It's a Purl, Man » Podcast Feed

Guido (2Skiens) Stein

A knitting podcast about a guy from Boston with yarn issues. Every week I share my projects and as much of the Boston knitting experience as I can fit into my show.

  • 15 minutes 14 seconds
    iapm82: A Potpourri Of Knitting
    Q&A Needles We Like Knitpicks Interchangeable Needles Addi Turbos Knitters Pride Dreamz Squee of the week/News Woody Alert [ravelry] All he touches turns to Cashmere[ny times] Other If you are reading this it’s probably because you care about the show and are wondering about the gap between episodes. Well, knitting keeps having to take a … Continue reading "iapm82: A Potpourri Of Knitting"
    31 March 2013, 2:46 pm
  • 18 minutes 21 seconds
    iapm81: Sit n Knit
    In this episode, we interview the proprietress of Sit ‘n Knit in Melrose, MA.  She’s got some great yarn (and my favorite needles), and Guido and I both bought treats! We talked about the dude who sells knitting for what it’s worth – check out this guy… Ravelry Thread of the Week Events: Men’s Spring Knitting … Continue reading "iapm81: Sit n Knit"
    4 February 2013, 10:43 pm
  • 35 minutes 7 seconds
    IAPM80: Gather Here
    In this episode, we interview the owner of Gather Here in Cambridge, MA.  Guido and I also delight you (we utterly delight you, I said) with tales of our current knitting projects: Quercus, Color Affection, and Baby Surprise Jacket.  Guido’s all aquiver over his yarn from Green Mountain Spinnery, so you should check them out … Continue reading "IAPM80: Gather Here"
    20 January 2013, 1:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 37 seconds
    IAPM79: 2012 In Review
    Hey listeners!  Are you ready for an all new 2.0 version of “It’s a Purl,  Man”?  The show has a brand new sound and a brand new co-host, ME (Jessica)! This week, it’s 2012 in review from a knitter’s perspective, some information about upcoming events that you NEED to know, and a bit of a … Continue reading "IAPM79: 2012 In Review"
    6 January 2013, 5:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 6 seconds
    IAPM78: Leslie Ann
      On this weeks show I get to talk with Leslie Ann the new author of Cast On, Bind Off. Leslie Ann is a teacher who has just published her first book, and it’s a lot of book on a topic that comes into play with every knitting project. If you are interested in hearing … Continue reading "IAPM78: Leslie Ann"
    23 July 2012, 5:25 am
  • 26 minutes 52 seconds
    IAPM77: Busy Week
    This episode was put together in a On this episode created in a very busy crafty week. Tuesday included a trip to see Brenda Dayne of Cast-On at WEBS. Wednesday included a talk by Tara Swiger about her new book and marketing craft hosted by Gather Here. Friday rounded out the week with a talk by Clara … Continue reading "IAPM77: Busy Week"
    26 May 2012, 7:40 pm
  • 22 minutes 6 seconds
    IAPM76: Extreme Double Knitting
    In this episode I sit down with my close friend Alasdair Pot-Quinn to talk about knitting and his new book Extreme Double Knitting. We also talk a little about some of my favorite things like zefrank and Knittings Review
    7 May 2012, 1:37 am
  • 29 minutes 24 seconds
    IAPM75: Stitches East 2010
    On today’s show Kimberly Reynolds and I talk shop about Stitches East. She is a super social media mover and shaker working for XRX(which BTW has finally started to make their website user friendly). She is very excited about the upcoming events. Also, I am offering up an awesome haloween inspired project bag from my … Continue reading "IAPM75: Stitches East 2010"
    26 October 2010, 2:55 am
  • 19 minutes 45 seconds
    IAPM74: Crashing Trunk Shows
    Brave New Knits Julie Turjoman Craft Work Knit Ann Weaver Events NY Sheep and Wool Oct 16-17th Rhinebeck, NY Stiches East Oct 28-31st Hartford, CT Fiber Festival of New England Nov 6-7th West Springfield, MA Vogue Knitting Live! Jan 21-23rd New York, NY
    3 October 2010, 11:07 pm
  • 24 minutes 12 seconds
    IAPM73: It’s about time
    Catching up and sharing the many events I have been working on. Make Mine Local Designer Showcase FiberCamp Boston Annie Modesitt’s online classes After The camp page TNNA Survey Gale Zucker Photo fun at Juniper Moon Farm FiberCrawl Maryland Sheep and Wool After Party
    6 April 2010, 2:48 am
  • 40 minutes 12 seconds
    IAPM72: Rhinebeck and more
    Joanne Seiff, author of Knit Green and Fiber Gathering, joins me on the show to talk about Rhinebeck, fiber events, and the complicated landscape of bring green. She is very knowledgeable about both fiber and the environment and breaks it all down for us in her writing. Many, many thanks to my friend Alanna at … Continue reading "IAPM72: Rhinebeck and more"
    7 November 2009, 5:12 am
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