
Causepods is a passion project of The Podcast Consultant, Mathew Passy. The aim is to interview folks who are using podcasts to raise awareness for a good cause. Whether that’s a non-profit, charity, medical cause, social justice movement, or anyone looking to create a positive impact in the world, from the local level to the global population. One unique feature to Causepods is that we are going to use this platform to raise money for a 501(c)3 non-profit of your choosing through GoFundMe. If you think you’re a podcaster making a difference in the world, please take a few moments to fill out the Causepods Form and we can’t wait to have you on Causepods.

  • 34 minutes 23 seconds
    Getting Through It with Sunny Chang of the Three Siblings Podcast

    As Sunny Change and his siblings navigated the complexities of grief and healing, they realized that their experiences were not unique and that there were many people out there who had similar stories to share. They decided to use their platform to amplify these voices and create a safe space for listeners to explore their own traumas and healing journeys.

    One of the things that set the Three Siblings Podcast apart is its approach to storytelling. Rather than focusing solely on the events themselves, they delve deeper into the emotions and thought processes that accompany them. This allows them to create a more nuanced and empathetic picture of what it means to deal with trauma and loss.

    Through their conversations, they also explore the larger social and cultural forces at play in the way we deal with grief and trauma. They confront the stereotypes and stigmas that often surround these issues and challenge listeners to rethink their own assumptions.

    Ultimately, Three Siblings is a testament to the power of vulnerability and the importance of storytelling in the healing process. It offers a space for listeners to connect with others who have gone through similar experiences and to feel less alone in their struggles.

    If you're looking for a podcast that will make you think deeply about the complexities of the human experience, Three Siblings is definitely worth checking out.

    Key Topics:

    ·     The back story of growing up (01:02)

    ·     Inspiration for the podcast and feedback (05:16)

    ·     Increased access to mental health (13:52)

    ·     Benefits of working on the podcast for mental health and personal growth (21:25)

    ·     Plans to discuss racism and advocacy (28:20)

    ·     Taking a leap of faith to start a podcast (29:11)

    Website link: Three Siblings Podcast

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: Dream and a Future

    Donation: Donate Now

    Social Links

    ·     YouTube

    ·     TikTok

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Instagram


    Thanks for Listening!


    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, SpotifyAmazon, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Causepods – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

    For help, resources, and community support, please join the Causepods Facebook Group if you are already producing podcasts for a cause or are thinking about launching one.

    And if you would like to be a guest on Causepods, please fill out this form and schedule your chat here.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    In Support of June 2022 Campaign

    ****The pre-roll you heard is in support of The opinions expressed in this ad are solely the opinions of Mathew Passy and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of co-hosts or guests that may appear on this show. If links mentioned in the ad do not appear in these shownotes, please visit***

    24 April 2023, 10:30 am
  • 25 minutes 22 seconds
    Success Through Leadership with Nellie Harden of The 6570 Family Project Podcast

    Have you ever had an opportunity in your life to pursue something new?

    Today we are talking with Nellie Harden, who had a very different start in her life but found through a family emergency where her passions could realign. She started with the 6570 Project to help families help their kids design and build their life.

    For anyone who might find them at a crossroads in life, this episode will resonate with how you might just find your life going in a different but gratifying direction.

    Nellie works with families, helping them make behavioral changes and disciplines to set their children up for success.

     Key Topics:

    ·     What is the 6750 project (0:56)

    ·     How is the podcast serving the community (1:30)

    ·     How did this work become center stage (4:14)

    ·     How did the idea get started to launch a podcast (8:20)

    ·     Finding the right fit for guests and finding the right listeners (10:12)

    ·     Learning how a guest is a wrong fit (12:23)

    ·     Leveraging a community for more profound engagement (16:23)

    ·     Why is it essential to have a journey for customers to go through (17:08)

    ·     What makes Horizon International the charity of choice (19:46)

    Website link: The 6570 Family Project

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: Horizon International

    Donation: Donate

    Social Links

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    19 September 2022, 10:30 am
  • 35 minutes 8 seconds
    Speaking The Truth with Erik DaRosa and Marc Fernandes of The From Survivor to Thriver Podcast

    Have you ever said you were ok when you were hurting?


