This is Blessed is She's audio experience. We're bringing you The Gathering Place, a podcast from Blessed is She. We will gather together with you at the table to talk about what YOU want to talk about, ask about, share about. You'll also hear Teachable Tuesday and other audio clips just for you! Listen to our daily devotions here -->
Have you ever wondered what Eucharistic Adoration is? Or have you grown in apathy towards the devotion of visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? We get it. In this Gathering Place podcast episode, we dive into the ins and outs of Eucharist Adoration by using the five ws: who, what, where, when, why (and we added how).The other episode we mention in this episode: New here? We're SO glad you're here! Hit that *subscribe* button and the bell to be notified when we upload! SUBSCRIBE to our free daily devotions: Check our our FREE RESOURCES for you: Catholic Resources + How To Guides: Download our FREE study guide: Find out more: Check out our Shop: Shop our Amazon favs: Blessed is She exists for any woman who wants to radically follow Jesus through a vibrantly Catholic life every single day. We create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith, both online and in person. We invite you into this community, no matter where you are on your walk with Christ. You belong here.
Finishing our mini series on L🫶🏽VE in the month of February.
Once we are convicted to love fully and the way Christ modeled it for us, howwww do we actually live this out with patience and trust in God's timing?
There's an older saying (and song) that says "only fools rush in" but if love requires patience, how do we slow down and let the story unfold? Again, we turn to the Lord to teach us how to live this love out.
New here? We're SO glad you're here! Hit that *subscribe* button and the bell to be notified when we upload!SUBSCRIBE to our free daily devotions: our our FREE RESOURCES for you: Resources + How To Guides: our FREE study guide: out more: out our Shop: our Amazon favs: is She exists for any woman who wants to radically follow Jesus through a vibrantly Catholic life every single day. We create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith, both online and in person. We invite you into this community, no matter where you are on your walk with Christ.You belong here.
In this Gathering Place episode, we bring you a BONUS chat all about Sr. Maria Fatima's conversion story and how the Sacrament of Reconciliation played an integral role in her relationship with our Lord and call to her vocation.
We also share the typical negative feelings about the Sacrament of Penance and the antidote to all of those questions and doubts.
Join us as we hear from the wisdom of Sr. Maria Fatima, a Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.
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Continuing our mini series on L🫶🏽VE in the month of February.
Okay, but how do we love when the feelings simply aren't there? How can we move past negative feelings of anger, frustration, betrayal, etc.? Is it even possible or worth it?
The Lord will do a work in our hearts if we simply let Him. And yes, it is possible to love even when we don't feel like it. Let us learn from one another (and ultimately Jesus!) on how we can achieve this.
Join us LIVE every Tuesday at 1pm EST in our Member Community: 💜
New here? We're SO glad you're here! Hit that *subscribe* button and the bell to be notified when we upload!SUBSCRIBE to our free daily devotions: our our FREE RESOURCES for you: Resources + How To Guides: our FREE study guide: out more: out our Shop: our Amazon favs: is She exists for any woman who wants to radically follow Jesus through a vibrantly Catholic life every single day. We create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith, both online and in person. We invite you into this community, no matter where you are on your walk with Christ.You belong here.
Have you ever wondered what your mission is? How to fulfill that missional call from Jesus and His Church? We've got good news for you: You have a mission, right where you are. That mission isn't necessarily a WHAT, but it's a WHO.This conversation first aired in our BIS Member Community, and we would love to see you in there!We host workshops, challenges, and help connect you with other Catholic women who want to radically follow Jesus every single day: connect.blessedisshe.ent New here? We're SO glad you're here! Hit that *subscribe* button and the bell to be notified when we upload! SUBSCRIBE to our free daily devotions: Check our our FREE RESOURCES for you: Catholic Resources + How To Guides: Download our FREE study guide: Find out more: Check out our Shop: Shop our Amazon favs: Blessed is She exists for any woman who wants to radically follow Jesus through a vibrantly Catholic life every single day. We create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith, both online and in person. We invite you into this community, no matter where you are on your walk with Christ. You belong here.
Starting a mini series on L🫶🏽VE as we enter into the month of February.
What is Love? As soon as this question is posed, do you have a default answer that comes to mind? Life has brought us to many different experiences and opportunities for love. But are we doing it right?
Let's chat about what it means to live in love and how our faith calls us to a full understanding of love. How do we choose love daily? Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
We will be live on Tuesday, February 4th at 1pm EST. See you there ❤️
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Blessed is She exists for any woman who wants to radically follow Jesus through a vibrantly Catholic life every single day. We create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith, both online and in person. We invite you into this community, no matter where you are on your walk with Christ.
You belong here.
Change is _________. (fill in the blank)
Whether it's exciting, refreshing, terrifying or uncomfortable, the important thing to remember is that our openness to change is a reflection of our trust in the Lord. Where is the Lord requiring change that we haven't accepted? Are you currently in a season of change or just recently get out of it? How has it been for you?
Let's chat about what this openness can look like and how the Lord can always do NEW things, even if they're unexpected or beyond our comprehension. We'd love to hear about the beautiful changes the Lord has brought in your life.
We will be live every Tuesday at 1pm ET in our BIS Member Community and we'd love to see you there! 💚
Sisters, how do we live a purpose-filled life? Scripture can give us some direction: "So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom" // Ps 90:12. Let's chat about our life's mission and how to live on purpose.
If you've found some practical tips to live intentionally, we'd love to hear them! This episode is to help us step outside of the monotonous routine we've surrendered to and live everyday with meaning!
What about you, friend? Do you dare to dream?
We spent the Advent season reflecting on hope and the gift it is in our lives. But now what? Have we applied it? With hope we can begin to dream and invite the Lord into them.
And guess what? It's not too late to dream! After all, we will always be His children 🩷 Tell Him your dreams. If you don't have any or don't have any for yourself, let's begin to invite the Lord to illuminate our desires and hopes we've let go for so long.
Happy New Year! 🎊
How has the start of the new year been for you? We want to hear about your vision for 2025. What does this new beginning mean for you? What do you hope to accomplish or learn?
Spend some time with us as we talk about the One constant in our lives - our God. When everything else changes, comes to an end, or turns out unexpected, we can fall back on the certainty of the Lord's presence in our lives and His desire for our happiness. Can't wait to share with you all 🤎
Come hang with us LIVE every Tuesday at 1pm ET in our Member Community >>
Our Lord asks us to remain with Him, to stay with Him. So this Lent, we as a Blessed is She community are going to do as He asks. We will remain with Jesus in the garden as He experiences His agony. This is where we will remain, console, and rest with our Lord, the One who died for you and for me.Join us this Lent with Blessed is She's Lent devotional, Under the Olive Tree: here? We're SO glad you're here! Hit that *subscribe* button and the bell to be notified when we upload! SUBSCRIBE to our free daily devotions: Check our our FREE RESOURCES for you: Catholic Resources + How To Guides: Download our FREE study guide: Find out more: Check out our Shop: Shop our Amazon favs: Blessed is She exists for any woman who wants to radically follow Jesus through a vibrantly Catholic life every single day. We create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to foster community and deepen faith, both online and in person. We invite you into this community, no matter where you are on your walk with Christ. You belong here.