Tales from the shady side of the Sunshine State. Every week we share stories about America's most prolific criminal: Florida Man.
6 minutes 6 seconds
Joel's New Show! Florida Man News
Hey everybody, it's Joel.
I wanted to thank you all for listening to Florida Men, and let you know that I have a new podcast called Florida Man News. It's on the Florida Podcast Network and you can find it in your favorite podcast app. It's a bit different format from Florida Men, but it's the same crazy Florida Man and Florida Woman stories.
Episode 1 of Florida Man News releases Friday, April 22nd, but I've got a preview for you now. To hear more, just search for Florida Man News in your podcast app and follow or subscribe now so you get the first episode right away.
Thanks for listening to this highlight clip for Florida Man News.
In Episode 162 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Florida Woman was attacked by a pack of wild dogs, but that wasn’t the deadliest thing that happened to her, Florida Man likes pet birds almost as much as Joel does, Florida Woman proves Joel’s theory about bad pizza still being good TOTALLY WRONG, and Florida Man is running around naked again. Or still. Who the hell can tell?
This Episode's Florida Men and Women: • Isaiah Velez • Jackie Ronco • Debbie Beaulieu • Charles Entertainment Cheese • Zacharie Nelson • Thomas Morgan • Patricia Lowe • Michael Torres
In Episode 160 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Florida Man tries to enforce politeness at a liquor store, Florida Man overreacts to a spammy email, Florida Woman calls 911 about a lack of social distancing but refuses to distance herself, and a couple of Florida Men are starving for attention, so they whip out their sausages.
This Episode's Florida Men and Women: • Audra Adams • Robert Sagall • Jennifer Kilpatrick • Thomas Reece • Sebastian Morris • Carter Hess • Jousua Echezarreta • Justin Mosser • Teddy Wilchere Worrell
159 - Naked Neighbors, Knifing Ninja, Cadillac Catastrophe, and Over the Limit and Over It All
In Episode 159 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Florida Man really loves his gators…on the grill and on the gridiron, Florida Man is a ninja coming at you, Florida Woman ain’t got time for this bullshit, and Florida Man proves why there should be a driving test every year for senior citizens.
Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/FLORIDA
This Episode's Florida Men and Women: • Robert Hartsock • Stephanie Wright • Timothy Gilb • James Ellison • Robin Hamilton • Zantana Shantay Cannon • Some Old Dude Who Shouldn’t Be Driving • Carole Harwood • William Nash
158 - Listener Quickie: Kinder Keisterer In Episode 158 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, we discuss the differences between US Kinder Joy and the proper Kinder Egg that can be found in the rest of the world. Also, a brit shoved one up his bum. Thanks to Allison for submitting this story.
Promotions: Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/florida
This Episode's "Florida" Man: • Zachary Bowler • Boris Johnson
157 - 911 Nitwit, Beastly Bloodletter, Disney Discovery, and Forgery Failure
In Episode 157 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Florida Man wants his roommate to suck the worm out, Florida Man finds his own private island is a small world after all, Florida Man dialed the wrong number for UberEats, and Florida Man does the right thing and wins a Big Gulp.
Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/FLORIDA
This Episode's Florida Men and Women: • Joseph Dolash • Richard McGuire • Getro Gelin • Michael James Gables • Christopher Canfora • Kelly Gaffney • Hein C. Le • James Stratford • Russell Mir • Jean Ocasio-Trevino
In Episode 156 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, a pizza delivery "boy" gets a salami pie to the face courtesy of a disgruntled customer. Thanks to CONATH for submitting his story from Germany!
Promotions: Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/florida
155 - Beach Reaper, Homework Hostage, Backyard Back Nine, and Idaho Idiot
In Episode 155 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Florida Woman starts a new loss prevention initiative at Walgreens, Florida woman survived nine days in a ravine, living in a house on a golf course wasn’t nearly close enough for a Florida Man golfer, and Florida Man showed another Florida Man some brotherly love.
Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/FLORIDA
This Episode's Florida Men and Women: • Taliseya McGee • Scott Jones • Burnice Lee S. Mikell • Daniel Uhlfelder • Diane McInnis • John McGarry • Robert Kovner
154 - Pandemic Fugitive, Neighborhood Narcs, Disrobed Defender, and Bank Burritos
In Episode 154 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Florida Man gets REALLY casual when working from home, Florida Man can’t tell the difference between Chipotle and Citibank, quarantine is making Florida Man narc on his neighbors, and Florida Man tries to scare off the cops with a pen and paper.
Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/FLORIDA
This Episode's Florida Men: • Alfredo Lopez Chaj • Martin Lopez Chaj • Judge Dennis Bailey • Douglas Francisco • Brian Wood • Alfred Constant Mathieu • Joshua Price • Galen Trent Wood
In Episode 153 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, Listener Mia sent us a story about—in her words—an amorously tweeked out Pennsylvania meth head drunkard.
Promotions: Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/florida
This Episode's "Florida" Man: • Michael Alan Shaffer
In Episode 151 of Florida Men: The Official Podcast of Florida Man, If this is your first time listening, you might want to skip to a different episode and come back to this one after you have a better opinion of us.
Promotions: Join us at the True Crime Podcast Festival on July 11-12, 2020 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Kansas City, MO. Use our exclusive link TrueCrimePodcastFestival.com/FLORIDA and use coupon code FLORIDA to receive 10% OFF the regular ticket price. http://truecrimepodcastfestival.com/florida