Biffin Bridge


Inspired by Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio; we would like to make our own contribution to podcasting. The show will involve improvisations, nubs and scripts.

  • William F. Buckley: Let's All Join Hands and Insult The Living
    File?id=df9cswxb_34d2z4tdg5_bWilliam F. Buckley, the apologist for the terror that was, enjoys the good life.


    Script titbit:
    Those of you that see conservatism as vile, may I raise a small voice of protest? It's not that we don't have an ideology, we do, the sole purpose of our Ideology is to satisfy those of our constituents that don't have the requisite analytical powers to understand that which doesn't exist. The world has elements in it that are so complex that the exercise of trying to change it for an undemonstrated credo appears to me to be impertinent! There has to be an authority even if they're judged to be wrong... Because the alternative to that is reason and that simply won't do you know, our praetorian duty will always be to keep Pandora's box firmly closed.


    Noam Chomsky on William F. Buckley's "The Firing Line" in 1969

    Noam Chomsky's Obituary on the Big think

    William Buckley and Gore Vidal: 1968 Democratic Convention Chicago


    Charlie Parker: Old Folks

    Romones and Lemmy: R.O.M.O.N.E.S

    27 October 2008, 6:07 pm
  • Reckless Negligence Destroys Grade One Listed Building


    The blaze at Garrick Villa is an example of managing agents recommending contractors that don't know what they're doing.

    The fire was caused by a "handyman" who was using burning-off equipment on the grade one listed building, the area in which he was working was a feature that David Garrick employed the furniture designer Robert Adam to build around 1754 using theatrical set design methods to construct a timber canopy that was floated on top of timber columns and held in place using a system of steel ropes and pulleys.

    The paint system inevitably contained lead which needed testing before removal, this being the case, anyone that was supposed to be working on the structure should have been competent enough to know that burning off paint on or near a roof is extremely dangerous as highly inflammable material builds up in the roof area, all it took was a spark to set it all ablaze.

    The managing agents Churcod & Co have surveyors and architects that should be well aware of the required methods for working on this building as they have been responsible for its upkeep for many years.

    25 October 2008, 8:28 pm
  • cheeseheadcoleman Sings one Song to The Tune of Another


    A famous Chelsea fan leaving early, the callous chants of away fans don't help.


    cheeseheadcoleman recites Attila The Stockbroker's spiteful didactic verse to a reggae classic in keeping with this blog's parasitic habit of passing off other people's material...

    Attila The Stockbroker

    BBC World News Head of Programmes, Paul Gibbs, says: "If
    Max (Keiser) had been on our screens a year ago we wouldn't be in this shit."


    Will Hutton: "For 30 years, greedy, callow, ignorant financiers, supported by no less callow politicians from all the political parties, have proclaimed the wonders of financial innovation and how proud we all should be of the City of London. The price tag for their behaviour is an economic calamity. We should never have bought such snake oil. The consolation in these dark times is that we never will again."

    Noam Chomsky: Anti-democratic nature of US capitalism is being exposed

    "attila the stockbroker"
    12 October 2008, 4:55 pm
  • Soka Gakkai: Operation Damage limitation

    Daisaku Ikeda Pictured with General Noriega

    Daisaku Ikeda, president of Soka Gakkai International (SGI),  has 555 honorary citizenships and holds the most honorary doctorates awarded to a single individual!


    Yoshihiro Tsurumi: "The Bush administration,regards democracy
    in Japan as no different from that of Russia. Both are viewed as
    'kleptocracies.' On the surface, the political leaders are elected; but
    the truth is that they constitute a country completely dominated by the
    ruling party, which is in cahoots with the bureaucrats. Through the
    distortions generated by their years of holding onto control and the
    election system, they work with pressure groups that support them for
    their own benefits. It is as if the citizens were under domination of a
    gang of robbers."

    Takayoshi Kitagawa: "While I wouldn't say that Soka Gakkai is seen as a cult, they
    are a very structured, organized, militarist group that wields
    immense political power."

    Takashi Shokei: Ikeda is "[a] power-hungry
    individual who intends to take control of the government and make
    Soka Gakkai the national religion."

