Underground USA

Underground USA

Underground USA is an underground podcast network featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.

  • 26 minutes 39 seconds
    Arrive Alive, Snow & Traveling The Halls Of Power
    Before we get to this morning’s segment with Matt Bruce on The Captain’s America” Third Watch – in which we discuss the snow in Buffalo and the response from New York State’s governor-elect, Donald Trump, the Arizona election challenge and some changes coming to the US House of Representatives, I wanted to take a little bit of time to remind everybody to please travel safely this holiday week.

    When we look at the Wednesday before and the Friday after Thanksgiving we see really high travel days. They also correlate with a lot of tragedy that happens on the highways. I saw a lot of it during my days as a firefighter and paramedic and it is not the way to start the holiday season.

    So, please don't drive distracted. If you're driving, put your cell phone down, maybe even shut it off or at least put it on silent. Do not text and drive and please don't drink and drive. Do your best to think things through so that you can stick around to spend next year's holidays with your family...


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    Convention of States
    21 November 2022, 10:41 pm
  • 23 minutes 51 seconds
    We Have So Much To Be Thankful For
    Before we get to this episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to say a couple words about rushing through life to dispense with Thanksgiving to get to the marketed holiday of Christmas.

    History has it that New England and Virginia colonists originally celebrated days of fasting as well as days of Thanksgiving, thanking God for blessings such as harvest, ship landings, and the end of droughts. These were observed through church services and then accompanied by feasts and communal gatherings afterwards.

    The event the Americans commonly called the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October of 1621. The feast lasted for three days and was attended not only by the colonists and the pilgrims but by Native Americans – in peace.

    Presidents from Washington to Jefferson to Lincoln to Grant all the way through Roosevelt issued proclamations for a day of Thanksgiving but it wasn't until 1942 onwards that Thanksgiving, by an act of Congress, receive the permanent observation date the fourth Thursday in November.

    Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday. It isn't observed in Europe. It isn't observed down in South America. It isn't observed in Asia. It's uniquely American. That's something we should be celebrating.

    And it also makes us think of something that's higher than ourselves; a higher power than ourselves. That we rush through Thanksgiving because Madison Avenue and the marketplace demands that we buy things for Christmas...we've really got to stop this.

    You think about it. If you ask anybody who is in there end of days; at the end of their life what they wish for they always say they wish they had a little bit more time with family, with friends, with people that they loved. That's what Thanksgiving is. It's a day to give thanks for what we have, who we have, who we are.

    But we want to rush through it so that we can make sure we buy everything, so that we can get to Christmas – which has completely lost its meeting. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ not about making sure you've got the next new Gadget and the things that Madison Avenue is pushing.

    So, please, before we go stampeding towards all of the Christmas stuff that comes, no doubt, the day after Thanksgiving; on Black Friday, let's take the time to celebrate Thanksgiving; give thanks for who we have, who are surrounded with, what we have.

    As much as people want to divide us and make us complain about the things we don't have – the media talks about all the bad things in the world, we still live in the greatest country on the face of the Earth. This is evidenced by the fact that everybody wants to come here. Not a lot of people are leaving. So, when you hear the caustic Left talking about how bad our country is, I don't think the people trying to wade across the Rio Grande think the same way they do so.

    Let's give thanks this coming Thursday and let's keep Thanksgiving something that is uniquely American; that gives us a sense of who we are.

    I talk about the political and international issues now with Matt Bruce on the Captain's America: Third Watch...


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    Convention of States
    19 November 2022, 8:36 pm
  • 44 minutes 53 seconds
    Actually, It Is Patriotic To Question Elections & The Election Process
    Perhaps a closing thought on the Midterms – although I'm sure there's going to be much more to be said about them going forward. I find it disingenuous to believe that the vote-counting process in Arizona, California, and Nevada can't be refined to be more timely and with less hands on the ballots.

    We, in Florida, had two hurricanes go through the state both in the run-up to the midterms and then during voting and our results were in that day. There were no complaints and no claims of fraud. So it can be done if your election authorities want to do it. The question is: do the states that continually have problems really want to do it? It's a question we have to ask ourselves.

    I don't believe there's a smoky back room cabal that gets together and says we're going to do this in order to steal an election but making sure that you have a dysfunctional system and refusing to fix it, refusing to purge your rolls, refusing to make sure that the machines work without glitch before Election Day, those are all sins of omission.

