Season 1: The Sugar Baby Confessionals

Sara-Mae Tuson: Writer, editor and podcaster

Each season we tackle a new story. The Sugar Baby Confessionals is a true story unfolding over two years. What if your best friend – your best, married friend – embraced the sugar baby lifestyle – not by necessity, but by choice? Sara-Mae Tuson’s BFF, Ruby, did just that. Sexy? Scary? Judge for yourself.

  • 48 minutes 49 seconds
    Bonus episode part II: 'Dark Sugar Digestif'
    “The potential for abuse, and the level of darkness on the [sugar dating] website(s) is much greater than you guys have seen.” – David

    In part II of our bonus episodes featuring Hollywood film producer, David, we talk about effect of the #MeToo movement, Harvey Weinstein, feminism, sex work and much more. Plus, David has some cracking stories about the sugar dates he’s been on, and continues to grill Ruby about dealing with shame, privacy and other issues.

    Binge season 1 to hear Ruby’s story, in which producer Sara-Mae interviews her married BFF about her sugar dating adventures. Shocked about her BFFs choice to embrace an extremely alternative lifestyle, she follows her candid, sexy journey for two years - with all the ups and downs that come with it.

    But where is Ruby now? And what is the tragic link she and David share?

    Find these free bonus episodes by subscribing to Fable Gazers or looking up ‘The Sugar Baby Confessionals’ on any good pod player.

    Don’t forget to rate and review our 2018 British Podcast Award winning season 1: The Sugar Baby Confessionals, as this helps to get our work out there.

    Music used in this episode:

    Nadine Khouri -

    Message to Bears -

    Laish -

    Ricky Damiani/Mock Deer –


    The Sugar Baby Confessionals is a Fable Gazers production.


    Get in touch:

    Find out more at or

    Email us: [email protected]

    Twitter: @fable_gazers

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    18 November 2019, 10:55 am
  • 59 minutes 17 seconds
    Bonus episode part 1: 'Heartbreak Unparalleled'

    “I never had a problem meeting women in my whole life. I’m not being modest…I had matchmakers telling me ‘hey, you’re a Beverly hills producer who comes from a great family and is intelligent, handsome…let me set you up’. But I didn’t want that, I wasn’t ready for that.” – David

    Our 2018 British Podcast Award winning season 1: The Sugar Baby Confessionals, has caught the attention of David, a real life Hollywood film producer… and also sugar daddy. Over the course of two bonus episodes, Ruby and Sara-Mae interview David about the LA sugar dating scene, mental health issues, the Harvey Weinstein effect, #MeToo movement and much more.

    To get a fuller understanding, binge season 1 to hear Ruby’s story, in which producer Sara-Mae interviews her married BFF about her sugar dating adventures. Shocked about her BFFs choice to embrace an extremely alternative lifestyle, she follows her candid, sexy journey for two years - with all the ups and downs that come with it.

    But where is Ruby now? And what is the tragic link she and David share?

    Look out for these free bonus episodes by subscribing to Fable Gazers or looking up ‘The Sugar Baby Confessionals’ on any good pod player.


    Music used in this episode:

    Nadine Khouri -

    Message to Bears -

    Laish -

    Remember to rate, review and subscribe… it helps small indie companies like us to thrive.

    The Sugar Baby Confessionals is a Fable Gazers production.


    11 November 2019, 1:45 pm
  • 5 minutes 34 seconds
    Season 2: Heyer Today sneak preview

    Help us raise the money to complete Fable Gazers season 2, which takes a deep dive into the life and work of Georgette Heyer, plus a book club, a cinematic investigation and amazing guests like Stephen Fry, Joanne Harris, Mary Jo Putney and more. 

    Support us now! Go to our crowdfunding page here:

    Music provided, with kind permission from Jerome Alexander of Message to Bears and Danny Green of Laish. Original theme tune composed by Sara-Mae Tuson and Tom Chadd.

    Featured guests include:

    Stephen Fry, biographer Jennifer Kloester, best-selling author Joanne Harris, film producer Andy Paterson, literary agent for Heyer's estate, Peter Buckman. Also Geraldine Elliot, Jaclyn Greenstock, Aidan Truss, Jane Keehn and her book club.

    22 July 2019, 1:48 pm
  • The Sugar Baby Confessionals is nominated for the 2019 British Podcast Awards!


    You mean to say The Sugar Baby Confessionals, season 1, our very first foray into the world we love, has been nominated in the ‘Best Sex & Relationships‘ category?

    Yes. Yes indeed.

    And take a look at the PHENOMENAL company we’re in:

    *Gravestone reads: ‘DIED CONTENT’*

    But, if you’d like to vote for us to win the Listener’s Choice Award (after all, come on, look at who we’re up against, some of these people are our podcasting IDOLS) then do give us a cheeky show of support by supporting us.

    And if you haven’t had a chance to write a lovely review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcast, please do, it really helps make us seem popular people find us.

    Fingers crossed!


    9 April 2019, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Episode 15 - The cookie crumbles

    “He doesn’t love me, he doesn’t want me, he doesn’t need me…”

    Two and a half years after starting our conversations, and one year since we last recorded, Ruby takes stock of the effect of the sugar baby experience on her life. There are tears and laughter in this final episode, as we hear Ruby bare ALL.  This climactic finale has Ruby breaking down, as she reveals the difficult choices she made in the name of love…have she and FP broken up? Is The Brit still a fixture in her life?

