Family Looking Up

Family Looking Up

We're about all things family and home. If you're a mom, and on the verge of jumping off the dryer or overdosing on Diet Dr. Pepper, visit us weekly for some laughter and hope. Learn from our fails and the successes of others. Motherhood is the busiest, messiest, worst paying job that we love...most of the time. We want you to know you're doing better than you think. When life gets you down, know that your family is looking up!

  • 38 minutes 13 seconds
    278. Just Us: It's time to say goodbye

    After almost five years, it is time for us to say goodbye. We have loved our time together with Family Looking Up and are sad to say goodbye. In this episode we laugh about all the behind the scenes funny moments and talk about the great journey these last five years have been for us!  Thanks for listening and supporting us and being a part of our mom squad!

    28 February 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 14 seconds
    277. Just Us: Memory Lane

    Join us as we walk down memory lane for the past 5 years recounting stories and moments we have shared together.

    22 February 2023, 4:40 pm
  • 29 minutes 21 seconds
    276: Just Us: Valentines Day 2023

    It's Valentines week and we are sharing our favorite Valentine ideas. What has worked and what we want to try. We laugh about the ridiculousness of the holiday and share how we make the day special for our kids.


    14 February 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 37 minutes 10 seconds
    Episode 275. Just Us: Big Changes in 2023

    Big things are happening for us in 2023. In today's episode we laugh at the goals that are working for us, and discuss our lastest trends in intermittent fasting and sourdough bread making. 

    7 February 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 274. Vacation Ideas For Everyone (Re-release)

    I don't know about you, but we need a vacation with a capital V!  As mom's of lots of kids, wives, and ultimately just girls, we talk about girl trips, couple trips, and family trips.  We share our favorite places, favorite memories, and do a little 'outside the box' thinking of how to make it special.  

    If you're in the mood for some inspiration on fun times in YOUR future, this is the episode for you!  Enjoy!

    24 January 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 40 seconds
    Episode 272. Growth Through Adversity - Guest Jenedy Paige

    Jenedy Paige joins us today to discuss how she overcame adversity through God when she lost her son to drowning.  It's an inspirational story that will leave you feeling inspired.

    10 January 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 48 minutes
    Episode 268. Manners: Teaching The Basics - Guest Brooke Romney

    Join us as we talk with the one and only Brooke Romney about how to teach our family manners without all the drama! Plus hear about our newest favorites in Christmas movies!

    13 December 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Ep. 264 Holiday Gift Guide

    Our complete holiday gift guide is here!  Listen in as we talk about every age and stage.  

    15 November 2022, 1:00 pm
  • 48 minutes 35 seconds
    Ep. 262 Friluftsliv - The Swedish Custom Of Outside Living - Guest - Linda McGurk

    Linda McGurk, one of our favorite return guests is back!  She is sharing more of her Swedish culture, this time about a concept known as Friluftsliv.  She has written a book about it and is here to teach us about how outside activities can bring us peace and contentment.

    1 November 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Ep. 261 Polyvagal Theory: How To Recognize The Cues Our Body Is Giving Us - Guest Jessica Downs

    We're excited to bring you a fascinating episode from Jessica Downs, a clinician who specializes in EMDR Therapy.  In this episode she teaches about Polyvagal Theory and how it can help each of us understand the cues our body is giving us to find more peace and happiness in our day to day lives.  Enjoy!

    25 October 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 46 minutes 8 seconds
    Ep. 260 Prioritizing Kids When Life Throws You Curve Balls - Guest Lisa Valentine Clark

    Lisa Valentine Clark, host of The Lisa Show, actor and comedian joins us this week as we discuss how to prioritize kids when life throws you curve balls.  Lisa is the mother of five who's husband died in 2020 of ALS.  She gave some incredible advice on ways that each of us can be the mom we want to be even when life doesn't play fair.  Enjoy!

    18 October 2022, 12:00 pm
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