Ian Pring

Ian Pring


  • 7 seconds
    April 5, 2018
    5 April 2018, 11:54 pm
  • 7 minutes 1 second
    Independent Adjuster Myths That are Killing Your Career

    We all do it, believing in things that aren’t true. As kids, we were told that Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and wrestling were all real. (hope no kids are reading this!) IT WAS A LIE, a myth, a fun thing to believe, but far from the truth.

    Today I’d like to quickly bust some myths that you may still believe in as an independent adjuster. These myths, just like good ol Saint Nick, may be holding you back from the truth. Be careful the truth hurts.

    4 April 2018, 9:30 am
  • 20 minutes 35 seconds
    (Re-Publish)IA 32 How to Get More Deployments as a Hail Adjuster Without Breaking the Bank on Licenses

    (Due to Easter Weekend I have taken this week off from new episodes, but we have 4 amazing guests lined up for April! Stay Tuned!)


    IA 32 How to Get More Deployments as a Hail Adjuster Without Breaking the Bank on Licenses

    Today on episode 32 I wanted to share with you, How to Get More Deployments as a Hail Adjuster Without Breaking the Bank on Licenses.

    I’m asked about what licenses to obtain over and over and I figured it was time I’d address it here on the podcast. I’ve missed a few weeks and I apologize. Been sick for a few weeks and we had a huge storm in Dallas, so no excuse, but I apologize for the absence and I’m back. Lots of great things happening and brewing. So I want to cover the licenses you should obtain, but first I need to tell you that.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by, “Badger Mapping”

    Badger Mapping is the very best mapping so

    2 April 2018, 5:00 am
  • 33 minutes 57 seconds
    IA 57: "Boss" Ryan Hampton Talks About Putting Family First

    Ryan Hampton , "Boss," is quickly becoming the father of the ever growing PDR family. Unlike the mafia "bosses" of old Ryan may be the nicest person you'll ever meet.

    Hear Ryan share his story, his regrets, his purpose, and passion. Ryan shares how putting family first is the key to a successful career and satisfying life.

    Now it's time to call and to talk with Ryan Hampton, the PDR "Boss."

    Name – Ryan Hampton

    Company – 300

    Location – St. Louis, MO

    Superpower – Connection

    Contact – Ryan Hampton LinkedIn Profile

    [email protected] Cell: 636-734-5470


    Podcast Sponsor

    26 March 2018, 1:49 pm
  • 32 minutes 55 seconds
    IA 56: "Go Getter" Joseph Heidel On Making Great Impressions in Our Industry

    Being a go-getter and hustling is a great way to improve your odds of success as an IA. Joseph Heidel has quickly grabbed onto this concept.

    Joseph Heidel has risen from being a typical IA in Pilot orientation (where I met him) to rising through the ranks of our industry. He now finds himself as the National Operations Manager of Hi-Tech PDR overseeing multiple states for one of the nations largest PDR companies.

    As a former professional salesman, Joseph shares with us how to be successful as an IA in the PDR industry, the importance of first impressions, and how to make a lasting impact on anyone you meet.

    Name – Joseph Heidel

    Company – Hi-Tech PDR

    Location – Frisco, TX

    Superpower – Impression

    Contact – Joseph Heidel LinkedIn Profile

    19 March 2018, 9:55 am
  • 33 minutes 7 seconds
    IA 55: "Road Warrior" Jason Shufford Discusses Responsibility and Adaptability

    As an IA doing daily claims you tend to get a lot of windshield time, today’s guest is even more extreme than most, he is the “Road Warrior”

    Jason Shufford is an IA out of Brewton Alabama who tends to spend his time driving, driving, and more driving, and when he isn’t driving he a true eye and talent for art.

    Jason shares his story today as an inspiration and encouragement to all of us listening.

    Name – Jason Shufford Jr.

