
Steve Cody and Ted Birkhahn

Two PR men's take on the importance of a good reputation in a world gone mad.

  • Would you turn down a job in this market?

    That’s the question I batter around with Repchatter Co-Host Ted “Ludacris” Birkhahn, Alicia “Captain of the Peppercom Interns” Wells and seven, count ‘em seven, current Peppercom interns. You’ll hear our interns wax poetic on whether a job, any job at all, trumps being unemployed or whether holding out for one’s dream job is the way to go. You’ll also hear Eric the Intern answer each and every question by saying, “Well, it depends upon the situation.”




    21 July 2010, 1:25 pm
  • RepChatter # 68

    Steve “RepMan” Cody and Ted “Ludacris” Birkhahn interview Andy Sullivan, public relations manager for Andy is one of the Tea Party’s 365 founding members. To say that Tea Party members are outspoken is like saying the Rolling Stones occasionally tore up hotel rooms in their heyday. So tune in to hear this ‘friendly’ conversation that covers topics including Fox News’ ‘fair and balanced’ reporting, the demographic makeup of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin’s potential 2012 run for office. 

    Download RepChatter #68

    26 April 2010, 4:05 pm
  • RepChatter #67

    Toyota: The Road to Brand Reputation Recovery

    Toyota’s reputation has been placed under the microscope over the past few months in light of recent safety issues. This installment of RepChatter features a discussion with Benjamin M. Cole, an assistant professor of management at Fordham. Professor Cole. Cole is a corporate strategy and international business expert and worked for Toyota in Tokyo as a corporate representative. Check out this installment of RepChatter for a “behind the scenes” perspective on various aspects of Toyota’s corporate culture and how it drives the company’s behavior.  

    Download Toyota Podcast

    11 March 2010, 8:12 pm
  • RepChatter #66

    Are You Smarter Than a 7th Grader?

    Want to know the top technology trends for 2010 and beyond?  Think you have your finger on what’s next for consumer electronics?  Is social networking as we know it on its way out? Marketers today are struggling with these questions, but for true insider answers, we tried asking a 7thGrader. Jack DeFuria, 7th grader from Long Island, self-proclaimed techie and author of a recent article on tech trends ( sat down with the RepChatter gang to dish what’s hot and what’s not.


    Listen as Jack schools Steve and Maggie (guest host) on what’s next when it comes to technology, what is keeping his generation entertained and insights from the next generation of Steve Jobs’.

    Download Jack DeFuria

    11 March 2010, 7:58 pm
  • RepChatter #65

    Most organizations would kill for a loyal customer base. Yet, many customers aren't worth having. Listen to Steve and Ted's conversation with Professor Lerzan Aksoy of Fordham Business School to find out why.

    Download RepChatter - #65

    31 July 2009, 5:34 pm
  • RepChatter #64

    "Better. Faster. Cheaper." That's what top industry search consultant Joanne Davis says clients expect more than ever from their agency partners. Click hear to listen to the rest of Ted and Steve's most excellent conversation with Joanne.

    Download RepChatter #64
    24 July 2009, 6:26 pm
  • RepChatter #63
    Why are we becoming a more violent society? What role is the media playing in our becoming more violent? And what can we do to possibly turn things around? Jack Levin, professor of sociology and criminology and co-director of the Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict at Northeastern University is our special RepChatter guest. Dr. Levin is a world renowned expert in the criminal justice field and routinely appears on every major media outlet to discuss everything from school shootings and serial killers to gang violence and kidnappings. 
    Listen as Steve and Ted discuss murder, mayhem and media with Dr. Levin.
    To play the show, click the blue arrow icon below. To save to iTunes or other mp3 software, right click the link and "save target as."
    Download RepChatter - Murder Mayhem #63
    27 May 2009, 6:55 pm
  • RepChatter #62

    Is an MBA still a smart investment in the midst of a global recession? Were MBA graduates in some small way part of the cause of the economic meltdown? Steve and Ted discuss these and other weighty image and reputation issues facing business schools with Rocki-Lee DeWitt, dean of the undergraduate and graduate business schools at the University of Vermont."

    To play the show, click the blue arrow icon below. To save to iTunes or other mp3 software, right click the link and "save target as."
    TOTAL LENGTH: 22:57 Download RepChatter #62
    28 April 2009, 4:02 pm
  • RepChatter #61

    In one of the worst job markets since the 1930s, it’s more important than ever that entry-level job seekers differentiate themselves amongst the competition to land their first gig.  Steve wrote about a student who is doing it right in a recent post, and last week he, Ted and Peppercom internship coordinator Alicia Wells talked to some college seniors and recent grads about job hunting strategies, personal branding and how to stand out as ideal entry-level candidates.  Peppercom interns Tom Showalter, Elle Kross and Amelia Denson, as well as seniors Meredith Hutchins of the College of Charleston, Katie Green of Syracuse University and Jessica Slevin of University of Georgia share their experiences and insights on how they’re overcoming the challenges of a particularly brutal job market. Please add your thoughts. We want to help everyone get through this, so share tips, advice, or disagree with what we've said.

    To play the show, click the blue arrow icon below. To save to iTunes or other mp3 software, right click the link and "save target as."
    TOTAL LENGTH: 20:30 Download RepChatter College Seniors
    30 March 2009, 3:24 pm
  • RepChatter #60

    Bullies. We grew up knowing some. We've worked for some and now, in the digital age, we experience encounters with all sorts of virtual bullies. Bullies prey on the weak because they can. In the physical world, one is encouraged to stand up to bullies because, conventional wisdom holds, bullies are really babies. But, how does one stand up to a bully in the blogosphere where they can hit and run without being identified? And, should one stand up to a virtual bully at all? Does escalating a discussion with a bully benefit no one but the bully him/herself? Also, how do we balance the positives (freedom to speak one’s mind) and negatives (ability to attack and spread unsubstantiated rumor) of online anonymity?

    Steve is joined by Peppercom's own Sam Ford and special guest Dan Gillmor, the director of the Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.

    To play the show now, click the blue arrow icon below. To save to iTunes or other Mp3 software, right click the link and "save target as."

    TOTAL LENGTH: 21:08 Download RepChatter Anonymity

    20 February 2009, 5:04 pm
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