    Find out in the final episode of The Sugar Baby Confessionals. 

    Music in this episode:

    Laish -

    Kristen McClement -

    Mock Deer (Ricky Damiani) – From his ep ‘How We Used To Live’

    Laura Frances – ‘Safe from me’ fact: Sara-Mae duets on this demo track)

    Scarlet Starlings -– look out for their new album in 2019


    Get in touch:

    Find out more at or

    Email us: [email protected]

    Twitter: @fable_gazers

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    23 July 2018, 9:32 pm
  • 37 minutes 57 seconds
    Episode 14 - Plum Duff

    Madelaine updates us on what’s she’s been up to a year since we last spoke. She’s bought a house and lives independently with her cat in the suburbs. Well, not quite independently. There’s still a very important person lingering on in her life... can you guess who?

    Find us at or for more info and  updates.

    Email us: [email protected]

    Twitter: @fable_gazers

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    9 July 2018, 1:25 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Episode 13 - Tipsy Tart Part 2

    (Theme: Feminism and mental health)

    We chat to Lauren, a psychologist and feminist, on the possible psychological effects of sex work on the sugar babies. Then journalist and broadcaster Bibi Lynch and ex-sex worker and comedienne Miranda Kane from the Good Sex Bad Sex podcast talk internet dating, incels, unsolicited tit pics, Cat Person, millennial sex, everyday sexism and why we should combat sex worker stigma.




    Bibi Lynch -

    Miranda Kane -

    The Good Sex Bad Sex podcast:


    Shana Vrangalova Ph.D., Psychology Today,‘Do Sex Workers Have More Mental Health Problems?’,

    Rossler W, Koch U, Lauber C, Hass A-K, Altwegg M, Ajdacic-Gross V, Landolt K. (2010). The mental health of female sex workers. ( Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 122, 143–152. Doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2009.01533.x [free pdf-]

    ‘Beyond The Gaze' – University of Leicester:

    'Reviewing the occupational risks of sex workers in comparison to other ‘risky’ professions' - July 2017 by Professor Teela Sanders; Stewart Cunningham; Dr Lucy Platt; Pippa Grenfell; Dr PG Macioti


    Jessie Sage, Men’s Health, May 16, 2018: ‘4 Sex Workers on What They've Learned About Men's Mental Health’: Https://

    For more information on how to get help for anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, please check out our list of resources. If you would like to locate treatment services in your area, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Referral Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

    Get in touch:

    Email us: [email protected]

    Twitter: @fable_gazers

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    29 June 2018, 10:33 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Episode 12 - Tipsy Tart (Part 1)

    Episode 12: Tipsy Tart I (Theme: Feminism & sex work)

    Guest host (and general badass) Katherine Hofmeyr bravely takes the role of feminist policewoman to referee our discussion of feminism and how it relates to the sugar babies. Are the sugar babies reclaiming the word ‘whore’? We talk #metoo, #notallmen, Harvey Weinsten, the Nordic Model, the SESTA/FOSTA bill, the pros and cons of decriminalizing sexwork…plus 1980s cartoons. You can’t afford not to listen to this fiery conversation.

    Links and notes

    You can find all of Katherine's references on a downloadable document on our website 

    Plus: Episode 598 of Savage Lovecast:

    German Lopez: 'The case for decriminalizing prostitution':

    Get in touch: Email us: [email protected] Twitter: @fable_gazers Subscribe to our mailing list: Facebook: Web:

    Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe!

    20 June 2018, 5:47 pm
  • 46 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode 11 - Summer Berry Grunt

    Ruby updates us on what’s happening with her, FP and the Brit. With her marriage on the verge of breakdown, she has realised that she is polyamourous and in love with both the Brit and FP. FP is deeply unhappy about this. Can they find a way to make it work?


    The book Ruby mentions is: More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory by Franklin Veaux


    Get in touch:

    Email us: [email protected]

    Twitter: @fable_gazers

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    Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe!

    13 June 2018, 3:42 pm
  • 53 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 10 - Pretzel

    (Theme: Catching up)

    We catch up with Ruby and Madelaine and see where they are after 7 months of sugar-babying – how have they changed? What are the upsides and the issues they’ve faced? Have their sexual fantasies been fulfilled? Has it all been worth it?

    Find out what FPs ultimatum to Ruby was and whether or not Madelaine’s decided to stick with sugar babying, or give it up altogether...

    Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you:

    Email us: [email protected] Twitter: @fable_gazers Subscribe to our mailing list: Facebook: Web:

    Don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

    6 June 2018, 9:23 pm
  • 56 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 9 - Raspberry fool

    (Theme: The Brit Speaks)

    Ruby's favourite sugar daddy, The Brit, gives Sara-Mae an in depth interview on why he employs a sugar baby. We discuss his growing feelings for Ruby, while SD tries to catch him out with every journalistic trick in the book.

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    The Savage Lovecast -

    Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you:

    Email us: [email protected] Twitter: @fable_gazers Subscribe to our mailing list: Facebook: Web:

    Don't forget to rate, review and subscribe! 

    24 April 2018, 11:37 pm
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