    Company – Professional Auto Appraisals

    Location – Brewton, Alabama

    Superpower – Adaptation

    Contact – Cell 251-363-0026 [email protected]

    Jason Shufford Jr. LinkedIn Profile

    Podcast Sponsor

    12 March 2018, 5:00 am
  • 40 minutes 37 seconds
    IA 54: "Flash Kordon" On Paintless Dent Repair and Bridging the Gap Between PDR and Adjusting

    Paul Kordon is a crossover from..... the dark side. As a paintless dent repair technician Paul is coming to educate, inform, and rescue us from some of the common mistakes and misconceptions we adjusters have when it comes to PDR. 

    Paul, or I’ll call him, “Flash Kordon”, is a 20 year PDR technician, influencer in his industry, and creator of the very first retail side panel PDR matrix. His work is influencing his industry to think differently about pricing, pushing the boundaries of what is repairable, and working to help bridge the gap from the PDR industry to other adjacent industries such as adjusters.

    Name – Paul Kordon

    Company – PaulKordon.com

    Location – Hamilton, Virginia

    Superpower – Metal Bending

    Contact – Paul Kordon LinkedIn Profile,

    5 March 2018, 6:00 am
  • 42 minutes 41 seconds
    IA 53: "Junior" Interview with Tim Davis Jr. of SCA Appraisal on Handling Hail Catastrophes

    Tim Davis Jr. may be the "Junior" of the SCA Tim's, but he is no junior as an influence on the industry. He is the president of SCA Appraisal Company, one of the largest and long standing appraisal companies in the industry. He has helped SCA scale from being a Southern California regional IA firm to being a nationwide powerhouse.

    Hear Tim give the secret sauce to success as an IA and an independent business owner in this podcast. We also dive into how SCA is tackling the major issue of large scale hail catastrophes in 2018.

    As an appraiser you don't want to miss this great opportunity SCA is presenting to the best in the biz. Get a peak into the future as we call and talk with Tim Davis Jr.

    Name – Tim Davis Jr.

    Company – SCA Appraisal Company

    Location – Los Angeles, California

    Superpower – Regeneration

    Contact –

    26 February 2018, 6:00 am
  • 38 minutes 23 seconds
    IA 52 "The Hustler" On How to Work With What You Have When You Have It

    Learn how to hustle your way to being an IA, finding extra income, or how to pursue your dream career with Nick Loper.

    Nick is an expert in the art of side hustling, therefore he is"The Hustler"

    Name – Nick Loper

    Company – SideHustleNation.com

    Location – Livermore, California

    Superpower – Hustle

    Contact – SideHustleNation.com/ideas or Nicks LinkedIn Profile

    Podcast Sponsor

    LeagueofIAs.com – Unlock your adjusting superpowers with over $2000 in training, tools, and discounts for $50/month.

    Get your free guide to the first 5 Steps to Becoming an Independent Adjuster

    19 February 2018, 12:48 pm
  • 28 minutes 29 seconds
    IA 51: "Bounce Back King" On Staying Positive as a Claims Adjuster

    Hear the “Bounce Back King” Rob Ortega challenge all of us on staying positive in the claims industry as a claims adjuster. Hear how he bounces back day after day, situation after situation to stay on the cutting edge and achieved his long term goals.

    Name – Rob Ortega

    Company – B&E Appraisal Service

    Location – Tucson, Arizona

    Superpower – Positive Attitude

    Contact – [email protected] or Robs LinkedIn Profile


    Podcast Sponsor

    AutoForms.co – Total loss forms and Admin information for claims filled out…. instantly. Create your estimates and files in seconds with just an assignment PDF.

    Get your free guide to the first 

    29 January 2018, 4:18 pm
  • 29 minutes 56 seconds
    Re-Publish "Superman" Tony Canas on Millennials in Claims Adjusting

    Today on episode 35 we are going to talk about millennials in claims adjusting. Hear the Superman of insurance and expert on millenials in the insurance industry... Tony Canas.

    You will hear how Tony puts me on the couch and reads my mail as a millennial, live on the air. Tony talks about how millennials could benefit the insurance industry and be benefited by the insurance industry. This is an interview you don’t want to miss.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by, “Livegenic”

    Check out Tony's Blog and podcast at InsNerds.com

    Pre-order his book, "Insuring Tomorrow" o

    23 January 2018, 12:00 pm
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