


  • 27 minutes 57 seconds
    Dragon Age; Beanquisition
    Good tidings to you!

    So I've clocked around 100 hours of "Dragon Age; Inquisition" on the PS4, and that's coming at it with no background knowledge. Never played the previous games, read the books, know the memes, etc. Just jumping into a big 'ol fantasy world. I had a great time though and wanted to give my very poorly articulated history of the world, as well as some insights about my play-through.

    Possibly more of this game coming soon, I hear there's cheap DLC available. Hope everyone is keeping safe, healthy and alive out there. Masks on people! 

    22 June 2020, 3:09 pm
  • 51 minutes 14 seconds
    A Series of Serious Pods, To Go!

    We're living in an uncomfortable time. The global pandemic is only compounded by the fact that there's no movies/sports, an economic depression is looming, murder hornets are on the way and now we're on the brink of a race war. That's an exaggeration but it's still not great. I've been grappling with what's been transpiring as much as the next person, and in a series of recordings over the past week I've tried to make some sense of things. We're of course learning new things everyday and moving forward which is great. But the momentum, the right momentum, needs to continue to prevent an easy slip back into the pitfalls of the past. 

    22 June 2020, 3:01 pm
  • 16 minutes 30 seconds
    A Shortened Bean Podito

    Hey hey. So I can`'t even remember what``'s in this episode, it's been that kind of a month. Anyway, I'm back with another episode, for whatever that's worth! (?) 

    22 June 2020, 2:50 pm
  • 29 minutes 24 seconds
    Back in Beans

    This is post time-skip, so to speak.

    Coming back to the game after a few month hiatus. Raising a human and working a job, but also starting my own business on the side has left a narrow margin of time for fun things. And somehow Fallout 4 has been getting a lot of it. I think content will be a little edgier moving forward, and maybe expect it every few weeks to start. I'll get faster I promise. Thanks for listening.

    9 February 2020, 12:38 am
  • 25 minutes 16 seconds
    Boats and Joes

    Like everyone else in the universe, I had an opinion on Joker. I liked it, listen to hear the specifics I guess. Cheers! 

    9 February 2020, 12:34 am
  • 31 minutes 3 seconds
    Error, Podcast Not Found

    I can't remember when I made it, or even what it contains. Such is often the nature of this podcast so I'm rolling with it. Expect a few episodes to be published all at once soon, and then more to trickle in. Thanks for tuning in and your patience. 

    9 February 2020, 12:29 am
  • 51 minutes 43 seconds
    Once Upon a Siesta, with a lil' Halo 3 sprinkled in

    A good day to you all.

     This was another exploratory episode, where we all get the pleasure of listening to the wide-wide world outside. My mic picks up it all, so enjoy the ambiance of a gentle breeze, trees rustling and of course some cars. I took a bit of a siesta this time, and decided to make the most of some free time and record. I still happen to be foaming at the mouth about how good Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is, so this is the episode to talk about it. What a movie, what a cast, and what a time in both Hollywood and world history. Since Inglorious Bastards is already on my all-time favorite movie list, I knew this one would follow suit. And like we get into; I adore historical revisionist films. Any writer that puts in the effort to create a new, alternative telling of accepted historical situations/truths is alright in my books. Heavy recommendation of this movie if you've not caught it yet.

    Halo 3 is GOAT of couch shooters, hands down. I had Goldeneye, Unreal Tournament and nearly every other title that people tote as a contender to H3. But they all fall flat in comparison to the scope Halo, not to mention the fun to be had. The detailed, huge and open world maps created a genuine stage for combat of all kinds. An assortment of land and air vehicles kept the pace quick and invited the ever-challenging dynamic of either monopolizing vehicles, contending with them or most commonly simply blowing a vehicle up lest it fall into enemy hands. My friends and I put hundreds pf hours into uncountable matches, tournaments and skirmishes. I'm sure everyone has an eternal fondness for the game, maybe one day it'll crawl over to a PlayStation remastered edition. Tune in next time for the plot and backstory to the ridiculous and ambitious "machinema" project that we spent way too much time on.

     As usual most of my spare time is spent with podcasts coursing through my head. SinCast is always the Cadillac of pods, and I thought it worth thinking those dudes again. I had my first therapist appointment after getting motivated to do so after the SC Mental Health Week. I know it's a long road ahead, but I already feel some of the benefits of talking to someone and couldn't recommend it more to everyone out there. Healing is neat.

    All the best to all ya'll. Expect another episode soon, just waiting to shake off this cold. Who the fuck gets a cold in the Summer? Honestly.

    13 August 2019, 5:36 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    SDCC is here, so let's get opinionated!

    That's right, it was nerd Mecca last weekend, and as per usual that means we got teased with the upcoming docket of shows and movies. Just like with everything else, Disney was there to outdo everyone and unzip/flop out their schedule onto the table. I'd felt a bit of a different reaction than in previous years, mostly because I feel disinterested in a substantial majority of things coming out. Now, I'm not an asshole. Neither am I a bigot, fascist or anything else you can be called for disagreeing with the status quo. But the fact is we've got to talk about the Disney+ lineup, and these Subscription Wars as a whole (which are coming fast). I don't care for a lot of the I.P.'s they're basing the content on, and I'll go as far as to say some of the casting similarly isn't great. But I do love Marvel, so I give them a grain of salt and a fair shake. Hopefully I'm way off base with my predictions on this upcoming season, but who knows.