    Notice Board:

    Rick Ross: Archive for Soka Gakkai

    Rick Ross (consultant)

    Daisaku Ikeda's Wikipedia

    Michiyo Nakamoto: Japan's LDP puts faith in religious partner

    Rie Tsumura: Rape claims are unacceptable

    Republic of Palau Honors Daisaku and Kaneko Ikeda

    Choice cuts: Ikeda's Problematic Speech

    Japan Today: Outspoken professor vents fury over Asahi Shimbun story spike

    Soka Gakkai’s Cocaine Business

    Polly Toynbee: The Value of a Grandfather Figure

    "Soka Gakkai "
    24 September 2008, 3:19 pm
  • Griff Jenkins: 愚か者

    私はレポーターのGriff Jenkinsは愚か者だと思います。


    Evidence, if any were needed, that Griff Jenkins of Fox news is a media whore!

    Shareef Aleem was interviewed by the little grifter but Fox chose edit the conversation in preference to sensationalism, nice...

    KGNU Independent Community Radio Afternoon Sound Alternative
    4 September 2008
    Rush Transcript

    Shareef Aleem: "...Fox news man, this is a trip man, when they had the protest rally on the 24th of August in front of the state capital I was out there doing my media work, of course, and I was interviewing Ward Churchill and this Fox News reporter, really irritating bastard by the name of Griff Jenkins, you know, pushed his way though everybody pushed me to get to Ward Churchill to ask him a question, so, we lit Fox News up and if you want to check it out man go to YouTube and type in Fox Attacked the back story part 1 and you can see your boy Shariff Aleem doing it mean like a gangster lean beating the hell out of Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Carl Rove and the rest of the Republican devils that's in office, heh-heh, no doubt, in honour of that man I'm going to play this cut that Naz did called Sly Fox this is off of his new CD.
    ... Fox News, I don't know if you've been following this Republican National convention man, but they're just cheer-leading and everything McCain and Palin does is right and they can do no wrong, and ain't that a trip? The Republicans are the first people to be telling Black folks get over it, your into your victimization, quit being a victim and when the White girl get up there; oh they're beating up on her because she's a woman and Barak Obama is so sexist!
    GIVE ME A BREAK. O.K!? Fox News is the main one doing this cheer-leading... Joseph Goebbels will be smiling in his grave to know such a station exist."
    8 September 2008, 12:05 am
  • Trash Audio: Vanessa Feltz
    What price is free speech in the UK when a concerned individual can castigate anyone on radio talk shows except when accusations are made against global corporations.


    The following podcast will argue that the public should be prevented from asking impertinent questions, that are no business of theirs and it would be better for all if we put or faith in self-regulated corporate responsibility.

    Vanessa Feltz of BBC radio London has a popular radio show where she sifts through articles in the gutter press, administers pastoral care and invites her adoring listeners to contribute by phoning in, reactionary, morally indignant callers are most welcome.

    Ann Diamond was sitting in for Vanessa Feltz while she was away, what a pity Vanessa didn't stay away, I say ditch the bitch.

    Norman Long: We Can't Let You Broadcast That
    Gregory Isaacs: I'll Be On MY Way

    What the lily-livered liberals say:

    Grauniad: British libel laws violate human rights, says UN

    Killer Coke

    17 August 2008, 2:44 am
  • Supsa part 2

    Baku-Supsa and the Baku-Batumi pipelines:

    From what I understand Supsa is not a port but has a sub-standard oil storage depot near by [Link Bankwatch] , the oil at the Supsa terminal is sent to two ports: Poti, to the north which in the state of Georgia, presumably getting its oil by pipeline, and, Batumi to the south in semi-autonomous state of Ajaria by train.

    Leaving aside the political aspects of the B-T-C pipeline, what benefits could be argued of using the B-T-C pipeline over these two pipelines that go to the black sea and what’s the future of the Baku-Batumi pipeline?

    Batumi gets more oil from Supsa than Poti yet transit by train is surely inefficient, so, why does the oil from Supsa to Batumi get sent by train?

