Orthodox Conundrum: Challenges in Jewish Orthodoxy

Orthodox Conundrum: Challenges in Jewish Orthodoxy

The Orthodox Conundrum is a forum in which we look honestly at the Orthodox Jewish community, identifying what works well and what does not, so that, through an honest accounting, we can find solutions that will be successful. We will examine some of the major issues that affect the Orthodox world, without exaggeration, whitewashing, or pretending that they don’t exist. Our hope is that the Orthodox Conundrum will spark wider discussion that will enable Orthodox Judaism to continue moving forward in the areas at which it excels, and to rectify the areas that need improvement.

  • 1 hour 14 seconds
    Biblical Criticism, Academic Bible Study, and Orthodox Judaism with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman (CLASSIC EPISODE)

    As we complete our seventh season of the Orthodox Conundrum, we're pleased to present a classic episode from three years ago, in which Professor Joshua Berman of Bar Ilan University discusses academic Bible study, Biblical criticism, and Orthodox Judaism. It was a very interesting episode, which raised crucial questions that Orthodox Jews need to confront, as well as suggestions of how we should do so effectively. Because we soon complete the annual cycle of Torah readings and begin again in less than two weeks with parashat Bereshit, this is an excellent opportunity to revisit this crucial issue. 

    Some of the most serious challenges to traditional Orthodox faith come from academic approaches to the Bible, including what is generally termed Biblical criticism. The Rambam formulated thirteen principles of faith; his eighth principle is succinctly (though inexactly) summarized in the well known Ani Maamin, which reads: I believe with perfect faith that the entire Torah found currently in our possession is that which was given to Moshe our teacher. And while this is far from a perfect summary of the actual words of the Rambam, it’s close enough to give anyone who has familiarity with both lower and higher Biblical criticism pause.

    How should a religious Jew relate to academic study of theTorah and the challenges it presents? Are we forced to live with the questions, or are there compelling approaches which defend the traditional view while also being acceptable in the academy? Should a person stay away from these questions, or is the search for truth paramount, even as it may be dangerous? To answer these and other questions, Scott spoke with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman, Professor of Tanach at Bar Ilan University.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

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    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    14 October 2024, 12:00 am
  • 48 minutes 53 seconds
    The Day That Never Ended... And What We Can Learn From It, with Rav Chayim Soloveichik (223)

    "Today marks one year since one of the worst days of all of our lives, October 7th. I actually was unsure of how to record an appropriate episode; what, exactly, could I add to the conversation? What is there to say that hasn’t yet been said? And how can I relate it to the season in which we find ourselves, right in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?"

    Fortunately, Scott was joined by the outstanding rav of his shul in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Rav Chayim Soloveichik, who provided insights and guidance as to how to think about this first anniversary of October 7th - even though, he acknowledges, October 7th never really ended. Rav Chayim discussed what he has learned from the events of the past year, the ways in which our liturgy during the Ten Days of Repentance is more relatable than ever before, approaches to divine providence and miracles (as well as their apparent absence), how to foster unity in the Jewish people, why the obvious importance of Torah study does not exempt the Chareidi world from serving in the Israeli army, whether there is hope for peace in the future, and more.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

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    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    7 October 2024, 2:35 pm
  • 49 minutes 19 seconds
    Gavriel Bloom z"l: A Hero in a Land of Heroes (222)

    Later this week we will celebrate Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Day of Remembrance, Yom HaZikaron. According to Chazal, Hashem (so to speak) remembers us on this day for the good… and we, too, should look at those people who set sterling examples for us over the past year, and try to learn from their deeply meaningful lives. One of those people whose life was exemplary was Gavriel Bloom, zichrono livracha. 

    Gavriel was killed on January 8th during a mission in central Gaza. He was the second of David and Jennifer Bloom’s six children. 

    David wrote up a series of remembrances and lessons that we all can learn from Gavriel’s life. This episode begins with David's reading the words that he composed. After that, David and Scott have a conversation about Gavriel. They also delve into some serious and painful social topics, such as the general ultra-Orthodox refusal to serve in the IDF, as well as other very troubling trends involving common Chareidi attitudes towards the people of Israel as a whole.

