WVU Injury Control Research Center

OOMPH! is a podcast created by the West Virginia University Injury Control Research Center. We bring you interesting speakers and topics relevant to injury control research and prevention. Learn about the field and why it matters to you.

  • 29 minutes 36 seconds
    Graduating Student Edition: Dr. Sara Warfield
    The WVU Injury Control Research Center (WVU ICRC), host of the OOMPH! podcast, takes pride in the accomplishments of its students. The hosts of OOMPH! talk with Dr. Sara Warfield, who will receive her PhD in May 2019. Dr. Warfield has been an essential member of the WVU ICRC team for years and has gathered some fascinating experiences to share with listeners. She will talk about her academic journey and, more specifically, her research into opioid use disorder. In addition, she shares her insight about substance abuse and mental health. Tune in for an interesting episode! Transcript Available: https://publichealth-editor.hsc.wvu.edu/media/5734/sara-warfield-podcast-transcript.pdf
    9 May 2019, 1:49 pm
  • 44 minutes 17 seconds
    A Talk with Cap featuring Dr. Rob Bossarte
    Did you know that WVU ICRC Director, Dr. Rob Bossarte, used to serve in the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service? Listen to our latest podcast to hear some of his stories from this time and the path to his current research interest in suicide prevention. We also chat about prairie dogs… tune in to find out why!
    9 January 2019, 4:55 pm
  • 38 minutes 22 seconds
    WVU ICRC Year in Review 2018
    WVU ICRC faculty and staff were busy in 2018 with their research, outreach, and educational activities. Tune in to learn what we have been up to this year and plans for a productive 2019. We promise a laugh or two… and a shout out to our international listeners! #wemakeinjurycool #askWVUICRC This episodes ICRC crew: Dr. Robert Bossarte (Director, WVU ICRC), Dr. Dan Shook (Director of Mountain Safe - outreach arm of the WVU ICRC), Dr. Cara Stokes (post-doctoral fellow), Sara Warfield (PhD student), Bonnie Grimm (WVU ICRC program assistant) and Dannell Boatman (WVU ICRC Education Core Lead) Transcript Available: https://publichealth-editor.hsc.wvu.edu/media/5608/wvu-icrc-year-in-review-2018.pdf
    17 December 2018, 2:53 pm
  • 24 minutes 19 seconds
    Mindful Recovery with Professor Laura Lander, Dr. Keith Zullig & Meghan Tuscano
    Can mindfulness prevent people with opioid use disorder from relapsing while in recovery? Our guests, Dr. Keith Zullig, Professor Laura Lander, and Meghan Tuscano, are exploring that possibility with an innovative study at West Virginia University. Take a centering breath and listen to the OOMPH! team as they explore the link between mindfulness and recovery. #wemakeinjurycool #askWVUICRC This episodes ICRC crew: Dr. Robert Bossarte (Director, WVU ICRC) and Dr. Dan Shook (Director of Mountain Safe - outreach arm of the WVU ICRC) Transcript Available: https://publichealth-editor.hsc.wvu.edu/media/5549/mindfulness-based-relapse-prevention-podcast-transcript.pdf
    27 September 2018, 11:01 am
  • 22 minutes 20 seconds
    Summer Intern Edition: Caitlin Bossarte & Olivia Novais
    The WVU ICRC, the host of OOMPH!, takes pride in the work of our students. We invited two undergraduate students to spend their summer with us learning about survey research, the opioid epidemic, suicide prevention, public policy, health disparities and more. Listen to Caitlin Bossarte and Olivia Novais talk about their experiences and what they have learned in the most recent episode of OOMPH!. Transcript available: https://publichealth-editor.hsc.wvu.edu/media/5517/summer-interns-2018-transcript.pdf
    8 August 2018, 1:10 pm
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