    The bombing of Poti by Russia has meant no oil has been handled by either port, yet, Batumi appears to be fully functional will they be handling the oil that was destined to Poti and Ceyhan which was damaged by the PPK in Turkey?

    Email from Isabel Gorst Financial Times:

    “Oil delivered to Supsa by pipeline is exported from a loading facility located 2km offshore. It is not necessary to take it from there to Poti or Batumi.
    There is no pipeline to Batumi, only a railway line
    BTC is better than Baku Supsa because it is bigger and delivers oil to a deep water Mediterranean port freeing shippers from the inconvenience of navigating the crowded Bosphorus.”

    Pictures of Poti and Supsa taken in 1999

    Georgia Hopes for Boost from Caspian Pipeline

    Hot News Turkey: Georgian oil ports Batumi Supsa operate party

    BBC Robin Lustig on Georgia and Polish public opinion


    The Georgian economy minister, Eka Sharashidze said that the Buku-Supsa was hit with two Russian missiles South East of Tbilisi which Anatoly Nogovitsyn, the deputy head of Russia's General Staff, has denied doing.

    13 August 2008, 7:45 am
  • Mixed Intellegence: Where the Heck is Supsa?


    Pictures of Poti and Supsa taken in 1999

    US Department of Energy (EIA): "Baku-Supsa Pipeline (AIOC "Early Oil" Western Route) Baku to Supsa (Georgia), terminating at Supsa Black Sea Port "

    Wikipedia:The Baku-Supsa Pipeline (also known as the Western Route Export Pipeline and Western Early Oil Pipeline) is an 830 kilometres (520 mi) long oil pipeline, which runs from the Sangachal Terminal near Baku to the Supsa terminal in Georgia. It transports oil from the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field. The pipeline is operated by BP.

    The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline goes through Georgian territory and not Russian aligned that's why BP, Chevron, Total, Hess and others built it, but, According to the map above, provided by US Department of Energy, there's a thick red line indicating a pipeline! The Baku-Supsa Pipeline terminates at the port of Batumi in the Russian affiliated autonomous region of Ajaria!
    Supsa looks like a one horse town in Georgia, it doesn't look very much like a port, I think I'm going Poti, Poti is also in Georgia, I guess that's why Poti was bombed but Russia said it was no threat to oil shipments, Will that mean business as usual in the Russian-friendly boomtown Batumi?

    Reuters: Georgia's oil port of Supsa is operating only partially and oil tankers are not going into its Batumi port?

    I guess not...

    This much I do know; US energy interests with all the usual suspects are somewhere in the mix including Zbigniew Brzezinski and Blackwater.
    Jeremy Scahill's book Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army is now available in a special updated edition!

    Poti (north), Subsa (middle), Batumi (south)

    View Larger Map

    Supsa oil storage depot

    View Larger Map

    Addendum: The BBC says that oil is transported from Supsa to Batumi by rail Link The Baku-Batumi pipline Link
    12 August 2008, 5:21 am
  • US Popularity Contest 2008 Backroom Boys: Zbigniew Brzezinski

    It’s nice to know that the old guard like Zbigniev Brzezinski is imparting his wisdom to young Turks like Barack Obama under the universal banner of "change".


    Allan Nairn: As US Votes on Who Will Hold the Trigger, Mayans Propagate Civilization
    “The US Democrats’ dove is Barack Obama, whose chief foreign adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, greenlighted Israel to deliver the actual killing rifles (Galils) to Guatemala, since his President — Carter — was a little embarrassed.”

    Noam Chomsky: It’s Imperialism Stupid
    You can surmise that if everything runs without a hitch, and it is in the US interest, then Brzezinski is all for it!

    Barry Grey: A political bombshell from Zbigniew Brzezinski
    Brzezinski reading out damning allegations to the US senate from a New York Times article dated the 27 March, 2006 that in a memo, prepared by a British official who was present in a meeting between President Bush and his subordinate Tony Blair it was stated “that the president and the prime minister acknowledged that no unconventional weapons had been found inside Iraq. Faced with the possibility of not finding any before the planned invasion, Mr. Bush [allegedly] talked about several ways to provoke a confrontation.”