    Rosh Hashanah is a time to reflect on the past year - which has unquestionably been one of the most fraught and difficult years that many of us have ever experienced. We are honored that David was generous enough to share his thoughts and memories of Gavriel with us. There could not be a more meaningful way to go into this coming Rosh Hashanah.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Thanks to all of our Patreon subscribers, who have access to bonus JCH podcasts, merch, and more - we appreciate your help, and hope you really enjoy the extras! Visit the JCH Patreon site at https://www.patreon.com/jewishcoffeehouse.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    30 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Reorganizing the Letters of Reality: A Mystical and Chassidic Approach to Prayer, with Rabbi Dovid'l Weinberg (221)

    One of the beautiful aspects of Torah Judaism is its insistence on eilu v’eilu divrei Elokim chayim - that two different and even potentially contradictory approaches can both represent the words of the living God. Opening our minds to differing ways of seeing Torah - that, in the words of many ancient texts, there are seventy facets to the Torah, and accordingly endless ways of explaining its ideas - is not merely a theological truth, but also a mandate. By accepting that, in the words of Rav Soloveitchik, “The white light of divinity is always refracted through reality’s ‘dome of many-colored glass,’” we demonstrate the greatness of Torah. In contrast, when we insist that there is only one appropriate way to understand Judaism, we make Torah, Judaism, and even God smaller than they really are.

    Last week, Scott was honored to interview Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, Dean of the London School of Jewish Studies, to discuss what happens when we pray. The conversation was fascinating and inspiring, and many people reached out to complement Rabbi Zarum on his meaningful and clear presentation.

    With that in mind, we were excited to record a follow-up episode that offers a different perspective on Jewish prayer. Rabbi Zarum's approach broadly fits within the rationalist tradition of Judaism; his theology is clearly and openly influenced by Maimonides. Scott's guest today, Rabbi Dovid’l Weinberg, has a more mystical, Kabbalistic, and Chassidic point of view. Dovid’l talked about many aspects of prayer, including the fascinating idea that just as God used, according to the Kabbalists, the Hebrew letters in order to create and sustain the universe, those who really know how to pray correctly use those same letters to reorganize the world into something different. That was only one idea among the many concepts, both theoretical and extremely personal, that Dovid’l presented.

    We hope that by learning about two different yet complementary approaches to tefilah, you will gain a greater appreciation for what prayer is and can be, and perhaps even start to develop your own unique approach that offers you even greater spiritual sustenance.

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    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

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    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    22 September 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    How Does Prayer Work? A Rationalist Approach to Tefilah, or What Larry David Got Wrong (220)

    We stand in the middle of the month of Elul, and are moving quickly towards Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - days largely spent in the synagogue in prayer. Throughout those days as well as the rest of the Ten Days of Repentance, we ask that God grant us a year of life, goodness, and peace. While we have so much to be thankful for, we may be forgiven for looking at the past year - and the prayers we offered last Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - and wondering if our prayers failed. We may even wonder what the point of the entire exercise was.

    Put starkly: does prayer work - and if it does, what does that mean?

    To understand the place of prayer in Jewish religious consciousness, Scott spoke to Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, who was a popular guest on this podcast right before Pesach. They talked about the definition of prayer, whether it can actually change God’s mind, what it means for a prayer to be successful, why praying for someone else is important, the ways that prayer can teach us about Jewish theology, how prayer can support faith, and more. They even analyzed a scene from the comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm which attacks the very idea of praying for another person, and talked about the response to Larry David’s criticisms of the institution of prayer.

    Rabbi Zarum’s approach is Maimonidean and rationalist, though he is quick to acknowledge the place of mystical thought and emotions in his own spiritual life. This is a specific approach to prayer, though certainly not the only one; we hope and anticipate that you will find it interesting, important, and inspiring.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

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    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    16 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 51 minutes 4 seconds
    "The Gamblification of Everything" - Gambling, Orthodox Jewish Adolescents, and the Big Problem That's Getting Worse (219)

    Many people often talk about addiction and dependence; and in doing so, they may use those terms inexactly. When it comes to gambling, however, those words are, unfortunately, correct. Problem gambling is a growing problem in the United States - particularly online gambling, which has been growing exponentially since the Supreme Court decided, in 2018, that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act violated the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution. This in turn meant that states, rather than the federal government, would determine whether online sports betting would be legal. Since then, 38 states and the District of Columbia have legalized some form of sports betting, and 30 of those states permit online betting. 