    I've also been having big developments in the world of fathering. As Arthur gets cuter, he gets comparably smarter too, making entertaining him more of a hands-on task. Also, he had a full "throw-up" (not just some weak ass "spit up") and it was straight out of the Exorcism. Like a fountain from the mouth. Good times.

    Lastly we're (again) approaching the end of a Fortnite season. So if you've been slacking on your dailies, weeklies or Fortbytes, now is the time! Truthfully, the latter wasn't really worth all that trouble. I'm sitting at a 97% completion, and don't even care enough about the 100% reward costume to continue. But the games' always fun, and they're still packing in new weapons and game modes daily right up until the end. Between facing the summer heat, and staying in for a nice, cool glass of Fortnite...what would you  choose?

    Thanks for tuning in guys, see you next week. Links below, one for twitter in case you want to leave feedback/suggestions, and the other for the Kyoto crowd support page (try to donate if you can guys, anything can help):

    25 July 2019, 6:23 pm
  • 26 minutes 28 seconds
    Literally Far From Home

    This is another wandering episode, so it looks like I happen to be "far from home". But yes, obviously I just saw the movie, and that's what's going on today guys.

    I'll cut right to it and say Spiderman was amazing, and super entertaining. The movies' lighthearted innocence of high-school life and romance is just as good as the superhero quest which surprised me. The same way Ant-Man and the Wasp had a tough act to follow, Far From Home takes place after the biggest movie in the MCU. They offer some explanations and perspective on the "The Blip" (formerly "The Snap") and actually does a pretty neat job of tying it all together. 

    This was the first movie I've seen solo as an adult, and it was a good time. I had a half day from work, invited a few friends but to no avail. So I plopped down and saw it, and yeah pleasant experience overall. I found that not having someone talking to you during the movie is cool, but occasionally you'd like to say something yourself to your neighbor, and that's the only things that's not really an option. 

    One thing about the movie (spoilers I guess)... Mysterio is a villain in the comics. So it's not really a surprise that he winds up being a villain in the film too. And I get that most people don't read the source material, but the amount of *gasps out loud* I heard at his reveal was kinda shocking.

    Besides that, I guess business as usual. My son is good (and adorable), Fortnite is almost done its 14 Days of Summer (so get those rewards while you still can) and it's still gross and swampy out. So thanks for listening guys, catch you next time.

    P.S. Count me in on the raid, I wanna see them aliens 

    16 July 2019, 6:21 pm
  • 20 minutes 45 seconds
    Pirates of the Caribbean 6; Oceans Apart

    Ahoy! I couldn't keep my swashes buckled, so we're going to go into another PotC episode. I was working on somethings in a state of baby-induced insomnia and thought I created a winner for the plot/theme of the next Pirates adventure. We're going to take it to another part of the world again, and explore a sea-faring culture that would mesh really well with the current world and lore.

    Oceans Apart sees the familiar crew return to grapple with new threats. After being cast around in a magic storm (or something) they wind up in Maori territory, making friends and enemies out of the local pirates and traders. The Rock will obviously be the integral Maori protagonist (or antagonist, not sure) but it'll be a solid dynamic between him and Johnny Depp. Plus the Rock is box office gold, and this series needs something to stay afloat. Expect island mysticism, deities from the local heritage and just a real good time overall. 

    I tested recording outside, combining multiple audio tracks and a few other techniques in this pod. So please do excuse any audio issues or inconsistencies. 

    Enjoy the pitch, enjoy the summer weather and thanks for listening! 

    28 June 2019, 4:13 pm
  • 43 minutes 52 seconds
    Noodles at Noon, let's talk about Shanghai

    The film series, not the Chinese city. But both are great, shout-out to your thicc noods Shanghai (best noodles in all of China in this humble, non-Chinese guy's opinion).

    I started to record this episode with the hope that I was going to spin together a worthwhile fan-fiction on one of my absolute favorite comedies. But, as much as I did some Wikipedia show prep notes, in the end it got offtrack because of how much I like the series. It's easy to just get ranting. One day I'll post a link to the story being fleshed out, regarding "The House of Obannon" and the eternal presence they had in the West.

    As a kid, Jackie Chan was a hero of mine. One of the most skilled martial artist in film, he could take any fight and make it jaw-dropping and dangerous, whilst also being able to play for laughs with those punches. They had lightning in a bottle with the odd couple/buddy cop mixture of Jackie with a wise cracking partner. Rush Hour is great (I'd say 2 was the best) but both Shanghai movies are an absolute delight. Watch them immediately if you haven't seen them. I walk through a bit of the movie as a recap, and sprinkle in some historical accuracy that make me smile, nostalgic comments and contributions. 

    Yes I was not making it up, there is still scheduled to be a 3rd and final chapter in this legacy franchise. Shanghai Dawn had a confirmed existence back in 2017, and through twitter and some tabloids, the widely held belief currently is that it's still very much alive. Fingers crossed guys, that movie is going to be everything. Jackie and Owen are both due for a comeback anyway, so bring it on. As gets said in the pod, the setting of movie 3 is supposed to be China, showing it off like the Old West from Shanghai Noon. Could be great, I'm on board, though I would have considered a brand new setting altogether. Knights leaves us in England, so most of the world is in reach. If not another European country, perhaps they find themselves headed to Russia before they make it into China. Or perhaps they went south, winding up with British citizenry heading to Africa. Lots of possibilities, better make this into 4 more movies with a 2-part finale movie.

    Please let me know if you're aware of a definitively better Chinese noodle than the Shanghai noodle. I'm always here to discuss that. Thanks.

    Until next time, cheers! 

    4 June 2019, 2:54 pm
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