you could exchange the MACD entry signal with a Bollinger Bands entry signal and trade the same historical data with all the other settings unmodified.
Wouldn’t it be better to turn off that computer and stop doing things most people on this planet consider to be a waste of time?
If one of the technical indicators would be able to predict the future, why should anybody trade something else?
You need to grow with your account and your system. Therefore, I always encourage the premium course members to start with a low risk. One of my former brokers in the UK went bankrupt in January 2015 and thousands of traders have made big losses.
You can do a back test again and again with the exact same historic data, changing one little thing in the settings each time.
A strategy test is like repeating the past using exactly the same price movements each and every time.
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