Keith's Podcast

Keith Ellis

Very clear and informative.

  • 20 minutes 55 seconds
    God's Plan for Fathers
    God's plans are eternal in all ways. As our heavenly Father, He is also, the model for us, as Fathers, and those expectations are eternal, also, and the responsibilities we must assume as Fathers. We are our family's spiritual leader and the care, concern, and love is the same as our Lord and Father's love He has for all of us.
    17 June 2018, 4:53 pm
  • 17 minutes 19 seconds
    We've all seen impressive sights, witnessed great events, or just times when we feel greatly influenced and will never forget the moment. We know the great things God has done out of love: creation, taking care of His children, giving His only Son for sacrifice of our sins, and giving us mothers. There will be greatness that will last forever, and it all started with LOVE.
    13 May 2018, 4:55 pm
  • 25 minutes 16 seconds
    Lord, Make Me a Servant
    We are currently looking to appoint additional deacons here, and this is a good time to look at the Bible's teaching in being of service to those in the church. Being called to serve is a responsibility for everyone to be a minister of service to each other and fill the needs of others as a Christian.
    29 April 2018, 5:20 pm
  • 19 minutes 33 seconds
    Lord, Make Me a Servant
    As a Christian who should put on the Spirit of Jesus Christ, our aim should be to serve one another, to minister to other's needs. Jesus used His life to provide that as an example, to love out of humility, and to put others first - loving your neighbor as yourself.
    1 April 2018, 5:09 pm
  • 22 minutes 2 seconds
    God Has a Plan for Us
    Before the universe was created, God had a plan for us. Before the universe was created, Jesus Christ was appointed as our Savior and come to Earth as a man and live the life that would pay for our sin. We have a part in that plan, each of us, and we must hold up our part of that plan.
    25 March 2018, 5:10 pm
  • 18 minutes 42 seconds
    Whose Child Are You?
    Would we know whose child you are by your behavior, by your speech, and by your faith? Who is the Father that would claim you? Isn't it an honor and privilege to be a child of God? To be an heir of His inheritance and reward is unlike anything of this world. But you must be in the family, the family of God, and to be obedient to your Father's instruction. Here's how...
    4 March 2018, 5:51 pm
  • 19 minutes 2 seconds
    Looking for a Church
    In our sense of religious curiosity, a need for the supreme Author of salvation, and the One to whom we owe our very existence, there comes a time we need to find THE church we see our Lord started in the New Testament. Just one! The bride of Jesus Christ. The one He bought and paid for with His blood, His death, His resurrection. Are you still looking?
    25 February 2018, 5:53 pm
  • 18 minutes
    Pecans-Just Out of Reach
    Do we tend to avoid the things with easy access and go after the unnecessary things that are just out of reach? Do you spend your time distracted by the unimportant and uneventful when the things of life surround us? When life's importance is omitted, we neglect that of value and priority in our spirit.
    18 February 2018, 6:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 42 seconds
    Sing Praise unto the Lord
    One of man's most profound mistakes since time began is not following God's specific instructions. And one certainty of God's is, He has always told man how He wanted to be worshiped. Specifically. Some have tried a different way and it didn't go well. There are many trying their own methods today, and it will not go well. Singing can be an issue, so let's look at that...
    11 February 2018, 5:59 pm
  • 17 minutes 2 seconds
    Almost Persuaded
    "Almost" is a conditional phrase that allows us to think that just being close is worth something. A miss is a miss. A loss is a loss. One point, one inch, one second, it all means you didn't achieve and you failed. On that day, close is but to lose, everything being lost.
    21 January 2018, 5:59 pm
  • 19 minutes 21 seconds
    Have Thine Own Way
    Our Master and Lord, Creator and Savior, have our life in the hands of the Potter, making us by His will in only the best way possible. Are we satisfied? Can we be content with His will for us? Acceptance has eternal possibilities for us.
    14 January 2018, 5:56 pm
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