    At some point, we have all said we were ok when something wasn’t right. It is the next thing we do after that matters. Did we continue lying to ourselves, or did we let someone know or get help?


    Today we are talking with Erik DaRosa and Marc Fernandes, who have different mental health stories. Still, they both found relief in finding a way through it together. During the peak of the pandemic, they launched the podcast From Survivor to Thriver to help lower the stigma around mental health so everyone can feel they have the confidence to say, “I am not ok.” 

    Key Topics:

    ·     The beginning (01:51)

    ·     Normalizing Conversations around mental health (07:46)

    ·     Dealing with the capacity issue in the system to get treatment (12:40)

    ·     What doors did having a podcast open up (17:41)

    ·     What advice would you give to open up doors beyond the podcast (21:52)

    ·     What makes The Scared Cycle the charity of choice today (28:04)

    Website link: From Survivor to Thriver

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: The Scared Cycle

    Donation: Make a donation

    Social Links

    ·     LinkedIn

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    12 September 2022, 10:30 am
  • 17 minutes 59 seconds
    Not Just a Podcast with Sandy Ciaramitaro of The Good Eggs Podcast

    Could your book be a podcast?

    Today we are talking with Sandy Ciaramitaro, who did just that with her children's series. In this non-traditional way of starting a podcast, she found success by creating follow-on content that kept the younger readers between the age of 5-12 engaged in becoming a good egg. This path had some challenges because parents are the pathway to the kids, but it has worked, and her foundation, The Good Egg Foundation, has come alongside the podcast supporting other non-profits creating good eggs.

    Key Topics:

    ·     Finding yourself in a place where you start writing and building a podcast (1:15)

    ·     Taking a book series and making a podcast (2:07)

    ·     Resources used around launching the book and podcast (3:11)

    ·     Converting traditional media to a podcast format (3:46)

    ·     Marketing a podcast to a young audience (5:05)

    ·     How has word of mouth happened with a book and a podcast (7:38)

    ·     Running a foundation alongside your podcast (8:50)

    ·     Marketing on a podcast toward a younger group (10:31)


    Website link: The Good Eggs

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: The Good Eggs Foundation (website)

    Donation: Donate Here

    Social Links

    ·     LinkedIn

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    5 September 2022, 10:30 am
  • 20 minutes 14 seconds
    Finding a Way With Sam Mitchell of The Autism Rocks and Rolls Podcast

    Do you feel alone and have a diagnosis of Autism?

    Our guest today Sam Mitchell, shares how he has taken his story and combined it with the stories of others and helps members of the Autism community feel connected.

    In the last 20 years, Autism has been on the rise, and with that, a need for connection has risen in the Autism community. We all know that feeling when you are around people who understand you and get you, and for people diagnosed with Autism, that feeling is even rarer.

    This episode with Sam will inspire you to believe that you will find a way, no matter what label or diagnosis, if you have the will.

    Key Topics:

    ·     What made a podcast something you wanted to start (1:33)

    ·     Have the goals change from when you started to today (2:36)

    ·     What were the early challenges you ran into starting the podcast (3:35)

    ·     How did the people around you respond when they heard your full story (5:50)

    ·     What has the journey been like to turn a passion project into what it is today (7:44)

    ·     How have you grown your community around the podcast (8:55)

    ·     Creating a non-profit around the podcast (10:08)

    ·     Has live podcast recordings been a focus (12:19)

    ·     What does the future look like for the podcast (13:50)

    ·     What is the advice you would share with something thinking about getting started (14:47)

    Website link:

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: Autism Rocks And Rolls (website)

    Social Links

    ·     LinkedIn

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    22 August 2022, 10:30 am
  • 23 minutes 21 seconds
    Finding Comfort with Devannon Hubert of the Sex, Drugs & Jesus Podcast

    Have you ever felt rejected for being who you are?

    Many episodes here on the show have highlighted issues where people are rejected or, worse, injured for someone just being who they are. Today we are talking with DeVannon, who has a story written over the last decade. He now helps others fight their battles with sex, drugs, and Jesus. 

    A common theme on the show is that pain can have a purpose and those who find it begin a road to healing. 