    Naturally, there has been an explosion in the amount of money wagered online. According to Forbes, $119.84 billion was spent on sports betting in the United States in 2023, a 27.5% increase from 2022.

    And this is often not innocuous fun. This past February, the Wall Street Journal posted an article by Katherine Sayre entitled, “A Psychiatrist Tried to Quit Gambling. Betting Apps Kept Her Hooked.” The article told the story of Dr. Kavita Fischer, a former high school valedictorian who recently lost half a million dollars in online betting apps. At one point she even made it all back, going from $750 to $500,000 over six days… and even though logically she knew that she should have stopped then to pay off her massive debts, she simply couldn’t; a day later she had lost almost all of it again. In her words, “There was just something in my brain that made me keep going.” Even more problematic is that the online betting app that she used would entice her to keep going by giving bonus money in order to get her back in when she was on a losing streak. Again in her words, “I would have stopped a long time ago. Those VIP bonuses would get me back in.”

    The Orthodox world is far from immune to the problems of extreme gambling. In fact, according to Dr. Rivka Schwartz, a higher percentage of Modern Orthodox adolescents gamble than their age equivalents in the general population.

    We are generally ignoring a problem that is going to grow significantly bigger in the near future, and Scott was honored to speak to Dr. Schwartz to learn more. They talked about the difference between gambling dependence and the so-called addiction to porn or the internet, the history of gambling in the United States and what has changed in the recent past, the data she has accumulated regarding Modern Orthodox high school students and gambling, the problems that parents and educators have in explaining why this is a potential problem, what can be done if someone has a gambling problem and how to determine if someone has developed a gambling addiction, and much more.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Thanks to all of our Patreon subscribers, who have access to bonus JCH podcasts, merch, and more - we appreciate your help, and hope you really enjoy the extras! Visit the JCH Patreon site at https://www.patreon.com/jewishcoffeehouse.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    9 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Teaching Our Students to be Zionists Rather than "Pro-Israel": A Conversation with Dr. Noam Weissman (218)

    Scott recorded this interview with Dr. Noam Weissman on Monday afternoon, the day after we learned about the terrible execution of six hostages soon before they were discovered by the IDF, presumably in order to make sure that they did not make it back home alive. And today, Hamas continued its psychological torture by saying that it will release video of these six victims. The pure, unbridled evil implicit in these acts and so many others is a reminder of the existential battle that Israel is involved in every day against not just an enemy, but an enemy that advocates the elimination of the State of Israel and the extermination of its Jewish population.

    Alongside this we continue to experience the terrible disconnect that comes from seeing the way that Israel is often treated in standard media, the denunciations of Israel across social media, and the protests denouncing Israel and supporting Hezbollah and Hamas taking place throughout the globe. The side-by-side comparison of our experience as supporters of Israel who are collectively in a type of mourning, and the demonization of Israel as a genocidal state that is the epitome of evil, makes the enterprise of Israel education in our schools more important than ever before.

    In order to discuss how our schools should be approaching Israel education, Scott was honored to speak with Dr. Noam Weissman. Noam offered some truly fascinating insights into the ways that we should and should not teach about Israel, as well as the consequences of avoiding Israel education altogether. It was an enlightening and entertaining talk, and it may forever change the way you view Israel education.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Thanks to all of our Patreon subscribers, who have access to bonus JCH podcasts, merch, and more - we appreciate your help, and hope you really enjoy the extras! Visit the JCH Patreon site at https://www.patreon.com/jewishcoffeehouse.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    3 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    The Ongoing War, and a Potential Mental Health Crisis in Israel and the Diaspora (217)

    This podcast is being released less than a day after the Israeli army preemptively struck thousands of Hezbollah rocket launchers in Lebanon, doing so just fifteen minutes before those launchers were supposed to fire hundreds of missiles into northern and central Israel.

