On a Dark, Cold Night is the ideal podcast for horror-lovers with insomnia; a creepy friend to tell you bedtime/ghost stories. The podcast involves Your Narrator telling you a spine-chilling yet soothing ghost story every week. Launched in January, 2018, the show is written, performed and produced by Kristen Zaza. Follow Your Narrator on Twitter at @ADarkColdNight, and on Instagram at darkcoldnightpodcast.
I’m here.
You’re here.
It’s enough.
Happy Holidays!
Make a Wish;
Or don’t, I won’t tell you what to do.
There’s someone in the road.
How do I move forward?
What do you want?
This week I’m recommending fellow sleep podcast, How to Fall Asleep Fast. The show is created by a husband-wife duo, Amanda Cupido and Boris Kurtzman. Amanda is a podcast producer and does the meditation at the beginning. Boris is a music producer and DJ who has spent his career keeping people up all night — and now he wants to help them go to sleep! The tracks are backed by science to help you fall asleep fast.
To hear more, visit https://www.howtofallasleepfast.net/podcast
Sweet dreams, my friends.
Another story
About a woman grieving an old life,
And a haunted telephone