Magic Milkshake Machine


Do the shake, do the shake, do the Milkshake Machine. Milk, foot, sing with your bau bau. The musical fun show of observation, free though, skits and special guests. Wiggly of Trap Door, Trap Door Charmed, and Others host. Double your pleasure, double your fun with Hairy Nut Gum.

  • 1 hour 13 seconds
    MMM 29 Musical Milkshake Machine
    Hayley Jane stops by the Mighty Trap Door Mansion Recording Studio to join Trap Door Charmed (Chizzie) and Wiggly for the Magical, Musical Milkshake Machine.

    The usual open mic banter except with 80 percent more bass and guitar, fushigi fishing all the time, one nine hundred we are eighteen, Wiggly patented solo all brought to you by the Decline of Easton Civilization.

    Wiggly does some material he wrote in the early 80's and Hayley performs Sell Out off of Idiot Child, Card Subject to Change and a lot more twanging and singing with Chiz and the gang!

    Support the independent artists, you have no idea how important it is, Hayley Jane at and Trap Door from or any reputable online downloadery.
    8 April 2012, 7:27 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    MMM 28 The Sloppy Krunk Douche
    Wiggly, Chiz (Trap Door Charmed), Kyle VonKubik and Kim get their krunks at Sloppy Joe s Bar.

    The audio, horrible from the hot combination of wireless mics and 1930 s fluorescent lights. The content, usual MMM topics like boosting your immune system, boiling cow brains, crap an egg, Marvel Super Heroes, Jean Nate, women in uniform, Chiz Talk, Oddities From Around the World and more.
    24 March 2011, 4:48 pm
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    MMM 27 Snoodcast Road Trip
    Wiggly, Kyle, Kim and Trap Door Charmed (Chiz), The Road To and From Ottumwa, Poopin USA, Kevin Smith Snoodcast, In Search of Stan, Slow Food in Athens Ohio, Chiz Funny World News, How to Be the Video Gamer of the Year, Roy Shitz and More.

    Musical guest is Mystic T of Trap Door and The Pink Barretts featuring Trammell 79 from Trap Door from Flying Discs of Luv. Opens with the Magic Milkshake Machine Theme Song and C-Rex by Wiggly of Trap Door with Trap Door Charmed.
    6 October 2010, 12:51 am
  • 4 minutes 26 seconds
    Video Special - Wiggly Time Traveler
    The ill-fated, never before seen by human eyes, pilot episode of Wiggly TIme Traveler. Join the Magic Milkshake Machine Gang for this special gift to you, the loyal MMM Fans.
    24 December 2007, 6:16 am
  • 58 minutes 16 seconds
    26 - Season Finale
    All around the world people get killed for thinking different and speaking their mind, thankfully we haven't. Improve time, Chizzie's Fun Facts, Conscious/Subconscious, Wiggly Time Travels, Adam and Eve, JLA Trivia Puzzle & like that.
    8 March 2007, 2:40 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    25 - We Are the Milkshake Machine of Magic
    The Magic Milkshake Machine Team sit around and chit chat for an hour. Chizzie's (Trap Door Charmed) New Gimmick, Joe's grumpy, Wiggly's exhausted and this is our life to live. Fun facts, a bit of science and a Clump Stroker Ending.
    22 February 2007, 2:35 am
  • 1 minute 30 seconds
    Snow Delay
    Magic Milkshake Machine will have a one week snow delay, check back February 21st!
    15 February 2007, 12:11 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    24 - Verum Nicht Auf Milkshake?
    Wiggly, Joe and Chizzie (Trap Door Charmed) serve up the Milkshake (rice that is) for this weeks fun show of observation. German adventure, Epic Crap Movie, Molecules, Nachtmares, 23, Quantum Duality, New Segment plus music from Shag (Creditz) and Rachael Sage (Hit Song).
    1 February 2007, 12:15 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    23 - Talk-Talk-Jerk-Talk
    Chiz, Joe and Wiggly bring you the talkies in the Musical Fun Show of Observation. Topics include Notaryism, DCLXVI, Reformed Epistemology, Wiggly's run-in with Christ, Birthday Photos, Scam Artists, Chiz Talk, Joe's Doctor Bill, Wiggly the Obnoxious Jerk and Jennifer Love Bigtits.
    18 January 2007, 1:49 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    22 - Sexceptional New Year
    Happy Two Thousand and the Seven! New Years experiences, Virtual Date Wiggly, Virtual Date Chiz, Sexceptions, Do It Yourself Weird Al, Pickle Jokes, Physics One-Oh-None, plus Chiz Krazy News and Stuff.
    4 January 2007, 1:30 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    21 - The True Meaning of Christmas
    The Milkshake Gang brings you the Musical Fun Show of Observation, X-Mas, Festivus, Osiris plus four World Renowned Psychotics, Michelle Knight, Zak Martyn, John Edward, and Sylvia Browne.
    21 December 2006, 1:33 am
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