Green Room Podcast

Megan Hamilton & The Bermudas

Music, production, touring, and tangents.

  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    GRP 050 - AHEE
    05 / 19 / 2020 On today's special 50th episode we are joined by the alien commander @AHEE! Tune in while we discuss his background in IDM and found sounds, his journeys into bass music, and so much more! Be sure to check out his production tutorials on YouTube, and you can find his production racks on his gumroad page here: Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    19 May 2020, 4:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 48 seconds
    Green Room Quarantine: The Seltzer Wars EP 02 - Royal Caribbean
    03 /26 / 2020 GREEN ROOM QUARANTINE: The Seltzer Wars EP 02 - Royal Caribbean Region Big thanks to the Royal Caribbean Cruises for hosting us in the first region of the Seltzer Wars. If you need to catch up, check out episode 01. The first region's seeding is as follows: 1 - Bud Light 2 - Corona 3 - Press 4 - Lift Bridge Tune in to see who will be going to the Final Four from this region! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    26 March 2020, 5:40 pm
  • 24 minutes 22 seconds
    Green Room Quarantine: The Seltzer Wars EP 01 - The Brackets
    03 / 26 / 2020 GREEN ROOM QUARANTINE: The Seltzer Wars Ep01 - Brackets The Seltzer Wars are here. The popularity of hard seltzers is spreading across the globe like a virus out of control. We here at Green Room Podcast are going to do the dirty work for you and try all of them to come up with the national champion of hard seltzers. Stay tuned to see who triumphs! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    26 March 2020, 5:38 pm
  • 43 minutes 1 second
    Green Room Quarantine - Special Edition w/ Epidemiologist Devon Hunter
    03 /25 / 2020 We deviate from the norm and embrace the quarantine! On today's episode, we interview our friend DeVon Hunter. DeVon is our friend-expert epidemiologist and also holds a master's degree in public health! She joins us to help answer all of our coronavirus questions! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    25 March 2020, 4:59 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    GRP 049 - ill-esha
    02 / 25 / 2020 On today's episode we are joined from half-way across the globe by the incredibly talented @ill-esha! She's currently teaching at the Berklee College of Music in Valencia, Spain. Tune in while we discuss her punk rock roots, DJ'ing for MTV Canada, and so much more! Her newest release "Tribal Gathering: Songs From the Sweat Shed" is available NOW on her bandcamp: Also - The return of Kaia; we give ourselves makeovers and make our skin beautiful! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    25 February 2020, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    GRP 048 - A Hundred Drums
    01 / 29 / 2020 On today's episode we are joined by Gabrielle, aka, @ahundreddrums! Listen in while we discuss her background and exchange some stories. Be on the lookout for her self-titled, debut album dropping Feb 14th via @Gravitas-Recordings! Also - Kobe, the Grammy's, and the legendary John Wayne & Lorena Bobbitt adventure! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    29 January 2020, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    GRP 047 - Marvel Years
    01 / 14 / 20 On today's episode we are joined by @marvel-years-official in the Green Room! Cory calls in and we share some laughs, talk about his beginnings in Vermont, and nerd out about guitar. Be sure to be on the lookout for his upcoming track "Doink" with @ManicFocus, coming soon! Also in this episode - We're joined by our friend Kaia! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    14 January 2020, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    GRP 046 - Vekked
    12 / 23 / 2019 HOLIDAY SPECIAL On today's episode we welcome 7 time World DJ Champion Jake aka @Vekked! Jake joins us to discuss his background in turntablism and how he evolved into a 7 time World Champ, creating FrankenScratch, and his thoughts on ascending quickly in the music industry! Also in this episode - we call our dear loved ones and ask the important questions. Episode dedicated to Patrick and Cody. Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    23 December 2019, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    GRP 045 - Encanti (Zebbler Encanti Experience)
    11 / 07 / 2019 On today's episode we welcome Ben Cantil aka Encanti (of @ZebblerEncantiExperience) to the show! Ben spends time discussing his journey from Alaska, to studying music at Berklee in Boston, to teaching music at Berklee in Spain, and finally where he resides now in Scotland. This interview has it all - the backstory of the Zebbler Encanti Experience, great advice on songwriting and overcoming your blocks, cool fun facts about history, spirituality, and or course a few laughs. Be sure to check ZEE on tour now, dates available on their website at Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> TWITTER >>> INSTAGRAM >>> LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>>
    7 November 2019, 3:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    GRP 044 - K+Lab
    10 / 31 / 2019 On today's extra special, extra spooky, Halloween episode we're thrilled to be joined by @klabnz! Listen in while we talk about his favorite lollies, an upcoming EP, and much more! Also in this episode, we discuss the Canadian Prime Minister, those gross Halloween pumpkin candies, and how the potato found its clout. SNACK ATTACK: This week in Snack Attack we try a double flavored pop tart - eesh. Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FOLLOW US >>> ITUNES >>>…d1318486030?mt=2 SPOTIFY >>>
    31 October 2019, 2:27 pm
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    GRP 043 - Stylust
    09 / 05 / 2019 On today's episode we're thrilled to host @Stylustbeats in the Green Room! Listen in while we talk about his background in audio engineering (working on legendary Canadian records), how he got started with hip hop, and how he manages his day-to-day as a producer and label owner. Also, be sure to check out his upcoming album, "Activated" when it drops this fall! Also in this episode, we discuss birds, plague infested prairie dogs, and the homeless problem in Denver. SNACK ATTACK: This week in Snack Attack we tackle the plethora of offerings that Oreo has. Tune in to hear the winning flavor. ALBUM OF THE WEEK: It's back again! MEGAN - Missy Eliot's Iconology PAT - JT's Justified Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FOLLOW US >>> ITUNES >>>…d1318486030?mt=2 SPOTIFY >>>
    5 September 2019, 6:36 pm
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