    “God is on Your Side” (RealPlayer)
    Brzezinski encouraging Mujahideen to kill and be killed to help the US bring down the Soviet Union.

    Cooperative Research History Commons: Zbigniew Brzezinski
    Further evidence of Zbigniew’s reckless meddling.

    Zbigniew Brzezinski
    11 February 2008, 2:49 pm
  • US Popularity Contest 2008: Obama Becomes Third Favourite

    I wonder if Cynthia McKinney would wear this T-Shirt?


    Barrack Obama is currently 11/4 third favourite to win the US Presidential election the reason for these low odds is probably because of his corporate appeal and an ability to forsake natural justice in favour of votes, welcome to the club Barrack!

    Electronic Intifada: How Barack Obama learned to love Israel

    The Angry Arab News service: Posts About Obama


    Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
    4 February 2008, 12:50 am
  • With friends like these…

    Originally uploaded by mindcaster.

    Bicyclemark pictured enjoying the hospitality of the “Coke house” Berlin Football World Cup 2006 (board lodging and free tickets to games!)


    Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert of Karmabanque have websites, blogs , podcasts and are Al Jazeera filmmakers, their premise is that “price proceeds news.”
    They have long held the belief that the best way to stop unaccountable bankers and corporations from destroying the planet is for activists to agree on a targeted boycott; that boycott is Coca-Cola…

    Choice cutz taken from: Yeastradio podshow (quote taken from 30:31 into the show):

    Madge: (Referring to sub-prime, the death of the Dollar, global warming and other subjects covered by karmabanque) “Max was right on about this stuff, not that the rest of us weren’t…”

    Bicyclemark: “I just wanna [sic] add one more thing to that? (High Rising Intonation) I love Max very much or at least like him a lot… they’ve done a lot for me, but, but, a lot of people including Max and Stacy on karmabanque,, they really enjoy being right… I think we’re missing something, even 9/11 conspiracy people with all their websites and their videos have the same problem they lay out a little, y’know, argument, which may or may not be right, in Max’s case a lot of it is turning out to be right…(And here’s the stinger)
    But you’re not offering anything to stop it, your not offering much of anything, all you’re doing is being right and celebrating being right."

    ("Et tu Brute"?)

    Madge: “and making lots of money being right.”

    Stacy Herbert of karmabanque has told Biffin Bridge that Coca-Cola is still the boycott of choice.

    …and here’s something that was prepared 2 years earlier.

    Bicyclemark says the boycott of Coca-Cola is "old fashioned"

    Bicyclemark Roasted on Karmabanque (the kamabanque link "Page Not Found") So you can...


    If you like : )

    Mindcaster's Ad hominem defence of corporate freebies: (one of bicyclemark’s pals who took the picture above at the weallspeakfootball junket sponsored by Coca-Cola at the Berlin world cup 2006) “straightchris you are like mosquito touchdowns, one point of interest, incredibly annoying but dismissible with one coordinated slap; a step further from this observation you’re a couch moralist spewing borrowed material on anyone you can find. It’s about time you deliver some comprehensive and original thought.”

    Originally uploaded by bicyclemark.

    Biffin Editorial:

    Madge Weinstein is a pioneer of podcasting who has promoted karmabanque and featured karmabanque in her show in the past.
    She has also promoted Democracy Now to her audience as well as the global boycott of Coca-Cola.

    Bicyclemark is also a veteran of podcasting with many interesting shows to his credit; which makes the nuanced comments about karmabanque hard to understand.

    For bicyclemark to suggest that Max and Stacy have “done nothing”, is mistaken, they have both asked him to promote the boycott of Coca-Cola, a boycott that they have been working on since at least 2004.
    The Karmabanque aim is to monetise dissent by using a targeted boycott, the Internet being the tool for this kind of viral marketing.
    All you’ve got to do is use the logosm.jpg banner.

    *Biffin Bridge has not asked permission to host the karmabanque Sunday Roast with bicyclemark audio and assumes that it is covered by the creative commons licence.

    Boycott Coke and have a nice day.

    25 January 2008, 11:47 am
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