Sox and Sandals Podcast

Emmanuel Williams

This podcast exists to create dialogue among people with various worldviews. Our faith, religion, political stance, etc are things in society that we easily allow to drive us apart. Trust me, Sox and Sandals is all for a good debate every now and then, but there comes a time when we have to put ego aside and allow the individual define who they are, and for subject matter experts to be given the room to speak on the subject at hand. We ascribe to so many labels now days that we think we know who someone is or what they're about before they even put two sentences together. I believe that if we take the time to understand each other's worldview we can achieve meaningful change that will set up the next generation for true long lasting success. Here at Sox & Sandals compassion is key, love is the ultimate ethic, and everything thing we do is for the greater good of society.

  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    Ep. 190 - Farewell
    This is it! The time has come to bring the Sox and Sandals Podcast to a close. With mixed emotions, I elaborate on the six-year journey of personal, spiritual, and entrepreneurial growth. To all my guests and listeners that have turned into friends and family, I am eternally grateful for your many contributions that have inspired me to keep going and keep creating. Huge shout out to my key collaborators/influencers -- Jesse Brown, Maundo, Tevin, Oba, Paul Henry Grice III, and Devon. We did some good work ya'll. Farewell for now...
    7 March 2023, 12:00 am
  • 42 minutes 43 seconds
    Ep. 189 - Anti-Black Hate Crime Cover-up
    Ep. 189 - Anti-Black Hate Crime Cover-up by Emmanuel Williams
    28 February 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 42 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep. 188 - Breaking News: Winning Coach Takes a New Job
    On this episode I cover the backlash that Coach Deion Sanders is receiving from the Black Community for taking a job with The University of Colorado after winning back to back conference championships with Jackson State
    5 December 2022, 12:00 am
  • 15 minutes 52 seconds
    Ep. 187 - Humanity is Overrated
    It's election season! It's time to vote for the people that tell us what we want to hear! It's time to put our trust in new people because the people we trusted 4 years ago, well... They're just like everyone else that let us down in the past, right? Oh yeah, and Ye is in his rant bag once again, so there's that too.
    17 October 2022, 12:00 am
  • 28 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep. 186 - Who Matters?
    On this episode I discuss the conundrum of the "White Lives Matter" fiasco of Candace Owens and Kanye West while contrasting it with what has happened with the Black Lives Matter foundation.
    4 October 2022, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Ep. 185 - Tales from the Crypto | Sea Will
    On this episode I sit down and discuss all things crypto with crypto educator and Algorand Ambassador, Sea Will. He graciously explains the world of crypto, blockchain technology, the reasons why many exchanges went bankrupt in 2022, & more. Follow Sea Will
    16 August 2022, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Ep. 184 - I'm Not You! World-Class Sports Motivation | @NiyiSobo
    On this episode I am joined by Niyi Sobomehein. He is the creator of the Sports Motivation podcast, Get ya Mind Right podcast,, etc... When I say World-Class?! I kid you not! Niyi has been a Mindset coach for athletes and entrepreneurs for quite some time. He shares is "I'm not You" philosophy on the Sports Motivation podcast and offers intense, hi-level mindset coaching through his Killer Instinct program. Do yourself a favor and subscribe to the Sports Motivation podcast and follow @Niyisobo on YouTube and IG.
    2 August 2022, 12:00 am
  • 35 minutes 29 seconds
    Attachements pt. 3 - Fanaticism
    Are you using knowledge or is knowledge using you? Using the Five Levels of Attachment for the backdrop of this series, I discuss how these attachments distort our reality. 1. The Authentic Self 2. Preference 3. Identity 4. Internalization 5. Fanaticism Level 5 - Fanaticism: At this level... "My knowledge controls my every action." Fanaticism: a rigid attachment to knowledge with an obsessive intolerance of opposing views. It is driven by the need to believe in something 100% even though that something’s meaning is dependent on the agreement of others. Anything that contradicts or puts into question the sustainability of the belief is a direct threat, and the fanatic will believe the threat at any cost… Prejudice, intolerance, and violence are the instruments by which the beliefs are imposed onto the dream of the planet. The driving force behind fanaticism is not hate or anger, but rather an extreme form of conditional love for self and others. This is how any beautiful belief in the world can become lost in corruption, as knowledge controls a persons will for the sake of its own existence. Fanaticism is the complete loss of respect for another living being. When we no longer see an individual as a living being, and instead only an idea or a number. The image of oneself can become so distorted that one’s own perception of their own humanity becomes lost. There is no awareness that a line has been crossed, only an illusion remains.
    27 July 2022, 12:00 am
  • 34 minutes 45 seconds
    Attachments pt. 2 - Internalization
    Are you using knowledge or is knowledge using you? Using the Five Levels of Attachment for the backdrop of this series, I discuss how these attachments distort our reality. 1. The Authentic Self 2. Preference 3. Identity 4. Internalization 5. Fanaticism Level 4 - Internalization: At this stage... "my identity in the form of my knowledge gives me the rules and guidelines by which I live my life." Internalization describes a degree of attachment to knowledge where our identity becomes the model in which we accept ourselves. This is domestication through attachment. At this level our narrators have begun to set the conditions by which we domesticate our identity. They measure our acceptance and rejection of ourselves and others based on the beliefs we use to construct the mask of our identity. We will distort the information we receive to reinforce the conditions of which we expect from life. The narrators also serve our need to validate who we are in our personal dream, as well as the face we present to the world . Our knowledge is corrupted. Our sense of self is the personification of our beliefs and our will is subjugated by the need to fit in with the dream.. Thus our mask may not necessarily be in the form of our passion, but we will wear whatever mask we think we need to be accepted. At this point we’ve lost our sense of respect for self and others, and conditional love is all we know.
    26 July 2022, 12:00 am
  • 26 minutes 34 seconds
    Attachments pt. 1 - Identity (Pro-Blackness)
    Are you using knowledge or is knowledge using you? Using the Five Levels of Attachment for the backdrop of this series, I discuss how these attachments distort our reality. 1. The Authentic Self 2. Preference 3. Identity 4. Internalization 5. Fanaticism Level 3 - Identity I identify myself with my knowledge although I use it to see and understand the world. When it comes to understanding ourselves our identity is a symbol that can be wrapped up in an expression of our knowledge.. From the stance of knowledge identity is the grounding sense of self that allows us to have our place in the dream of the planet. It gives us the point of reference from which we identify and engage with one another. But this identity is a mask that blurs our awareness of the authentic self… An attachment at this level occurs when we identify ourselves with our knowledge.
    25 July 2022, 12:00 am
  • 57 minutes 24 seconds
    Ep. 183 - Black Flame | Emanuel Solomon
    On this episode I speak with Emanuel Solomon. Founder of Black Flame Yoga. Author of Navigating Whiteness. Creator of Cultural Emotional Intelligence. Go to and check out his work.
    28 June 2022, 12:00 am
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