    And in Arizona, I have to be honest, I am very troubled by that election all the way around. The fact that the winning gubernatorial candidate gets to certify herself as the winner and oversaw the election process – and that she refused to recuse herself, that's not ethical. And if she's not ethical going through the election she absolutely isn't going to be ethical in office.

    So, something's got to change in Arizona. The people of Arizona deserve better.

    I talk about this and more on Talkback with ChuckWilder...


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    Convention of States
    15 November 2022, 8:54 pm
  • 27 minutes 25 seconds
    Voting, Politics & The Cult of Personality
    I would like to make a little suggestion and that is this. Instead of allowing the mainstream media to project and tell us who's won before all the ballots are counted, maybe we just wait until the ballots are counted to decide who has won the election and who hasn't. The media doesn't decide elections. Voters do.

    This idea that we can say who has control of the Senate, who has control of the House when there are still 30 percent of the votes to be counted in places like Nevada, when they're still 10 percent of votes waiting to be counted in Arizona, when there's just 50 percent of the votes counted in a lot of the precincts in California, it seems that we are allowing propagandists - people who have lied to us about so many things in the past - undo power to tell us which way our elections are going to go and we're not relying on an accurate vote count or an accurate voting process.

    They didn't tell us the truth about COVID they didn't tell us the truth about the COVID vaccines, they didn't tell us the truth about Russian collusion, they propagandized against President Trump the entire time he was in office, they glorified Barack Obama even though he was probably the most racist president since Woodrow Wilson that we've ever had, so I don't know why we rely so much on the mainstream media to tell us how our elections are projected to turn out.

    Let's just wait until the ballots are counted.

    And on that note, why don't we make sure we perfect the process instead of expanding it so that we vote 30 days beforehand? People died for our right to vote; they sacrificed their lives on Battlefield so that we could continue to have the right to vote. It is reprehensible to think that it is something of inconvenience for you! Get your ass up and go vote, and you shouldn't need 30 days to do it. If you're not going to be here on Election Day, vote absentee and complete the affidavit to prove who you are!

    It’s ridiculous how incredibly lazy we have become when it comes to voting. We should be ashamed of ourselves, especially when people in third world countries who have thrown the chains of despotism off will stand in lines for days to cast their ballots. How incredibly arrogant we've become that we can't get in the line and cast a ballot in the freest country on the face of the planet.

    I talk about this and more with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch...


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    Convention of States
    14 November 2022, 9:42 pm
  • 28 minutes 13 seconds
    Being Bullied Into Silence Isn't The American Way
    I’d like to start out by saying happy Veterans Day to everyone who served, thank you for your service. And I want to make some comments about bravery, it doesn't always have to fall onto the shoulders of people who actually go into the battlefield or who are First Responders or are parents, quite honestly.

    We need to be brave enough to speak the truth - always, no matter how badly political factions or the media or social media interests want to bully us into remaining silent. I think we're seeing that in the issue that's facing our country - and especially the right side of the aisle - in Donald Trump.

    I appreciate what he did for the country for the four years that he was in office. He threw a wrench into the machine and it was badly needed. We needed to expose the game players in the Deep State, in the bureaucracy, in the go along to get along people on both sides of the aisle who just keep expanding government and encroaching on our freedoms. But he's starting to attack his own. He's breaking Reagan's Eleventh Commandment not to speak ill of fellow Republicans.

    The second that he took a shot at Ron DeSantis - who is the future of the Republican Party; the future of the conservative movement, he made an amazing mistake. He'll lose Florida if he decides to run, there's no question about that because Floridians - even Democrat Floridians - appreciate Governor DeSantis. But the politics of tearing everyone else down just so you can win is selfish politics and has been played for far too long, especially on the Left side of the aisle but now we're seeing it infect the Right side of the aisle.

    There's no room for selfish politics when the name of the game is public service; to serve the people; to serve the Constitution; to serve the country.

    Please take a look at the article that is the lead at UndergroundUSA.com today, “Red Wave! Red Wave!...Wait, Never Mind.” It explains where Donald Trump can actually make a positive effect in the upcoming election rather than becoming a detractor and someone who, actually, is a detriment to the conservative movement. That's the moment in time in which he stands.

    Is this going to be about revenge politics and his ego, or is it going to be for the good of the country? It's a serious question and we all have to be brave enough to not only answer the question but the contemplate it, examine it, and talk to her friends about it.

