
Jay Kelz

What’s up world! Your man Jay here! Listen, a young guy who’s been blessed and endowed with an Old Soul; a man that has a lot to say, and wants the WHOLE WORLD to hear it. So HEAR ME OUT! This podcast is about everything we as a people endure: Love | Relationships | God, (Spirituality) and a wide range of topics that consists of our struggles, to our Success and everything in-between! Ride this wave with me.. One Love

  • 7 minutes 42 seconds
    The Burden of Making The BEST Decision
    Some of the best decisions you’ll see, that you’ve ever made one day, were the ones when you had to fight against yourself to LET GO. Understand that the BEST doesn’t mean the EASIEST. It’s usually the opposite, which normally is what makes them the greatest, in the end. When you know dealing with her if you stay will hurt more than help, so you make the decision to leave, EVEN WHEN your heart is still with them. When you know you are in need of jumping out of your comfort zones but your FEELINGS are what keeps you bound, but you jump anyway.. THOSE are when you are at your best——— A L S O ! ——— Don’t underestimate the Power of a Right Decision. Many only concede and acquiesce what is convenient when it comes to choice making, because somehow we believe that what is right is always easy. Oh, no no. The BEST answers, can be the hardest to conjure up and decipher. Making the decision is one thing but carrying it out and standing on what you believe and trust to be right, is another. The RIGHT decision can hurt you. The RIGHT decision could purge some areas in you and around you, that you’ve even once promised never to let go of. The RIGHT decision leave you all by yourself, but the END RESULT of that decision you’ve made, is what makes it all worth the dealings. You live, for result. You learn, for the process. My Social Media: Facebook: James Kelley IG & Twitter: @MaturePrince Clubhouse & Snap: @Jaykelz101 *Dont own copyright to music* Let’s get acquainted!
    13 March 2021, 4:49 pm
  • 15 minutes 13 seconds
    Are you with that someone, and happy with them BECAUSE of them? Or because of how convenient they’ve made YOUR live? Whether it’s romantically or on a level of solely friendship, you have to come to a place where you’re able to tell yourself the TRUTH! What is your, W H Y with being with them? Where does your happiness and/or contentment lie? #SomethingToThinkAbout !
    22 February 2021, 12:53 pm
  • 39 minutes 31 seconds
    Are you happy with THEM, or for what they can DO?
    Hey Family! Jay here again just wanting to touch on how I feel and view relationships, (whether intimate or platonic), and the level of happiness we are in them AND EVEN if we are happy at all! We need to sometimes step back and reassess, simply WHY we are with who we are... It’s vital that you have mental checkpoints and check ins with those whom you invest yourself into and see where you both are! It’s how we can nip some things at the bud, before they blossom into something a lot more tedious and harder to manage, so HEAR ME OUT!!! My Social Media: Facebook: James Kelley IG & Twitter: @MaturePrince Clubhouse & Snap: @Jaykelz101 *I DO NOT OWN COPYRIGHT TO THIS MUSIC*
    5 February 2021, 1:28 am
  • 19 minutes 2 seconds
    Brothers: It’s Time To Talk And To Heal
    Family! Sisters! Brothers! — Yeah brothers lol Let’s have a talk man, cause I have the utmost respect for you and how you’re built, (however you’re built), and I just wanna express our LACK of expression amongst each other. We have to do a lot of work, to fix the damage that WE cause which we continue to allow our ego to control. VULNERABILITY isn’t a curse or demonic! We have to grow out of thinking a wolf stands well on their own; wolves succeed and dwell in packs and it’s not until we find the pack and other men who we can entrust with us, (the real us), that we will thrive.. I’ll stop here, but enjoy the episode!! 💪🏾💯
    22 January 2021, 5:03 am
  • 4 minutes 19 seconds
    Build Your Backbone 💪🏾
    What’s up, family! *Flash back post*‼️. Guess what time it is... ⏰ it’s time, to GROW. Backbone! It’s time to stand tall, (even if that requires you to stand alone). God got you, so don’t you fret for toooo long! Some things you will ONLY find out, by going through a season, or a trial or dilemma, on your own. It does NOT MEAN that you will always be that, or that loneliness in your life is your portion NO, but it’s simply exercising your faith and stretching your spirit (wo)man out and mature! You got it!
    19 January 2021, 1:06 pm
  • 10 minutes 45 seconds
    Don’t Take The Bait! 🪝
    AyeYooYouuu! What’s up family 👋🏾 I just wanted to touch and expound a bit on Potential and how it can, (and has been a TRAP 🪤) for so many of us! *Ladies Especially* There’s only so much we can do with it, as the one who sees it within someone else— I’m a stop here though! ☝🏾Take A Listen!!!
    17 January 2021, 5:37 am
  • 4 minutes 27 seconds
    The Right To Choose: Mentorship Edition 📚
    Hey Family! 👋🏾 Jay here back again, simply wanting to share my thoughts and express to you how we, (who lead or mentor or counsel), should NOT be one(s) who give you your final answer. We can suggest, we can weigh your options, we can let you know how we feel about a subject matter but ultimately it’s Y O U who has to make the final decision. You have to make the choice(s) that is best for what you believe is going to work out; in spite of our disgruntled face (lol) or our smiles. We can only steer you CLEAR of what we feel isn’t so savory, but only you can steer yourself toward what you desire the most.... right?! Let’s Talk About It!
    17 January 2021, 5:34 am
  • 4 minutes 46 seconds
    Sex is NOT the supplement for the elephant, (argument) in the room..
    Hey family! 👋🏾 Jay here just wanting to touch on how Sex can not be and should not be the answered to our problems in relationships. It may suppress the inevitable sure, but it doesn’t negate the giant elephant that we can only play around and dodge for so long.. We MUST learn and be willing to deal with what’s in front of us? And between us, outright before it ruins more than just a single day and/or night.. So Let’s Talk About It!
    17 January 2021, 5:25 am
  • 6 minutes 55 seconds
    W I S D O M ; she can be Beautiful and she can be Rude.
    Wisdom! Is a beautiful woman and she can be innocent... until you two become acquainted. She will lead you where you need, and will hold you accountable when your wants don’t meet what your needs demand. She can have a sense of humor, yet smack you with the truth. She’s a rude girl, but she’s royal and wouldn’t want anything more, than to be by your very side...
    29 August 2019, 12:58 am
  • 12 minutes 26 seconds
    Self Reflection
    Take a moment to acknowledge the person that you are. WHO, are YOU? Are you, YOU? Or are you, THEM? Don’t become indebted to yourself, because you spend everything you have, on everyone else... something to think about.
    23 August 2018, 2:16 am
  • 14 minutes 8 seconds
    4Tune8 🏎🚗
    You’ll be amazed by how much you are passing by, that you could actually USE, to steer you in the right direction.. This soliloquy I’m about to share, all started from passing a man by, heading home... hope you enjoy.
    23 August 2018, 12:46 am
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