SHR # 3020:: The Sleep Talk - Wade Lightheart - The country is sleep deprived. Every health guru agrees, fix your sleep and 90% of your problems fix themselves. Gut problems, high blood pressure, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, blood sugar problems, frank Type 2 diabetes, memory problems, anxiety, cardiovascular health, depression and many more are all effected by, or tied to poor sleep quality. Prescription drugs DON'T PROIDE GOOD SLEEP. They may knock you out for 7 to 9 hours but as you probably know, you don't wake up feeling refreshed. And the single most important sign of good sleep is how you feel when you wake up! - learn more: - - CARL RECOMMENDS: - - View and download all shows at - Visit us on Instagram: @superhumanradio - Support SHR -
14 September 2023, 5:00 am