United? We Pray

Isaac Adams

Taking churches' racial struggles to the throne: United? We Pray is a podcast about racial divisions in churches. Season 3 coming in January 2019, Lord Willing.

  • 41 minutes 28 seconds
    Biblical Theology: Wisdom Literature

    Adrianna Anderson is back once again as we wrap up our study through the Old Testament. Today we're looking at the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament. There is so much in here about how to live a righteous life, how to seek and acquire wisdom, and how to live at peace with our fellow believers. If we would pay more attention to this portion of Scripture, there is much for us to learn on how to disagree well. We hope you've enjoyed this series, but more than that, we hope you are spending time in God's word!


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    18 September 2024, 6:00 am
  • 33 minutes 21 seconds
    Political Myth: Christian Nationalism

    Dr. Paul D. Miller is a professor at Georgetown University's school of foreign service. He is a veteran, patriot, and author of The Religion of American Greatness: What's Wrong with Christian Nationalism (IVP: 2022). Dr. Miller joins Austin today to talk about Christian Nationalism - what it is, isn't, and what it gets wrong about both the church and the state. Many of us have loved ones who hold these views, and it is important for us to understand them in order to love them well. Dr. Miller is careful and fair in how he engages, and we hope this episode helps you. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. Dr. Miller's book is available here.
    3. If you missed our conversation with John Wilsey a few weeks ago, you can find it here.

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    11 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 13 seconds
    Political Myth: The Lost Cause

    Austin is joined today by Dr. Robert Elder, Associate Professor of American History at Baylor University. We're talking about the Lost Cause - the myth that the Confederacy was a noble institution and those who fought for it are worthy of our veneration. The truth is more complicated, as we discuss. Dr. Elder is a model of both clarity and charity in how he deals with this topic and shows how we can be both clear-minded about the past without wrongly celebrating things we should denounce. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can find Dr. Elder's books for sale here

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    4 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 35 minutes 24 seconds
    Political Virtues: Love

    In the final episode in this series on virtue, Kaitlyn Schiess joins us to think about the virtue of love, and how we as Christians can exercise this virtue in service of our neighbors. How can we love our neighbors with our politics? How can we cultivate the virtue of love in our hearts? How have we gotten this wrong in the past? What's the role of the local church in all of this? We discuss all of these questions and more, as Kaitlyn shares insights from her book, The Liturgy of Politics. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can find Kaitlyn's excellent book here

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    28 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 40 minutes 22 seconds
    Political Virtues: Hope

    Continuing our series on political virtues, Joshua Chatman joins Austin to talk about the Christian virtue of hope and the difference hope makes for our political engagement. Josh introduces several categories of hope which he and Austin then apply to political engagement. By being hopeful rather than fearful, Christians can stand out in this anxious generation. We hope you are encouraged. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. Learn more about Josh and his podcast here. 

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    21 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 31 minutes 8 seconds
    Political Virtues: Faith

    Pastor Steve Bateman hosted Austin and Isaac for a discussion on the political virtue of faith. Pastor Steve believes that despite the trouble regarding Christianity and politics, Christians should remain politically engaged. By exercising our faith and being reasonable (Philippians 4), we can bless our neighbors with our political engagement. Steve speaks about the fear and anxiety that so often dominate our political engagement and shows how Scripture gives us the answers to today's problems. We hope this episode encourages you in everyday faithfulness in the political realm. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can learn more about Steve Bateman and FBC Decatur here.
    3. Here is the article referenced in the episode on political virtue. 
    4. Here is Steve's article about discerning truth. 

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    14 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 32 seconds
    American Exceptionalism with John Wilsey

    Austin is joined today by Dr. John D. Wilsey, author of American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion: Reassessing the History of an Idea (IVP, 2015). Dr. Wilsey has much to teach us about history and how Americans have thought about themselves and their place in the world. While American Exceptionalism has sometimes referred to an imperialist mindset, Dr. Wilsey encourages us to lean into the legacy of people like Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and Dr. King who called us to live up to the ideals expressed in our nation's founding documents. We hope this episode encourages you toward greater love of God and neighbor. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can purchase Dr. Wilsey's excellent book here
    3. This is the recent article Austin referenced by Dr. Wilsey

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    7 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 29 minutes 4 seconds
    Political Convictions and Race with Justin Giboney

    Justin Giboney is a husband, father, attorney, ordained minister, and author. He is the co-founder & president of the & Campaign and host of the church politics podcast. He joins Austin and Isaac to talk about politics and race. Political convictions aren't the only things that divide Christians. We are still divided by ideas about race as well. Justin has much wisdom to share on both politics and race, and we are grateful he spent this time with us. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can learn more about Justin's ministry here or subscribe to his podcast here

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    30 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 26 minutes 34 seconds
    Political Idolatry: Do We Know it When We See it? With Derwin Gray

    Austin and Isaac are joined by Dr. Derwin Gray to discuss political idolatry in our churches. Dr. Gray is both a pastor and scholar. We wanted to hear from him about this difficult topic, and the fruit he's seeing from it in our churches. We discuss the different manifestations of political idolatry, its causes, and the terrible fruit it produces. Despite that, Dr. Gray is encouraged because Jesus is still building His Church. We hope you are encouraged to fight sin after hearing this. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can find Dr. Gray's books here

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    24 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 2 seconds
    Political Convictions: How We Hold Them

    Pastor Joshua Chatman joins Austin to talk about how to be agents of unity in difficult political seasons. We learned during the last election cycle of the deep divides within the Church over politics. Josh and Austin talk about what we should not do, and what we should do as we relate to our brothers and sisters who think differently about politics. When the watching world thinks about Christians and politics, we hope they have a more positive example in the future than they have had in our recent past. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.

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    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    17 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 33 minutes 5 seconds
    Political Convictions: What Are They?

    Dan Darling joins the show once again to talk through political convictions. It's no secret that this is a difficult political season for a lot of Christians. Without diving into the weeds of any specific issue, Dan and Austin discuss how we should arrive at our political convictions and how we should relate to brothers and sisters who have arrived at different convictions. Please join us in praying that we'd all do better in showing love and charity towards those with whom we disagree. 


    1. This UWP Podcast Episode was produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.
    2. You can learn more about Dan here

    Support the show

    To learn more about United? We Pray, follow us on Instagram and keep exploring our website. Please consider rating the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and subscribe using your favorite podcast client to hear more!

    10 July 2024, 5:00 am
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