Which Murderer?

Which Murderer?

Which Murderer talks about the methods, motives and background to murderers and their victims, covering two crimes per episode and debating from the victim's perspective which murderer we would pick to kill us if we HAD to choose.

  • 30 minutes 35 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: Decapitation Murders
    Which Murderer Flashback Episode!

    In Episode 26 Season 2, Gemma and Holly talk about murderers who lost their heads!....while decapitating people. Gemma covers the murderer Mathew Borges who took 'troubled teens' a step or ten too far and Holly speaks about the Kingsbury Run murders from the 1930s. 

    The girls plug Gemma's guest appearance on the podcast 'Good Nurse Bad Nurse', Holly has another Reddit breakdown, the girls guess a movie correctly for the first time in history (wink wink Kevin Costner) and Holly give age specific murder advice.

    Production, recording and post production completed by Producer Craig who somehow found himself committed to a remote weekend away with the crew for a recording session in the wilds of Scotland next year. His eyes are glazed over with joy. 

    Gemma mostly edited this week. All complaints should be sent to Producer Craig who is currently googling how to survive in the wilderness while recording a podcast. 


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Recorded in a secret location somewhere in Scotland
    28 January 2025, 10:10 am
  • 26 minutes 44 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: Edinburgh Unsolved Murders
    Which Murderer Flashback Episode!

    In Season 3 Episode 7 – Edinburgh Unsolved Murders, Holly kicks off the local tales of Murder with the sad story of the lovely Anne Ballantine. Gemma then goes on to cover the murder of Helen Kane – with some pretty big potential serial killer links.

    Shoutout to a lovely Facebook follower who gave some feedback on our ‘Murders that Shocked the World’ episode – she spells her name very Irishy.

    There are opposite weather conditions in Edinburgh as per usual, math makes another unwelcome appearance in Holly’s life and this episode, Gemma has some issues with terms such as ‘Double Jeopardy’ and her own husband’s name ... so Producer Craig goes looking for missing grammar behind the cushions.

    Production, recording and post production completed by Producer Craig who loves a system but is not fond of his new name…. Compuser Praig. We are in the process of changing over all the stationary.

    Gemma mostly edited this week. All complaints should be sent to Compuser Praig – please make sure you pay close attention to the new spelling. We don’t want a single complaint misplaced.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    12 January 2025, 6:05 am
  • 37 minutes 18 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: 1970's Murders
    Which Murderer Flashback Episode!

    In Season 3 Episode 14 –1970’s Murder – Gemma covers ‘Bad Man’ Randy Kraft while Holly tells you all about Robert John Maudsley who we might like a little?

    Shoutouts for some lovely iTunes reviewers including ‘Canadian Danni and Super Husband Clive’

    In this episode Gemma goes and ruins Holly’s favourite pasta, Holly gives some amazing Serial Killer pro tips, three entire adults fail to math, we conclude that 12 kids is too many kids and there are no pet budgies allowed in prison.

    Production, recording and post production completed by Producer Craig who does not have a pet budgie but does have a bumblebee he’s named ‘Bumbledore’.

    Gemma mostly edited this week. All complaints should be sent to Producer Craig who is putting cream on all of Bumbledore’s kisses. They have a complicated relationship.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    5 January 2025, 6:05 am
  • 37 minutes 55 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: New Years Murders
    Which Murderer Flashback Episode!

    In Season 4 Episode 29 the girls wish you a very happy 2022 with MURDER. New Years Murders to be exact. Holly talks about murderer Scott Watson before Mel tells you all about John Allen Mohammad.

    The girls continue with the Covid chat which annoys them both, they touch their microphones a lot in this episode so…. good luck listeners, the girls tell you how much they hate New Years Eve but also have a great New Years Eve everyone, Holly chooses a challenging case in regards to the entire premise of the show and the girls spend a lot of time picking their last meals.

    Production, recording and postproduction completed by Holly who sent Consulting Producer Craig a case of fireworks that when set off spell HELP HOLLY WITH EVERYTHING.

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Mel while Consulting Producer Craig purchases several fire extinguishers.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    31 December 2024, 6:05 am
  • 26 minutes 34 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: Christmas Murders
    Which Murderer Flashback Episode!

    Merry/Happy Christmas everybody! Our 30th episode focuses on Christmas murders....we discuss the tragic murder of Joanna Yeates and the Christmas Day massacre committed by Bruce Pardo. We realise that Holly is way too presumptuous to sit on a jury. Holly also completely traumatises Gemma and she will never look at Santa the same again. Then we propose a new mating ritual that is bound to be successful with the human race.

    Production, recording and mixing completed by Santa’s little elf, Craig. He and Cleo took the cutest Christmas picture this week, they are #couplegoals.

    Editing completed by Gemma, who is hoping Santa can bring her headphones that don’t flatten her hair so much.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Recorded in a secret location somewhere in Scotland
    23 December 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 8 seconds
    S7 EPISODE 2: Mistaken Identity Murder
    In Season 7 Episode 2 Holly and Gary talk about Mistaken Identity Murders. Garry kicks things off with the story of Martin Trayton Smith before Holly talks about Rishmeet Singh.    

    Shoutout to Emma Jo for this week’s topic suggestion! Thanks so much.  

