Life Unhindered

Life Unhindered - a new kind of work life

"We work jobs that we hate, so we can buy things we don't need, to impress people we don't like." - Fight Club

  • 59 minutes 1 second
    Our Top 8 Principles for Reaching Financial Independence
    In this episode we talk about the 8 principles that have turbocharged our journey towards financial independence. While we do get into specific tactics, we focus more on universal principles that anyone can apply to any situation. Show Notes: Principles (consolidated and reordered list) 1. Be intentional and aggressively experiment -- reconsider/challenge everything (e.g. savings rate, retirement age, what you “need” to be happy) 2. Start with the end in mind -- Write out your day/life as if you were FI today (how much of your post-FI life can you have today?) 3. Save more than you spend -- Work up to saving the majority of your income (e.g. 51%+) 4. Data > Gut feelings -- Data driven budgets; Algorithmic portfolio management; take the emotion out of it 5. Learn to be happy with what you have 6. Find free fun and entertaining 7. Change your mindset -- make > buy; repair > discard 8. Diversify -- Asset classes; income streams; skill sets; identity Links Mentioned - Wealthfront -Use our Wealthfront promo code and get $15,000 managed for free! - - Reducing our cell phone to $20-30/month - & Use our Ting Promo code and get a $25 credit! - - [Book] The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing - Some of our other links: - Website: - Twitter: Facebook: - Our Youtube Channel:
    15 May 2018, 1:08 am
  • 58 minutes 55 seconds
    How we travel for free
    In this episode we recap our Q1 2018 goals and talk about how, as a family of four, we travel for free. This is the other portfolio we're building as we journey towards reaching financial independence. Show Notes: Travel info begins at: 13:31 Links mentioned: - - - Chase Trifecta: Southwest companion pass + credit card links: - Southwest site: - personal card: - business card: Other links mentioned: - Credit monitoring: Some of our other links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Use our Ting Promo code and get a $25 credit! - Use our Wealthfront promo code and get $15,000 managed for free! -
    6 May 2018, 2:37 pm
  • 33 minutes 56 seconds
    One year into our journey to early retirement
    In this podcast re-boot episode, we talk about the last year in our journey towards early retirement.
    2 April 2018, 1:45 pm
  • 19 minutes
    The Journey - The Beginning (Episode 1)
    This episode marks the beginning of a mini-series called: The Journey. This is where we talk about the behind the scenes of Life Unhindered. We'll talk about the things that people don't really talk about: the struggles, the mistakes, the things we're grappling with on a daily basis.
    14 November 2017, 12:35 am
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