The student ministry of Riverside Community Church in Peoria, Illinois
How do I read my bible? How do I understand my bible? How Do I Pray? These are just a few questions we dive into that students are wanting to know! Lean in listen for God to speak to you!
We are kicking off a brand new series studying the first chapter of the book of James. This week we looked at James 1:2-4 and talk about how God wants us to face our trials with Joy. Lean in to this weeks episode and allow God to speak to you!
Welcome back to another episode! Every Sunday we will be diving into questions that the YTH are asking about religion, the Bible, Jesus and so much more! Dive in with us as we talk about so many different things!
In this week's message we end our relationship series with Pastor Rachel Ritchason giving a great word. She challenged us to think about what we are thinking on. She challenged us to change our heart posture. Lean in to this message and let God challenge you!
In this week's episode we dive back into all the questions our students asked about relationships! Join us as Pastor Josh answers your questions regarding relationships!
In Week 3 of our series "Don't Say" we asked all of our students to ask any questions they had about relationships and then we answered them! Dive into this message if you want to learn more about how to navigate relationships the way God wants us to!
Week 2 of our series Pastor Josh dives deep into the conversation about Sex and Pornography and how it can affect our physical and mental health. He dives into scripture and talks about how God calls us to live a pure life and honor Him. Check out this weeks message if you are wanting to better your relationships.
This is week 1 of our series "Don't Say" We are talking about all things relationships in this series. In this episode Pastor Josh talks about Who should I date? and How should I date? If you are looking to find a relationship with someone or want to learn how to date according to how Jesus wants us to date then give this episode a listen.
Welcome to The Bible Study Podcast. Through out this podcast we will be navigating through different books of the bibles and talking about what is being said in each chapter. Dive in with us to learn more about the Bible and what God is trying to speak to us! This episode we will be in Ephesians 6.
Welcome to The Bible Study Podcast. Through out this podcast we will be navigating through different books of the bibles and talking about what is being said in each chapter. Dive in with us to learn more about the Bible and what God is trying to speak to us! This episode we will be in Ephesians 5.
Welcome to The Bible Study Podcast. Through out this podcast we will be navigating through different books of the bibles and talking about what is being said in each chapter. Dive in with us to learn more about the Bible and what God is trying to speak to us! This episode we will be in Ephesians 4.