    Thank God that as of now, Israel clearly won this exchange. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but for now we can breathe just a bit easier than we did when we first heard the news early this morning.

    This event, like many others before it, highlights the reality that Israel is a nation that has been experiencing a kind of collective and individual trauma ever since October 7th; and Jews across the world, both because of the rise in antisemitism and because of their deep concern about what’s happening in Israel, have experienced very real trauma, as well.

    Trauma is not itself a type of mental illness, but it can lead to mental illness - and Jews in general, and Israelis in particular, are at risk of developing PTSD and other mental illnesses as a response to the events of the past year. Many people run the risk of experiencing suicidal ideation, depression, and more - and we need to determine if the medical community has the resources necessary to deal with a potential mental health crisis. Moreover, this also raises important and unavoidable halachic and hashkafic questions for those who diligently follow Jewish law.

    In order to talk about mental health, including what factors make it a potential crisis, the definition of trauma and PTSD, whether suicide has been on the rise, if any issues are being hidden from the public, the meaning of post traumatic growth, how we can best prevent trauma from blossoming into mental illness, the problem of stigma, and what to do if you suspect that a friend is suffering from mental illness, Scott spoke with Gila Tolub, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of ICAR Collective. Afterwards he had a conversation with Rav Yoni Rosensweig, the founder of Maaglei Nefesh Center for Halacha, Community and Mental Health, about some of the halachic and hashkafic issues that have arisen in the realm of mental health, as a direct consequence of October 7th and the war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Iran’s other proxies.

    The interview with Gila Tolub begins at 3:42.

    The interview with Rav Yoni Rosensweig begins at 52:48.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Thanks to all of our Patreon subscribers, who have access to bonus JCH podcasts, merch, and more - we appreciate your help, and hope you really enjoy the extras! Visit the JCH Patreon site at https://www.patreon.com/jewishcoffeehouse.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    26 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 55 minutes 31 seconds
    Is Israel a Light Unto the Nations... And Should It Even Bother Trying? A Conversation with Yossi Klein Halevi (216)

    The October 7th massacre, and the subsequent war against Hamas, other Iranian proxies like Hezbollah and the Houthis, and Iran itself, have caused many people throughout the Jewish world to reconsider what Israel means to them, and what kind of society Israel should create. Many continually return to the idea that Israel should be a light unto the nations, an Ohr laGoyim, or a Medinah l’Mofet, an exemplary nation and society. Although, given the rampant anti-Israel and antisemitic attitudes that pervade societies across the globe, it is unlikely that many plan on using Israel as a model for their own behavior, we still have a responsibility to do so for ourselves - so that even if other people despise us, we are confident that we are creating the most ethical and moral country on earth.

    Yossi Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, recently composed an article for the Wall Street Journal which offers a somewhat different perspective. The article concludes by arguing that rather than concentrating on being a light to the nations, “For now, in this summer of dread, the urgent question for Israelis is how to be a light to ourselves.” In other words, we need to concentrate primarily on healing the schisms and problems within our own society; if we believe that being a light to the nations is not a goal, but an extant reality, then we are lost.

    Yossi's opinions about how Israel should move forward are simultaneously disturbing and hopeful - the hallmark, that is, of deep thinking that both acknowledges the reality that we face, and the miraculous and unpredictable presence of God. Join Scott and Yossi for a timely and thought-provoking conversation that all Jews - in Israel and elsewhere - need to hear.

    Nishmat, the Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women, is back with its new semester of Online Beit Midrash learning, starting September 8. Study Talmud, Tanach, Halacha and more with some of the best Torah teachers in Jerusalem - all from the comfort of your home. Classes are open to women of all learning backgrounds. For a full class schedule and registration, go to: https://2ly.link/1zHAZ

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    19 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Tisha B'Av and Bad Theology: A New View of Megillat Eicha with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman (CLASSIC EPISODE)

    “What does Eichah have in common with climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, Holocaust deniers and those that claim that the 2020 presidential elections were stolen?” Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman sent this to Scott, who was intrigued and immediately invited him back onto this podcast to discuss what he meant.

