
Joe (Shloppy Joe), Alex (Brain Smoothie), and Andrew (Mr Killzalott)

A gaming and tech podcast from the eyes of a few quirky teens.

  • 3.7.06

    Hey everybody, we're hoping to get our first actual podcast out this weekend, so sit tight. Also, if you registered to our podcast in the music store (all 4 of you, haha) the album art for Gamercast isnt working right now due to some laggy servers on Apples part, but hey, Apple still rocks.

    Just some insight on future plans for Gamercast;
    -Shownotes with every episode available none other than here
    -Some guest appearences (live, in house) or phone recordings through Skype (
    -Possibly a featured music section and a featured movie section, each about 5 minutes each (Gamecast minis) that will be available on there own, about 5 minutes each, and will be released when each podcast is released on the same feed.
    -a new episode possibly every monday (record on friday or saturday, edit, post)
    -and probably some other stuff.

    7 March 2006, 9:44 pm
  • We are now in the iTunes Directory! & fix for RSS test

    w00t w00t.

    iTunes has to be pretty stupid to acept us, the rss link we gave them didnt work and on top of it we really have no videos ready yet, but im psyced. haha.

    Now, onto the second, and hopefully working rss video test Here
    (thanks to for the sicknasty free file hosting.)

    And, news for out song intro: Brad Sucks ( may let us use one of his songs. Shibby!

    Thats all for now folks,
    Joe out.
    6 March 2006, 11:24 pm
  • Test RSS Video up(edited)
    Test video of Gamercast logo RSS up, download it //here// (crosses fingers)

    Edit (Joe 3.6.06): link taken down on the count of it didnt work haha. try 2 coming up next.
    5 March 2006, 11:00 pm
  • First Post!
    Joe here, setting up the RSS feed and blog, a new audio and video podcast about games and tech from the eyes of a few teenagers.
    1 March 2006, 12:14 am
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