    Being bullied into silence isn't the American way.

    I then get into a discussion about all of this and the Midterm Elections with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch...


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    Convention of States
    11 November 2022, 8:52 pm
  • 43 minutes 20 seconds
    It's Election Day USA
    Today is Election Day 2022. The finish line is within sight so we need to expect the dirty tricks to be in full swing.

    In Arizona, New York, and Pennsylvania especially, true domestic terrorists are targeting our right to free and fair elections. In Arizona, terrorists have targeted Kari Lake's campaign, sending hoax-anthrax filled envelopes to their campaign offices. In New York, Democrats are fearmongering untruths about Social Security and the demise of Democracy. In Pennsylvania the manipulation of ballots is in full swing.

    The only way to sideline those domestic terrorists who seek to manipulate the ballot boxes is to win by such a wide margin that their electoral vandalism can't compromise the winning margin.

    I discuss this, and more, with Chuck Wilder on Talkback...


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    Convention of States
    8 November 2022, 8:29 pm
  • 26 minutes 42 seconds
    So This Is What The Left Calls 'Free And Fair' Elections?
    Tomorrow is Election Day 2022; the Midterms. And as we get closer to the finish line the far-Left's true colors are starting to show.

    In Arizona, true domestic terrorists have targeted Kari Lake's campaign, sending hoax-anthrax filled envelopes to their campaign office and vandalizing campaign vehicles by slashing tires and inserting screws so that the tires would blow-out while the vehicle was moving. That nothing will come of it; that the Democrat Party isn't screaming as loudly as on January 6th is a testament to their opportunistic duplicity.

    I discuss this, and more, with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch...


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    Convention of States
    7 November 2022, 11:57 pm
  • 25 minutes 7 seconds
    It's Time to Vote...No Excuses
    Over my lifespan, I have witnessed a growing apathy when it comes to exercising our rights to vote. Too many people hold to the notion that one vote doesn't count. That is a ridiculous and clueless notion disproven by the many purple-fingered people of Iraq and Afghanistan who once held out hope for free and fair elections.

    Sadly, US and international politics betrayed those people, all of whom put their lives on the line to cast a ballot. In the end, brute force won out in Iraq and the Biden administration's betrayal of the Afghanis sealed their fate to the Taliban Islamofascists.

    So, too, are the status quo powers that be - in the mainstream and social media spheres as well as in the political parties - not only dividing us into election chattel, they are manipulating our perception of the potency of our right to vote.

    There is no wave - Red or Blue - unless you turn out to vote. Truthfully, your failure to vote spits on the dead who fought and died for your right to do so. Are we so self-absorbed and selfish that we now shrug our shoulders at the sacrifices of those who protected out right to vote?

    I discuss this, and more, with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch......


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    Convention of States
    4 November 2022, 8:39 pm
  • 39 minutes 33 seconds
    Elections Can’t Continue Being About The ‘R’ Or The ‘D’
    Over the lifespan of the United States we have seen the political parties employ the mass marketing of both party and aligned candidates to capture the most number of consumers possible. This is smart if winning elections is the only goal. But winning elections is simply the precursor to governing and this is where mass marketing to the lowest common denominator fails the people.

    I discuss this, and more, with Chuck Wilder on Talkback...


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    Convention of States
    2 November 2022, 6:23 pm
  • 24 minutes 53 seconds
    Diesel, Weasels & Witches
    A reminder to parents, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There are reports of candy-looking fentanyl going around. Ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. So, please make sure your child knows not to eat any of the candy while they are out and before you get to inspect it.

    Then, in this segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch, I talk current events including the Midterm Elections, the diesel fuel shortage, and the idea of taking back our country through nullification...


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    Convention of States
    31 October 2022, 8:39 pm
  • 26 minutes 21 seconds
    Watching Out For The Goblins
    With Halloween weekend upon us, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There is a candy-looking fentanyl going around and ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. You will also want to make sure your child knows not to eat any of the candy while they are out and before you get to inspect it.

    We all need to do our part to make this Halloween safe and devoid on unnecessary tragedy. With the Southern border wide open, we have to be extra vigilant about the consequences of that reality.

    In this segment I talk current events including gas prices, Russia, and the Biden administration's ideological policies that serve his cronies and hurt the average American, all on The Captain's America: Third Watch...


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    Convention of States
    29 October 2022, 7:40 pm
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