CalCast - Create International Podcast

Cal & Carol Podcast Hosts

Are you tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News and the Gospel Gadget Podcasts, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won't hear this on CNN!

  • 16 minutes 2 seconds
    Episode 253: God Network News - Epi#253 - “I See Red, Media impacting the Tem”

    In this episode, we highlight the impact of indigenous media on the Tem people of Togo, where Create International teams are equipping local believers to produce their own culturally relevant gospel films using inexpensive film production equipment. This approach empowers local believers to share the message of Jesus in a way that resonates deeply within their communities. Through these stories, we see how indigenous media can be a powerful tool for discipleship and church planting among the Unreached.

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    3 March 2025, 3:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 51 seconds
    Episode 252: God Network News -Epi#252 - “How Media Fuels Church Planting Movements”

    In this episode, we explore the concept of movements and how they function in spreading the Gospel. We highlight real-life examples from the Bhojpuri people of India, where Create International teams are equipping the movement leaders to produce their own culturally relevant gospel films using only their smartphones. This approach empowers local believers to share the message of Jesus in a way that resonates deeply within their communities. Through these stories, we see how indigenous media can be a powerful tool for discipleship and church planting among the Unreached.

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    24 February 2025, 3:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 31 seconds
    Episode 251: God Network News - Epi#251 - “How Media Fuels Church Planting Movements”

    In this episode, we explore the concept of movements and how they function in spreading the Gospel. We highlight real-life examples from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), where Create International teams are equipping the Rakhine and Rohingya people to produce their own culturally relevant gospel films using only their smartphones. This approach empowers local believers to share the message of Jesus in a way that resonates deeply within their communities. Through these stories, we see how indigenous media can be a powerful tool for discipleship and church planting among the Unreached.

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    17 February 2025, 3:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 56 seconds
    Episode 250: God Network News, Epi#250 - “How Media Fuels Church Planting Movements”

    In this episode, we explore the concept of movements and how they function in spreading the Gospel. We highlight real-life examples from Malawi, where Create International teams are equipping the Yao people to produce their own culturally relevant gospel films using only their smartphones. This approach empowers local believers to share the message of Jesus in a way that resonates deeply within their communities. Through these stories, we see how indigenous media can be a powerful tool for discipleship and church planting among the Unreached.

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    10 February 2025, 3:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 15 seconds
    Episode 249: God Network News - Epi#249 - “How Media Fuels Church Planting Movements”

    In this episode, we explore the concept of movements and how they function in spreading the Gospel. We highlight real-life examples from Malawi, where Create International teams are equipping the Yao people to produce their own culturally relevant gospel films using only their smartphones. This approach empowers local believers to share the message of Jesus in a way that resonates deeply within their communities. Through these stories, we see how indigenous media can be a powerful tool for discipleship and church planting among the Unreached.

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    3 February 2025, 3:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 248: God Network News - Epi# 248 - Bridges to the Bimanese

    In this episode, “Bridges to the Bimanese”,  sister Pam a church planter shares her struggles, growth and eventual success as a church planter in this very unreached people group. The Bimanese people are an ethnic group from the eastern part of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. They have a rich cultural heritage, and their traditional language, Bima or Nggahi Mbojo, plays an important role in their daily lives. However, the majority of Bimanese people follow Islam, and there are relatively few Christians among them. Discipling the Bimanese involves understanding their culture, language, and religious context, while also finding ways to share the gospel in a manner that resonates with their worldview. Sister Pam believes that media will play a strategic roll in reaching this very unreached people group.

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    2 December 2024, 9:53 am
  • 41 minutes 15 seconds
    Episode 82: Gospel Gadget Podcast - Epi #82 - Media that is Transforming Nations

    In this episode, “Media that is Transforming Nations", Calvin and Carol tell us how Smartphone Filmmaking training is equipping church planting movement leaders to multiply their evangelism and discipleship efforts, and how they plan to implement these new skills in their team's work among the Unreached. Calvin and Carol share with us how media and technology is accelerating the continued multiplication of believers and house churches among hundreds of Unreached peoples groups. They share inspiring stories of how they are seeing fruit coming from the use of smartphone filmmaking and solar powered audio Bible players. Catch this amazing couples excitement and enthusiasm for Jesus and the miracles that he is doing in towns and villages around the world. If you want to know what God is doing in the least reached places of the world, you must hear these stories!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    5 November 2024, 2:21 am
  • 7 minutes 16 seconds
    Episode 81: Gospel Gadget Podcast - Epi#81 - Kulumi Audio Bibles for the Unreached

    In this episode, “Kulumi Audio Bibles for the Unreached", brothers Clive tells us how solar powered audio Bibles are transforming the landscape of missions among the least reached people of the world. He shares with us how this technology is accelerating the continued multiplication of believers and house churches among many Unreached peoples groups. He tells stories of how they are seeing fruit coming from the use of these devises especially among those who cannot read or write. Catch his excitement and enthusiasm for Jesus and the miracles that he is doing in rural and urban areas around the unevangelised world. If you want to know what God is doing in through technology today, you must hear these stories!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    28 October 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode 247: God Network News #247 - Miraculous Movements in Nepal, pt3

    In this episode, “Miraculous Movements in Nepal, pt3”, brother Aashish a movement leader in Nepal shares his struggles, growth and eventual success as a church planter in this very unreached country. For Aashish success in God’s kingdom is not measured by numbers; but instead by obedience to Jesus. He tells some of these stories of radical obedience and how this resulted in multiplying fellowships of new believers many generations deep. It was when he followed the voice of the Lord in incredible detail, that God did miracles that brought the breakthrough seeing many thousands of new believers from a Buddhist background into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Get ready to be inspired!

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    2 September 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 12 seconds
    Episode 246: God Network News #246 - Miraculous Movements in Nepal, pt2

    In this episode, “Miraculous Movements in Nepal, pt2”, brother Aashish a movement leader in Nepal shares his struggles, growth and eventual success as a church planter in this very unreached country. For Aashish success in God’s kingdom is not measured by numbers; but instead by obedience to Jesus. He tells some of these stories of radical obedience and how this resulted in multiplying fellowships of new believers many generations deep. It was when he followed the voice of the Lord in incredible detail, that God did miracles that brought the breakthrough seeing many thousands of new believers from a Buddhist background into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Get ready to be inspired!

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    19 August 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 245: God Network News #245 - Miraculous Movements in Nepal, pt.1

    In this episode, “Miraculous Movements in Nepal, pt.1”, brother Aashish a movement leader in Nepal shares his struggles, growth and eventual success as a church planter in this very unreached country. For Aashish success in God’s kingdom is not measured by numbers; but instead by obedience to Jesus. He tells some of these stories of radical obedience and how this resulted in multiplying fellowships of new believers many generations deep. It was when he followed the voice of the Lord in incredible detail, that God did miracles that brought the breakthrough seeing many thousands of new believers from a Buddhist background into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Get ready to be inspired!

    The Lord is moving around the world in unprecedented ways to bring in the end time harvest! We aren’t simply witnessing a good strategy in missions; we are witnessing a sovereign move of God to reach those who have never heard of him before. Listen and be blessed!

    VisIt our website at:

    If you are a regular listener please consider donating to help us continue providing these incredible true stories fresh from the field. Donate by PayPal at: Or consider becoming a Patreon Partner by joining at: Join to gain access to more valuable resources for mobilization and mission to Unreached Peoples.

    5 August 2024, 2:00 pm
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