    The co-hosts are riddled with plague and are very poor babies who need their beds, Holly’s OCD carries over into the swimming pool, the metric system strikes again, and the dying prowess of Rambo is reviewed. WE ARE THE LAST GENERATION TO UNDERSTAND THIS PHENOMENA.  

    Production, recording and postproduction completed by Holly who has licked a bunch of candy and posted it to Consulting Producer Craig so he too can be infected with plague as punishment for not doing her bidding.  

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Garry while Consulting Producer Craig definitely doesn’t eat the soggy bag of candy.  

     www.whichmurderer.com – WE HAVE MERCH! Go check it out.  

    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.  

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    27 September 2024, 5:05 am
  • 26 minutes 10 seconds
    S7 EPISODE 1: TV Special Murders
    In Which Murderer’s first official episode of Season 7, the gang covers TV Special Murders. Holly starts us off with the case of Jennifer Ann Mee, before Garry goes over the tale of Brynn Omdahl Hartman. 

    Listener Mel suggested this week’s topic - thanks so much! 

    This week there is TV series catchup with blatant spoilers, lovely listener messages which are butchered, hiccup cures are provided and there are too many N's.

    Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who is spoiling every TV series ever made for Consulting Producer Craig until he agrees to edit for her. 

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Garry while Consulting Producer Craig enjoys his Holly cancelling headphones avoiding any and all spoilers.

    Big thank you to all our listeners for subscribing, leaving fantastic reviews and sending in great theme suggestions. 


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm. 

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    13 September 2024, 5:05 am
  • 29 minutes 12 seconds
    S7 EPISODE 0: Murdered by Proxy
    LISTENER ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s a boy! Welcome Garry for Season 7!

    In Which Murderer’s opening episode of Season 7, the gang covers Murdered by Proxy. Garry starts us off with the case of John Bodkin Adams, before Holly goes over the tale of Mark Hopkinson.

    Listener Saraid suggested this week’s topic - thanks so much!

    This week Holly recounts her summer (most of which she can’t remember), Garry starts his podcasting journey and drugs make another ill advised appearance.  

    Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who has begged Consulting Producer Craig to take pity on her poor soul and take on editing for next week.

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Garry while Consulting Producer Craig puts on one of his wigs and pretends to be Mrs. Neighbourhouse to avoid editing requests.

    Big thank you to all our listeners for subscribing, leaving fantastic reviews and sending in great theme suggestions.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    6 September 2024, 5:05 am
  • 31 minutes 21 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: Witch Murders

    In Which Murderer’s Episode 44 Season 5 the girls finally cover Witch Murders. Mel starts us off with Ama Hemmah from Ghana before Holly goes into the complicated case of Lawrence Harris. 

    Shoutout to Saraid for the suggestion!

    In this episode the girls decide who the next James Bond will be and what TV Witches they want to drink some tea with, Mel is very clearly making up the name of her murderer entirely, Holly is queen of fire and the girls once again deliberate through worst fears. Not including the dentist.

    Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who has build a giant effigy of Consulting Producer Craig in his front yard to show her devotion.

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Mel while Consulting Producer Craig questions his life choices as he pulls out a fire extinguisher again.

    Big thank you to all our listeners for subscribing, leaving fantastic reviews and sending in great theme suggestions.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland. 
    22 July 2024, 7:56 am
  • 41 minutes 30 seconds
    FLASHBACK EPISODE: Psychics & Murder

    In Season 4 Episode 36 the girls tackle another listener suggestion and tell you about Murders Solved by Psychics. What a great idea! Mel kicks it off with the sad story of Melanie Uribe before Holly tells you about a lovely man named Andre Daigle. 

    Shoutout to Cheryl for this week’s suggestion! Keep them coming…..you guys are doing a fantastic job.

    Mel is on the running bandwagon while Holly remains on a health not-kick, we learn that Holly skates like a sailboat, Mel tells us about her love for the Olympics and Italy - but that she is not likely to honeymoon there due to the Mafia, the girls decide all carpenters are nice people and Holly reveals yet more childhood trauma.

    Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who is trying hard to psychically connect to Consulting Producer Craig and get him to take over editing again.

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Mel while Consulting Producer Craig tries to figure out why he’s suddenly craving maple syrup and has an itch inside his brain.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    15 July 2024, 12:29 pm
  • 29 minutes 36 seconds
    S6 EPISODE 51: Vengeance Murders

    In Which Murderer’s 51st episode of Season 6, the girls cover Vengence Murders. Holly starts us off with the gangland murder of Bailey Atkinson, before Mel goes over the tale of poor Keith Philpott.

    Listener Emma Jo suggested this week’s topic - thanks so much!

    This week the girls would like to know who you are getting vengeance on and how, Holly gives a life update nobody asked for, Mel continues her secret shopping, we have podcast pet birthdays and the girls sabotage the Met Gala.  

    Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who sworn vengeance upon Consulting Producer Craig and his pet pigeons for not editing episodes.

    Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Mel while Consulting Producer Craig tries to explain to the very wild pigeons outside what a crazy woman is.

    Big thank you to all our listeners for subscribing, leaving fantastic reviews and sending in great theme suggestions.


    WARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.

    Pre-recorded in Scotland
    21 June 2024, 5:05 am
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