

BeyondPodcasting covers the sacred terminology, including podcasting, radio and television. It also reviews microphones, interfaces, A-to-D converters, software and best practices. Support this show at

  • 17 minutes 46 seconds
    Podcatcher apps+My first indie song production in 3 locations+distribution

    Allan Tépper discusses the production of his first bilingual indie song in three locations, plays it and explains its distribution strategy.

    This song is called Let it be called Castilian Debe llamarse castellano. It’s educational and makes parody of the same coverup covered in several of Allan Tépper’s books, including La conspiración del castellano and the English adaptation, The Castilian Conspiracy. The song includes Spaniard linguist, voiceover talent and singer María Esnoz and was mastered by Chris Curren.  We discuss podcatcher apps: which to use and recommend to your listeners and why after Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher sadly “collaborated” to offer us the worst-looking and least functional episode notes ever. We also introduce our newest sponsor, Allan’s favorite coffee for many years.

    Do you see bold, italics and human links in this sentence? If not, you should upgrade to a better podcatcher. Learn how in this episode. More information at

    30 August 2021, 1:13 pm
  • 23 minutes 59 seconds
    Hooke Lav wireless 48 kHz

    Allan Tépper converses with Anthony Mattana of Hooke Audio, creator of Hooke Lav, the wireless lavalier microphone which transmits 48 kHz 24-bit audio via bluetooth to your Android, iOS, iPadOS or conventional camcorder while recording a local WAV file just in case. More info at We also discuss where you can (and should) host your live online radio show or podcast with your own domain (not anybody else’s) and get help with GDPR compliance and DMCA.

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    14 October 2020, 10:31 pm
  • 11 minutes 9 seconds
    Spotify pros/cons – Hindenburg adds Magic Levels: automix, de-bleed & more

    5 disadvantages of Spotify for podcasters, and why my shows are there anyway. Hindenburg Journalist Pro adds the Magic Levels feature, which includes adaptive levels, automix, de-bleed and auto-ducking. For a free 90-day trial followed by a discounted price, visit

    For your first 100 minutes of transcription, visit

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    19 April 2020, 12:15 am
  • 15 minutes 26 seconds
    WebSub and PowerPress 8, with Angelo Mandato

    18: Allan Tépper and guest Angelo Mandato discuss the power of WebSub and new features in PowerPress 8. We also discuss Allan Tépper’s latest ebook, Branded RSS podcasting: the definitive guide.

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    9 October 2019, 8:12 pm
  • 3 minutes 38 seconds
    Branded RSS podcasting: the definitive guide (new ebook)

    This is a short episode to announce my latest ebook:

    Branded RSS podcasting: the definitive guide

    This new ebook is now available via as well as on all Amazon stores worldwide. Although the list price is US$22, for a limited time, you can get purchase it directly from me at for only US$11.

    Whose domain is in your RSS feed: yours or somebody else’s? Of course, it should only be yours. And the domain registrar should be completely independent from your hosting company or hosting companies. Otherwise, the conflict of interest that would arise upon any dispute or sudden expulsion would be like hiring your spouse —a lawyer— to represent you in your own divorce. The only way to be absolutely sure to retain existing podcast subscribers is to own your domain and use it as the basis of your RSS feed. This new ebook explains why RSS is essential for syndication on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic, Stitcher, TuneIn and more, and why it must be totally under your own control. This new ebook also compares 4 options where you can accomplish all of this on a single server, be it a marketed “podcast host” or a standard website host, including the costs, primary advantages and disadvantages of each.

    Do you have a website or blog? If you would like to promote this ebook on your website or blog, you can earn affiliate commissions with every sale clicked from your site. More information to become an affiliate of my books is at the bottom of the page, at

    BeyondPodcasting resides at
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    28 August 2019, 12:30 pm
  • 42 minutes 32 seconds
    3D binaural audio production and consumption with Hooke Audio

    16: Allan Tépper converses with Anthony Mattana of Hooke Audio about 3D binaural audio production and consumption and their Hooke Verse headset and software, which Allan Tépper recently reviewed in ProVideo Coalition magazine. Allan Tépper also inducts the Hooke Verse headset and software into the 48 kHz Alliance.

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    26 July 2019, 9:39 pm
  • 15 minutes 53 seconds
    A sniglet for all casters-Max Flight goes 48 kHz-your new show

    Episode 15:

    • Allan Tépper and Chris Curran of Podcast Engineering School present a new sniglet for all casters.
    • Max Flight of Airplane Geeks joins the 48 kHz Alliance.
    • Allan Tépper helps you create your online show.

    BeyondPodcasting resides at
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    21 June 2019, 12:50 am
  • 37 minutes 14 seconds
    Is the RØDECaster an automixer? Three 48 kHz Alliance awards

    14: Allan Tépper gives out three awards from the 48 kHz Alliance, with audible acceptance comments in some cases:

    • Chris Curran of Podcast Engineering School, whose show is distributed at 48 kHz as of several episodes.
    • RØDECaster Pro, which works exclusively with our standard 48 kHz sampling rate, and with 24-bit resolution too. See several RØDEcaster Pro articles in ProVideo Coalition, and here is the B&H link.
    • Hindenburg Journalist Pro, Allan Tépper’s favorite multitrack editing software for audio storytellers on conventional computers like Mac and Windows. Get a free trial and discount here.

    Then Curtis Judd of Learn Light and Sound joins Allan Tépper to give each one’s opinions about how the RØDECaster Pro performs as an automatic mixer, even though it is not marketed as one. They also talk about the RØDECaster Pro in general, and the very few details they’d like changed.

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    3 March 2019, 3:43 pm
  • 32 minutes 21 seconds
    Unleash Spreaker Studio’s hidden power

    13: Allan Tépper discusses the Spreaker Studio application and how to unleash its hidden power. We’re joined today by Rob Greenlee of Spreaker and Voxnest. Read the related article in ProVideo Coalition.

    BeyondPodcasting resides at

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    13 February 2019, 7:49 pm
  • 40 minutes 16 seconds
    RØDECaster Pro—48 kHz Alliance-Memo Sauceda-Rafael Pereira

    12: Allan Tépper is joined in the studio by Emmy-award winning actor and voiceover talent Memo Sauceda and audio engineer Rafael Pereira. They take a bird’s eye view tour of the RØDECaster Pro and then announce the new 48 kHz ALLIANCE, including 18 podcatchers and players Allan Tépper personally tested for perfect 48 kHz playback. See the related article in ProVideo Coalition magazine here, including the related images and graphics.

    Some equipment used in today’s episode:



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    4 February 2019, 8:03 pm
  • 35 minutes 22 seconds
    Above-the-fold podcast subscription links on our podcast website
    11: Apple recommends above-the-fold subscription links on our websites, and CapicúaFM wins best Society & Culture show from Latin Podcast Awards. Allan Tépper covers 3 methods to achieve above-the-fold subscription links on mobile devices with WordPress: 1 free and 2 … Continued
    5 November 2018, 10:37 am
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