Ruthie - The Lockdown Sessions

Martin Kelner

Ruthie and Martin, podcasting's only father & daughter issue based ding dong - now at university!

  • 35 minutes 52 seconds
    'The producers of Love Island knew all about Coronavirus before anybody.
    Ruthie is dragged back to the mic for another lockdown session in which she stresses the importance of mattress toppers, and worries she's not committed enough to anything. 'What am I going to do for the rest of my life when I don't care about anything?' she asks. 'Well, there's always journalism,' replies dad.  Musically, the Kinks take on Mahalia.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    16 July 2020, 9:40 am
  • 49 minutes 12 seconds
    Tik Tok explained - 'It's short videos, you watch for hours, and then feel terrible about yourself'
    In the latest lockdown session, an increasingly demotivated Ruth - with student life suspended - tackles Black Lives Matter, explains Tik Tok, and learns some new words from Dad and Suzie Dent, although Dad gives a totally misleading definition of the word 'anomie.' Also Ella Fitzgerald, mundane celebrity sightings, and the efforts of the French to keep their language pure.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    5 June 2020, 6:35 pm
  • 43 minutes 53 seconds
    'I'll tell my future children about this, if I ever have any - if I ever get out of the house, that is.'
    'When we establish the matriarchy,' says Ruth, 'The two men we'll save are Bill Gates and Richard Osman. And maybe Leonardo DiCaprio and Harry Styles.' This week Ruth and Dad talk Eurovision, and Iceland's superb entry. Also Ruth looks at Coronavirus as a class issue, and gets some support for her views on colonialism. She also bizarrely takes issue with Dad's pronunciation of the word 'California.'

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    13 May 2020, 7:57 pm
  • 44 minutes 43 seconds
    'I'm all jigsawed out. I need to go back to Uni.'
    Ruthie and Dad remain locked down, and added to the hell of being stranded with aging parents, Ruth is also frustrated by the lack of progress in her Uni work. Online tuition is just not working, she says, and no-one seems to be thinking about a solution for Britain's students. Also, the 'New Normal' everybody's talking about - although Ruth was quite happy with the old Normal - should include a rebalancing of the nation's resources away from London to the North. Ruth also has a 400-year-old swipe at the Mayflower pilgrims of 1620. Popular culture references include Love Island, Grays Anatomy, Friends, Frazier, and Tootsie.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    4 May 2020, 8:30 pm
  • 30 minutes 22 seconds
    'No-one asked for the 'new normal.' I was quite happy with the 'old normal.'
    In the first of a new series, 19-year-old Ruthie is feeling the generation gap particularly keenly, reluctantly furloughed from the Universtiy of York and trapped in lockdown with her ma and pa. In this first episode she delves into cinema history, explaining to her dad the 'cool girl' trope in modern movies, and luxuriating in 'comfort TV,' Gilmore Girls and How I Met Your Mother. Meanwhile, as Ruthie and dad swap music suggestions, there's a taste of Bob Dylan, Jeremy Zucker, and Kanye West.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    27 April 2020, 8:05 pm
  • 10 minutes 47 seconds
    starting at University of York and settling in
    We edited together some clips of Ruthie, Uni, Dad, and Me as our entry for the British Podcast Awards, but as it seems those awards will not happen we thought we'd share them anyway. The clips are from the podcasts we made around the time Ruth was starting at the University of York, and settling in

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    13 April 2020, 3:26 pm
  • 41 minutes 6 seconds
    'This is dad's hot take on Coronavirus - makes him sound like Stalin!'
    The very last Ruthie - Uni, Dad & Me, for the time being at least, as University shuts & Ruth is isolated with parents. In the swansong podcast, we look at the economics of Coronavirus, the death of expectation, whether you want to be on the wagon or off, what Dame Harriett Walter would do if a lecherous male put his hand on her knee, and musically Isaac Hayes faces off against Childish Gambino. Thank you all for your support during all three seasons.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    26 March 2020, 8:36 am
  • 43 minutes 35 seconds
    'We already were the anxious generation, now this...' which dad questions whether some young people view Coronavirus in some bizarre way as a payback for Brexit, and Ruthie laments losing what might have been the best summer of her life. She also offers free French lessons just to fill the yawning time chasm in front of her, and to keep in practice. And why it's not right to compare the current crisis to wartime - and Wakefield's dance of death, the Gas Mask disco in the city. Musically, Sly and the Family Stone take on British singer Emily Burns

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    18 March 2020, 7:58 pm
  • 43 minutes 35 seconds
    Leopardskin ears - and begging for drinks in Wetherspoons which dad is confused when a leopardskin bowtie and comedy leopardskin ears arrive for him. AlsoRuthie and dad discuss what the effects of Coronavirus are likely to be on University life. Ruth, meanwhile, has discovered the American TV show Love Is Blind, which it turns out not to be, She explains the patriarchy to dad, and musically country singer Iris DeMent faces off against Tegan and Sara.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    11 March 2020, 11:59 pm
  • 44 minutes 13 seconds
    'It's quite feminist, there's a lot of armpit hair.'
    Family relationships are a major thread in the latest father-and-daughter podcast. With dad being a 'spooky' middle child, and Ruthie the baby of the family, birth order is discussed, as well as the parent-child dynamic with the calculation that once your child leaves for university, you have already spent 95 per cent of the time you will ever spend with them. One listener sends his sad story of losing touch with his daughter who is a student at York University, and other subjects covered include; no-platforming, Nandos, Selfridges, and Jeremy Thorpe. There are also a couple of 'mildly interesting' dad stories.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    4 March 2020, 8:39 pm
  • 47 minutes 10 seconds
    Family rankings - 'You're trying for the Premier League, you don't want to be in that relegation zone.'
    Ruth says she'd definitely kiss a Tory, if necessary, and drink Yorkshire Tea. She reveals that students at the rival York St. John's University think Uni Students are all 'posh and up ourselves - which we sort of are,' and this week discusses students doing sex work to keep their heads above water, and, in the light of the Weinstein conviction returns to the subject of sexual consent. She also asks 'if you're a 30-something male and you're not doing a podcast with your mate, what are you doing?' Musically, Sarah Vaughan takes on Spanish singer Rosalia.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    27 February 2020, 7:44 am
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