Audible Autism - Interesting Questions and Interesting Facts

Sarah McCulloch and Odai Quaye

Audible Autism is a podcast that aims to give voice to autistic people from our own internal perspective. It is made for autistic people, by autistic people. We’re looking to talk about autism, and things that would be interesting to autistic people. We’re not trying to explain ourselves to NT people to ask them for acceptance into their world. Other people do that. This is for us.

  • 35 minutes 22 seconds
    Radio Harrow with Sarah


    Over here at Audible Autism we thought we would showcase something different... what we have here is an interview on Radio Harrow with our own head honcho of the Autistic Empire, Sarah back in December 2023.

    Multifaceted, measured and eloquent we think you will get alot out of this.

    3 February 2025, 3:31 pm
  • 42 minutes 17 seconds
    Black History Month 2024

    Here's a surprise 2nd episode and it's our Black history month episode for this year

    Odai speaks with special guest Black Infinite member Sarah Abdullahi touch on subjects like: Race and autism, ,Alienation within ones own community(and how autism is discussed) & why we take pride to be on the spectrum.

    I think many will find this a revealing and interesting episode especially in terms of perspectives and angles they might not have considered before, but that's what makes Audible Autism special.

    10 October 2024, 5:44 pm
  • 20 minutes
    Episode 36 - A peek behind the neurodiverse curtain

    This is our first episode or rather a minisode in quite a long time and within this one you will be getting a peek behind the curtain learning about our editor Simon whose responsible for putting these episodes together.

    Astute observations in terms of sound, being the parent of an Autistic son and also what he's learned over the years from him.

    Expect another good episode and thank you for still following us through thick and thin.

    4 October 2024, 2:33 pm
  • 34 minutes 58 seconds
    Episode 35 - Autism and specialist acommodation

    Back once again with a brand you episode of Autism and this time Odai and Luke have a discussion with guest Joe Booth in which the 3 of them have a startling and enlightening discussion into living in Specialist accommodation.

    Joe was very forward in terms of his experiences, who he is and also some of the failings and pitfalls in regards to carers, set up of residents and the focus on cost over care that some might find alarming.

    We hope that you all find this an urgent and enriching episode and we would like to thank Joe for giving some of his time for this recording.

    16 April 2024, 10:01 am
  • 53 minutes 16 seconds
    Episode 34 - Cast down your buckets - Black,Autistic & Unemployed

    On this episode of Audible Autism we are excited to share with you all a talk back in October done by Odai as part of Black history month.

    Within it you'll hear him relay his experiences as a young Black man in London on the spectrum, the determination,the hard work and the many MANY adversities he's had to deal with that have both enraged but drive him, taking an analogy from Black conservative educator Booker T Washington and applying his own take on it.

    He doesn't like tooting his own horn but those who caught it online and in person said they found the talk articulate and piercing with insight and we hope you get alot out of it.

    As always we hope you find this talk insightful

    27 December 2023, 12:07 pm
  • 1 hour 55 minutes
    Extra: Hubert Harrison essays

    As an added bonus for for the episode, Odai decided to read a few essays from Hubert Harrison.

    Who better to hear from than the man himself who i'm sure you will find that his words were clear, direct and DEEPLY incisive.

    We advise that you listen to the main episode first before you listen to this extra audio otherwise enjoy listening.

    25 October 2023, 4:23 pm
  • 1 hour 55 minutes
    Audible Autism Black History Month episode - Hubert Harrison: founder of Harlem Radicalism

    Audible Autism is back with a very special episode for Black History Month. Odai decided to go solo and dedicate an entire episode to a figure from the past who he felt deserved more recognition, St Croix's own Hubert Henry Harrison.

    This episode was both a passion project but also a way of introducing a figure who alot of people might not know of which is interesting especially considering his connection to Marcus Garvey and we hope that you find this insightful and exciting.

    25 October 2023, 4:22 pm
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Episode 33 - Autistic Parenting

    This episode of Audible Autism is a special one in that it was one Odai and former Co-host Sarah were proud of....but there were alot of tech issues in terms of audio quality and recording formats aswell.

    Guests Nikki (who has 3 children) and Sam (who at the time was still pregnant) were invited on to have a stimulating and perceptive conversation on being an Autistic parent and all that entails as far as pregnancy, raising children and everything else.

    We here at Audible Autism would like to say a big thank you to our editor Simon for being able to get this episode together for our listeners and a thank you and very belated sorry to our guests for how long it's taken for this episode to finally arrive.

    We hope you all enjoy this episode

    This podcast was edited by Simon Marcus of Addictive Media. For more information about Simon’s video and audio services please visit

    19 July 2023, 1:54 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Episode 32 - Autism and the Police

    Hello Listeners, this episode of Audible Autism will involve a discussion on a more serious topic than previous episodes and that issue being how to deal with or interact with the Police

    This episode guest Chris Hilliard discusses the lack of training the police tend to have, some of the ways in which they judge who they might suspect on being offenders using systems that the general public might not be aware of but also Chris also goes into detail with his own incident with the police during the 2010 Student protests which had to be taken to trial.

    This episode was one of a few that was meant to come out last season before that was abruptly ended but considering the current conversation regarding policing and the role of Police which as a Podcast based in the UK also involves the death of Chris Kaba we feel that the things discussed within this episode are still relevant and ontop of that will be addressing the issue from a British perspective.

    We hope all of you who tune in find this episode informative, thank you 

    25 November 2022, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Episode 31 - Performing Arts with Annabell and Fay

    On the latest episode of Audible Autism, Odai and Luke interview performers(stand up and poetry respectively) artists and all around good people Annabell and Fay.

    Within this episode you get to hear a conversation that touches on not just being Autistic in their respective fields but also the perception on the number of performers with disabilities out there, the contradictions within the scene, inspirations and....spreadsheets.

    As always we hope you enjoy this episode and find it informative

    27 October 2022, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Episode 30 Autism and Social Media with Ian Lane

    After much delay, blood, sweat and a dying laptop we now have the first episode of the new season of Audible Autism all set and ready to go. Our first episode is an interview with polymath Ian Lane about the highs and lows of navigating social media as an Autistic person.

    Topics covered include :

    • Whether the internet has gotten bigger or smaller over time
    • Friendships, how they're made and how they can be broken
    • and how "discourse" manages to change and yet stay the same

    We think you'll find this a very enlightening and entertaining episode

    If you would like to be on an episode of Audible Autism, please fill out our form here, and we’d love to chat with you.

    22 September 2022, 5:24 pm
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