FaithTalk with ZaMaya

Za Maya

Welcome to FaithTalk with ZaMaya!

  • 26 minutes 36 seconds
    FTWZ S2E8 "Church Hurt"

    What happens when the place you go for healing becomes a producer of hurt? Church is supposed to be a place for healing and hope. Unfortunately, many have experienced pain at the fountain of hope. We could point fingers, but as the saying goes, "If you point one finger, there's at least 3 fingers pointing back at you". So while it is important to address the problems, it is just as vital to propose solutions and become a working piece of the puzzle becoming whole again. I am excited to have a very dear friend and an amazing professional Claudia Olojo on the podcast today to discuss this topic with me. It is my one that we all experience healing and embrace the hope of Christ,

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    26 July 2019, 4:33 pm
  • 22 minutes 12 seconds
    FTWZ S2E7 "As We Forgive Our Debtors"

    Forgive is perhaps the most hated word in our society. Unforgiveness is a silent killer. Like a tooth, it causes great decay.The leading cause of physical death is heart disease. I believe it is also the leading cause of spiritual death. Heart disease...It just goes by another name...Unforgiveness. Beloved, Today as you listen I pray you are encouraged to release your offenses and allow the freedom of Christ to flood your heart.

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    19 July 2019, 4:14 pm
  • 33 minutes 51 seconds
    FTWZ S2S6 "Faith"

    Faith is truly abundant confidence in God...That's it. When life comes in like a flood, where your confidence is, is revealed. If it's money, If it's people, if it's your job, it will leave you exposed. Ask yourself right now, "Where is my confidence?" If it is in any other place than in the love, power, and goodness of God, It is a setup for disaster. Most believe that the enemy wants to ruin their life. Nope!! Not true!! He is after your relationship with the Lord. He is after your confidence in God. Listen, Life can sometimes wear you out until all you have is a mustard seed of faith. Guess what?! That's enough!! He can still use that, Beloved. Tune in and be prepared to receive a Faith on Fire!

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    12 July 2019, 3:59 pm
  • 13 minutes 18 seconds
    FTWZ S2E5 "This Is How I Fight My Battles"

    "You need to Pray!" The Believer hears this more than enough times. And when you are in the midst of the battle, It seems like rubbish. Why do I have to pray about what I know He clearly sees me going through? Just send the help already! lol I know I have thought it. However, I realized that prayer is less about what He is going to do but more about what I believe He can do. It reveals my thoughts and my desires. The beauty of prayer is that I am talking to an expert when I pray, so no matter what I'm thinking or if I have the wrong perspective, He is fully able to renew my mind. This is how I fight my battles. Through praise, worship, and prayer, I may go in broken but I come out stronger. The situation may not have changed, but I have. Tune In and Be Encouraged!

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    5 July 2019, 2:08 pm
  • 12 minutes 57 seconds
    FTWZ S2E4 "The Good You"

    We live in a world full of selfies. We are most considerate of ourselves. We are most forgiving to ourselves. We quickly offer mercy to ourselves. However, God has called us to spread the gospel...and sometimes speak! Catch that!! People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Your relationship with God should be reflected in your relationship with people. The word of God says, "When you help the least of these, you did it for me. Tune in and get inspired to become "The Good You". We know the story of the Good Samaritan, I can't wait to hear about "The Good You"

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    28 June 2019, 3:39 pm
  • 13 minutes 33 seconds
    FTWZ S2E3 "Mountain, Move"

    Happy First Day of Summer!! The seasons are changing!! Guess what? So are you? I declare you are shifting into a new dimension. Today's episode is discussing the mountains in our lives and the power that we have to declare "Move!" God has not called us to climb it or go around it. He has declared that we could speak to the mountain and it will be moved. Tune in as we come together corporately to declare, "Mountain, Move!!"

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    21 June 2019, 4:51 pm
  • 13 minutes 36 seconds
    FTWZ S2E2 “The Good, Good Father”

    Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers out there. You are truly appreciated. What greater moment to have than to highlight the splendor of our own Heavenly Father. He is ever reaching out to our hearts, leaving the 99 for the 1. Tune in and hear how we truly have a “Good, Good Father” And  He is the best in the whole world!

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    14 June 2019, 4:03 pm
  • 17 minutes 31 seconds
    FTWZ S2E1 "Just Leaves"

    Did you know that the fruit on the Fig tree comes after the leaves? Fun fact, right! Well, It's true! I have researched it! It puzzled me just like Jesus' cursing the fig tree in Matthew 21: 18-19 did. Anyone who knows me, knows I love to ask the question, "Why?" So I began to dig a little deeper into facts of the events of the Fig tree and my faith has truly been elevated! I want to be more than "Just Leaves".  I invite you to take a listen and find out "why?" Maybe, just, maybe, you will walk away wanting to be more than "Just Leaves" too! 

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    7 June 2019, 2:20 am
  • 18 minutes 11 seconds
    Do you create an atmosphere where people feel safe? Not from the weather, but from life. There is an enabling that handicaps but there is also an enabling that empowers. More and more, we are witnessing people take drastic measures to ease the stress of life. Where do you fit in? Think of the 5 closest people to you. Are you a safe place for them? Are you more petty than practical? More critical than caring? We never know what a person is going through! Robert Konieczny designed one of the most beautiful safe houses that one can imagine. Nothing and Nobody but God can get into that house once it's locked down. It's safe! It's comforting. It's stocked with everything needed to survive. Are you? Are you available to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Tune in as ZaMaya encourages us to become a "Safe House" --- Support this podcast:
    15 June 2018, 2:09 am
  • 17 minutes 24 seconds
    FTWZ S1E10 "Anger"
    Have you ever been angry? I mean really just angry to a point where you feel you may lose it!! Welcome to the club! Often people look at anger as a point of no return. However, it truly is a turning point! There are legitimate reasons for anger. I'm angry, now what? Now, I'm at a crossroad. Do I let anger lead me? This is the most important question. Decisions made from anger are most often full of regret. Words spoken out of anger come with the aftermath of wishing one could retract. A life lived by anger and bitterness drains every gift of life intended. So what do we do with this emotion that so adequately defines how we feel? Tune in as ZaMaya explores practical and spiritual avenues to living a life in joy and not anger. --- Support this podcast:
    8 June 2018, 4:08 am
  • 15 minutes 22 seconds
    FTWZ S1E9 #SpiritBreakOut
    How many of us can stand for the Spirit of God to break out in our lives? So many have allowed life's experiences to build walls and ceilings around our hearts to keep things out. However, that box around you heart can keep things from coming in! Good Things! It's time for us to allow the Spirit to break out in every area our lives. Tune in as Zamaya encourages us to allow the Spirit of God to break out in our life like never before. --- Support this podcast:
    1 June 2018, 4:29 am
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