     Book: Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

    Key Topics:

    ·     Where does a name like Sex, Drugs, and Jesus get started (1:30)

    ·     How did you decide to write a memoir about your story (2:31)

    ·     What was it like to reconcile your relationship with Jesus (3:58)

    ·     How did serving in the Military during don’t ask, don’t tell shape who you are today (6:35)

    ·     Reaching the point, you are ready to share your story (8:04)

    ·     With such a unique message, what have been some of the responses you have received from listeners (12:30)

    ·     What were the early struggles with launching a podcast (15:48)

    ·     Looking at today, what are the things that you are looking to grow right now (17:42)

    ·     What made the ACLU the charity of choice for today’s show (19:30)

    Website link: Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: ACLU (website)

    Donation: Link

    Social Links

    ·     LinkedIn

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    8 August 2022, 10:30 am
  • 28 minutes 6 seconds
    Rare Genetic Diseases with Kira Dineen From The DNA Today Podcast

    Did you know that 1/10 people in the world have a genetic disorder?

    Today we are talking with Kira Dineen, who started podcasting in high school as a project. Ten years later, it is still going and has evolved, connecting Geneticists and people affected by rare diseases. 

    Most people live their life like any other normal human being. Still, a few are born with rare diseases that will impact them for the rest of their lives or, in some cases, will be with them for the rest of their lives.  

    We have had a few causes on the show that highlighted specific diseases. Still, as Kiri explains, the field of genetics is evolving every day. Therefore, her podcast has become a tool for her and the audience to stay updated on the community.

    Key Topics:

    ·     What impact in the world is DNA Today trying to get across (1:29)

    ·     What role did the podcast play in your master's program (3:15)

    ·     What were the driving factors that kept the podcast going (6:19)

    ·     How are so many able to have a disorder but do not know (8:26)

    ·     Since high school over ten years, what have been some of the most significant changes in podcasting (10:02)

    ·     What have you found has been the most successful way to grow your podcast (13:02)

    ·     How do you connect with a community without being overly pitchy towards your podcast (16:07)

    ·     What is your best piece of advice for a cause podcast just getting started (19:44)

    ·     Why is the National Organization of Rare Disorders vital to you (21:20)

    ·     What lesson could someone take away from building relationships with schools to be a sponsor of a podcast (23:38)

    Website link:

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: National Organization of Rare Disorders (website)

    Donation: Link

    Social Links

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    25 July 2022, 10:30 am
  • 26 minutes 6 seconds
    Advocating for Pro-Choice Through Podcasting With Arielle Nissenblatt

    When Roe vs Wade was overturned, did you wonder how you could help?

    "Every podcaster has a voice" is the common language in the industry, but what happens when the voices combine to advocate for change? That is precisely what Arielle did with the recent Roe vs. Wade overturned issue. She posted a call to action on Twitter which exploded into people rallying around the effort and offering to play a consistent host read ad at the beginning of their episodes.

    It's a simple but powerful way where we collectively can influence a topic. But, as Arielle shares, this is just the beginning, and future causes will be added as the idea expands.

    Key Topics:

    ·     What is the call to action you have asked podcasters to do (3:33)

    ·     What were the expectations going into this idea (9:18)

    ·     What pushback from the effort has there been since it started (13:05)

    ·     How could others jump on board and help support other efforts (16:27)

    ·     What does the future look like for Podcast activism (19:06)

    ·     If a podcaster wants to support a future endeavor, where is the best place to connect (23:03)

    Host Read Ads Document

    Ad Campaign Planning Document

    Article on The

    Tweet that started the movement

    Podvoices Contact Page

    Website link: (

    Social Links

    Community Manager at Squadcast

    Founder of Ear Buds Collective

    CO-Host of the Sounds Profitable News Podcast

    This and That With Arielle Nissenblatt Newsletter

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    11 July 2022, 10:30 am
  • 35 minutes 20 seconds
    Finding a Way Out with Andrew Pledger of the Speaking Up with Andrew Pledger

    Have you ever been in a situation that didn’t have a way out?

    Today we are talking with Andrew Pledger, and his story of leaving the religion he grew up in will make you see the faith differently. Andrew has found power in his story and in sharing other stories for people to share their stories of abuse and religious Trauma in various religions.

    We dive into the hot issues he has walked through, the enemies he has created, and how he focuses on his healing journey, all while continuing to walk the road to getting better.