    More than anything else, we need a way to relate to Megillat Eicha in a world which seems so distant from that described in the book. And even the world described in Eicha is complicated; it’s often hard to make sense of exactly what is being said. There are different voices represented, and they often contradict each other, and themselves. The book seems to go back and forth between blaming the community for its own destruction, and saying that G-d went too far - and sometimes neither, just lamenting how terrible everything is. Maybe the real question is whether there is a theology of Eicha at all, or if it's a book with multiple theologies - some of which border on the heretical.

    Rabbi Berman developed a novel approach to Eicha, and his reading infuses it with new life. Rabbi Berman believes that Eicha was written to be performed like a play, as a dialogue between the prophet Yirmiyahu and Bat Tzion - a composite character who represents the different voices that were being expressed by the grief-stricken people after the Destruction. Rabbi Berman also sees Eicha as representing a type of therapy session between the author and the people, who need to face realities that they’re refusing to acknowledge even when those realities seem blindingly obvious. And crucially, Rabbi Berman sees Eicha as a corrective to common but shallow theology - a theology that, he believes, remains something that we believe until today.

    Ultimately, any deep understanding of Judaism and acknowledgement of G-d’s love for Israel isn’t complete without the splash of cold water that Eicha provides. It would be nice to advocate a Jewish theology that ignores the difficult parts of our relationship with Hashem; but it wouldn’t be honest or true. This conversation with Rabbi Berman will not only make Tisha B’Av more meaningful, but will also provide serious food for thought that we can take with us long after Tisha B’Av is over.

    Nishmat, the Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women, is back with its new semester of Online Beit Midrash learning, starting September 8. Study Talmud, Tanach, Halacha and more with some of the best Torah teachers in Jerusalem - all from the comfort of your home. Classes are open to women of all learning backgrounds. For a full class schedule and registration, go to: https://2ly.link/1zHAZ

    To order Rabbi Berman’s book on Eicha, go to https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/book-of-lamentations/5CE9A9C4A6B9159F1CACAE7055C35768?fbclid=IwAR0fU0sjtMUwmMT2o6kGQBche6DL4POuNi29jYYJVfwhDLNtT1mXqy5jw6g.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    11 August 2024, 11:22 am
  • 59 minutes 37 seconds
    Ikar HaDin, Chumra, and Minhag: The Phenomenon of Greater Stringency in the Orthodox World, with Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky (215)

    Sometimes it’s called a move to the right. Other times it is seen as a rejection of lax religiosity. Some people think of it as an admirable commitment to serving God as best as possible. Others decry it as representing an unacceptable change from traditional Jewish practice.

    All these and more are reactions to the unquestionably real phenomenon of greater stringency in the Orthodox world. Determining whether this is a positive or negative development, however, is not simple.

    Scott spoke with Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky in order to talk about the concept of chumrot, or stringencies; and Rav Karlinsky offered nuance where it is typically absent. He first insisted upon defining the terms, and understanding the various motivating factors that lead to chumrot. Together they analyzed when this movement should be seen as a positive development, and when and how it can be dangerous or counterproductive. Rav Karlinsky talked about specific categories of stringencies, such as chumrot that lead to leniencies elsewhere, strict behavior which completely misses the larger picture, and stringencies that can be ruinous - but he also discussed many places where chumra is not only welcome, but also an essential part of developing a sense of Ahavat Hashem, love of God. They also talked about minhagim - customs - and how they fit into the larger system of Jewish law, when they are essential and when they can potentially be problematic, and much more.

    Check out the Orthodox Conundrum Commentary on Substack and get your free subscription by going to https://scottkahn.substack.com/.

    Please listen to and share this podcast, and let us know what you think on the Orthodox Conundrum Discussion Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/432020081498108).

    Thanks to all of our Patreon subscribers, who have access to bonus JCH podcasts, merch, and more - we appreciate your help, and hope you really enjoy the extras! Visit the JCH Patreon site at https://www.patreon.com/jewishcoffeehouse.

    Check out https://jewishcoffeehouse.com/ for the Orthodox Conundrum and other great podcasts, and remember to subscribe to them on your favorite podcast provider. Also visit https://www.jchpodcasts.com/ to learn all about creating your own podcast.

    Music: "Happy Rock" by bensound.com

    5 August 2024, 12:00 am
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