Sorry about the crap excuse for japanese in the beginning, sorry for the lateness. Sorry for the dorkyness, kiddos, and sorry for the greatness. XD; well, not really, but it rhymed.
I would put who I played in the shownotes here, but I can't remember.
I already explained the delays.
And this was finished before the second ep was even published,
so appoligoies again, cause any dates or reference to dates mentioned in here are no longer accurate. Not to mention there's lots more I wanted to say, especially out to those of you who are listening, but I guess I'll save it for later.
Oh, and appologies, as I made a few verbal typos per se because I was talking so fast. >_> Please excuse them.
Well, until later... Ja na~!
12 May 2006, 10:38 pm