    Key Topics:

    ·     How to find vision in hard stories for creators (0:40)

    ·     What is religious Trauma (3:52)

    ·     What happens when a story burns a bridge or a relationship (10:01)

    ·     How to reboot your life on the other side of religious Trauma (11:24)

    ·     Work in situations where the work you do creates enemies (16:24)

    ·     Why was it easier to work on a Podcast can through Instagram (22:54)

    ·     What are the lessons you learned as a podcaster (24:20)

    ·     Why is the Traumas Survivors Foundation the charity of choice (29:41)

    Website link: (website)

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: The Trauma Survivors Foundation (website)

    Donation: donation link

    Social Links

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    ·     Patreon Page

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Podcast Me Anything - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn


    ****Here are a list of resources for those needing/seeking safe and legal abortion services in the US that were mentioned during this episode's pre-roll.***

    More in-depth version:

    5 July 2022, 10:30 am
  • 29 minutes 46 seconds
    When People Change with Rachel Bernstein of The Indoctrination Podcast

    We don’t know what we don’t know. 

    Today we are talking with Rachel Bernstein about cults and stories of healing. It’s a dark world that most know little about, and most won’t until it hits home. But, as we discuss today, research into the topic is just getting started on the physiology of influence and manipulation. 

    With every episode, perspective is a powerful tool to influence how you see and interact with the world, even when stories are hard to hear or imagine. Those stories will shape and leave you with a lasting feeling and empathy towards others.

    Key Topics:

    ·     How do you specialize in the study of cults (1:21)

    ·     How prolific are cult-like groups in the world (6:44)

    ·     What inspired this work to become a podcast (8:43)

    ·     How do you get people to listen to a show like this before they need it (11:41)

    ·     What have been some of the impacts you heard as a result of the podcast (15:52)

    ·     From a napkin to launch, what were some of those first steps (19:23)

    ·     What is your advice to others who might be looking to start a podcast or heal from a cult-like trauma (25:44)

     Support the Podcast Indoctrination

    Website link: (

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: International Cultic Studies Association (

    Donation: Donate Now

    Social Links

    ·     YouTube

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ·     Instagram

    Thanks for Listening!

    Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, SpotifyAmazon, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].

    Follow Mathew on Social Media to stay up to date on Causepods – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

    For help, resources, and community support, please join the Causepods Facebook Group if you are already producing podcasts for a cause or are thinking about launching one.

    And if you would like to be a guest on Causepods, please fill out this form and schedule your chat here.

    ****Here are a list of resources for those needing/seeking safe and legal abortion services in the US that were mentioned during this episode's pre-roll.***

    More in-depth version:

    25 April 2022, 10:30 am
  • 19 minutes 42 seconds
    It Makes Cents with Kriti Sarav with The WhyFi Matters Podcast

    Is your money working for you, or are you working for it?

    As Kriti tells us in this episode, there is a shortfall by schools to teach adequate financial literacy information in schools. Growing up, it simply wasn’t taught in her schools, and it wasn’t until she bought a home that she started to see the large world of money for what it is. 

    The WhyFi Matters podcast is an excellent example of a niched podcast focused on a specific demographic and being the solution to that problem.  If you are thinking of just getting started or looking to niche down more, this episode will help you with the issues that you might be overlooking that are waiting for a solution.

    Key Topics:

    ·     What made financial literacy the focus of your work (1:25)

    ·     What kind of background did you have growing up with financial literacy (3:01)

    ·     How did you go about targeting your peers to gain listeners for the podcast (5:32)

    ·     How have current events shaped the content on the podcast (8:49)

    ·     How has short-form video content impacted the content creation process (10:31)

    ·     How would you recommend driving traffic to your podcast (11:37)

    ·     Advice to someone wanting to start a podcast (15:52)

    Website link: (

    Podcast Links:

    ·     Apple

    ·     Google

    ·     Spotify

    Charity: Choose Fi Foundation

    Donation: Link

    Social Links

    ·     Twitter

    ·     Facebook

    ****Here are a list of resources for those needing/seeking safe and legal abortion services in the US that were mentioned during this episode's pre-roll.***

    More in-depth version:

    28 March 2022, 10:30 am
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